Veteran never die

Chapter 169 [1 Child, 1 Hero, 1 Story]

Chapter 169 [One Child, One Hero, One Story]

0168 【A child, a hero, a story】

"She is the soul of our Chinese nation!"

"In the face of falling lives, is only Guowu standing up?"

"No, there are them!"

Wang Liang then brings out more heroes who make moving choices.

Wu Juping, I think everyone still remembers this name, right?
This name moved us all summer. No matter how hot the summer is, thinking of Mama Wu's deeds makes me feel refreshed.

It was July 01, 30, at [-]:[-] pm.

In a residential area in Binjiang District, Hangzhou.

The incident started when the residents on the ninth floor found two little feet on the windowsill upstairs.

The little feet slide down slowly, and gradually, the whole body of the child can be seen.

Still a girl!
Several people started shouting at the child: "Son, don't move, don't move!"

Two security guards ran over and stood downstairs, not knowing what to do.

"Call the police, call the police!"

"Call the fire department!"

"Look for a property, hurry up and let the parents of the children come back!"

In a panic, the residents on the ninth floor built a ladder to go over, trying to give the girl some support.

At least there is a place to stay!

But the ladder was too short, and just when it reached the little girl's feet, she suddenly fell down.

Eyewitnesses at the time said.

"At that time, I could hear my own heartbeat, and my palms were all sweaty. I didn't dare to look down. This is a fresh life! So it's gone?"

"At that time, I felt that my heart was suddenly hit hard, and I fell down with the little girl, my mouth was wide open, and my mind was blank."

But what happened next shocked everyone present.

A woman who happened to be passing by downstairs kicked off her high heels, kept estimating where the little girl fell, and opened her arms. Just as the little girl was about to fall to the ground, she grabbed the little girl abruptly with her left arm.

Then he took a few quick steps forward and hugged the fallen girl with his bare hands.

An eyewitness at the time said this: "I only heard a 'bang', the girl fell on the grass downstairs, the lady also passed out, and the girl was pressed on the lady's left arm. The girl was lying on her back. Lying on the grass with head facing east and feet facing west, neither of them made a sound."

"At that time, everyone stopped talking, and the atmosphere was terribly quiet. We felt unbelievable and unbelievable. After a few seconds, the girl burst into tears, and we recovered and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. They worked together to get them to the hospital."

"What I remember most clearly is the scene after the fall. Ms. Wu's plaid dress was soaked in blood. It wasn't the little girl's blood, it was her own. She desperately protected the child."

Wang Liang exhaled, and said: "A two-year-old child weighs fifteen kilograms. He falls from a nine-story building with a height of about 25 meters. According to the physical formula, we can deduce that Ms. Wu lifting a little girl means that she lifts the little girl with her hands. Caught an object weighing more than 300 kilograms."

Three hundred kilograms.

It is equivalent to the weight of six bags of cement or eight barrels of household mineral water.

For Ms. Wu, who had just finished giving birth for seven months at the time of the incident, the weight was far beyond her tolerance.

At that time, no matter how much she didn't understand physics, based on common sense, she must have known that it would be very heavy.

But she still didn't hesitate and took a step forward.

The radius and ulna of the left arm was broken into three pieces, the broken end of the bone protruded from the skin, and the arm suffered a comminuted fracture.

This is the result.

Due to the huge impact, Wu Juping might have been crushed to death on the spot.

When interviewed by reporters, she said: "This is instinct, and it is what a mother should do."

I was moved by the award speech given to her by the Chinese column group: "Dangerous life is coming, and the balance of motherhood cannot be swayed for a moment. She stepped forward, caught life, and upheld the traditional virtues of the young, the young and the young. She Not taller than us, but at that moment, we have already looked up."

Wang Liang knew that even if he was touched at the time, people would gradually forget it as time went by.

The Chinese nation is not short of heroes, let alone moving.

Remember, not forget.

When you are full of confusion about life, when you are full of complaints about this society, recall those touches.

At this moment, you will feel that the world is warm and beautiful.

I am also full of confidence in the future.

Wang Liang said: "From a person to a city; from a touch to a compliment; from a kind of concern to a baptism. The most beautiful mother who raised her life with her hands, and even more so with her true, kind, beautiful and great love, moved Hangzhou. The city has moved China and the world."

After the incident, not only the Chinese media, but also the Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, the British "Daily Mail", "Daily Telegraph", and the American "New York Post" and other foreign media rushed to report.

The UAE National newspaper commented on the title "A Child, a Hero, and a Story": "Although we cannot explain such an instinctive reaction to emergencies, if individuals can do this, then the world will surely become better."

British netizen: "A medal should be given to Wu Juping. People like such a real hero, not some football or movie star."

American netizen: "The news in the world is mainly negative. It is heartwarming to see such good news at this time."

Netizens from various countries: "This is a guardian angel!"

Touching Ali Award of 20 yuan, Activist for Justice, Outstanding Worker in Hangzhou, National March 2011th Red Banner Bearer (2012, 2011), [-] Moving Chinese Figures.
Publicity, commendation, and reports are endless and overwhelming.

But Wu Juping and her family have always maintained a low-key attitude: "I am an ordinary person, and I have to return to an ordinary life after all."

Let the ordinary return to the ordinary, and let the great permeate into the ordinary
Wang Liang continued: "Ms. Wu adjusted her position after recovering from her injury. She works in the Group's Social Responsibility Department and is mainly responsible for employee public welfare activities. When I saw her, it was a summer afternoon, and her smile was as sweet as in the photo. , a little more mature and capable. Every day is very fulfilling for her, going to schools, drug rehabilitation centers, and juvenile correctional centers to communicate and help.”

Drug rehab, face to face with drug addicts.

A drug addict who had just become a mother, after hearing Wu Juping's deeds, held her hand tightly and promised in a trembling voice: "I will definitely quit drugs!"

Wang Liang: "The old and the old and the old, the young and the young and the young. These things are easy to memorize, but it is too difficult to practice. Let's work hard!"


Wu Juping, born in 1980, joined the party in 2000, and one of the top ten people who moved China in 2011.

(End of this chapter)

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