Veteran never die

Chapter 168 If You Know, He Has No Regrets

Chapter 168 If You Know, He Has No Regrets

0167 If you understand, he will have no regrets

"Two bowls of old capital fried noodles."

"Okay, wait a moment, both of you."

Coming out of Junbo is Fuxing Road, and the Yangshi Building is on this street, not far away, just a few steps away.

Wang Liang and Sun Weimin, who hadn't had lunch yet, simply found a noodle restaurant to make up for it.

By the way, I also gave netizens some time to ask questions freely. This is already a tacit agreement reached since the live broadcast.

Live broadcast, communication is the most important thing.

It is meaningless to listen to Wang Liang alone.

Some goals are also difficult to achieve.

Ask anything, ask whatever you want.

While waiting for the noodles, Wang Liang said to the camera: "Friends, we still have the old rules. It's best to ask questions related to the military, and you won't answer questions that involve secrets."

Soon, questions came up one after another.

Look dazzling.

But there was one, who was quickly pushed up.

A netizen asked: "Old chief, yesterday morning there was a falling accident in a shopping mall in Xishi City, Shaanxi Province. A woman fell from the eleventh floor. Unfortunately, the woman was smashed, and the two died on the spot. How do you comment on this matter? It is said that this security guard named Zhao Guo is a veteran, and he once served in the Armed Police Force."

Wang Liang did not expect that netizens would ask this question. This incident happened yesterday morning.

Within a few minutes, after media reports, there was an uproar and heated discussions.

Especially the video obtained by the police after the incident (Content: In just a few seconds when the incident occurred, the security guard Zhao Guo kept moving his feet to try to catch the woman who fell from the building, but was caught by the woman who fell from the building. The woman fell heavily, and the two of them stopped moving for an instant.) After the announcement, it can only be described as shocking.

Witness A said: "There was a quarrel among the residents on the [-]th floor that morning. The noise was very loud. The woman stood at the window and tried to jump down. The security guard of the shopping mall who was patrolling below learned about it and shouted downstairs, trying to dissuade A woman. But no one expected that the woman would suddenly fall from upstairs."

Witness B: "When the woman jumped from upstairs, my legs were weak, but I saw the security guard standing there in a daze for about a second. After he realized it, he stretched out his hand to pick it up. As a result, he... ...he was hit by the woman and fell to the ground, bleeding a lot."

Witness B burst into tears after speaking, he witnessed the moment of heroic feat.

Netizens who understand the situation have made detailed introductions in the comment area.

"Zhao Guo is in his early 40s this year and is a veteran. In the 90s, when he was serving in the army in Hunan Province and returning to Shaanxi Province to visit relatives, he saw news reports of floods in Hunan Province. He bought it two days after he returned home. After getting the ticket, he voluntarily returned to the team to participate in the flood relief. Because of his outstanding performance in the flood relief, Zhao Guo made a third-class contribution.”

"Now that I have come to this point, I have to say a few words. I am a colleague of Brother Zhao. I saw someone jump off a building on the news before. Brother Zhao said: 'If you want to pick it up, you must not be able to catch it.' But but This time, he rushed forward without hesitation, and caught it, but...he was also knocked down and paid the price with his life."

"After the parents of Zhao Guo, the security guard who saved lives, learned that their son died while saving lives, the old father's blood pressure was as high as 190 while lying on the hospital bed, and the old mother cried from time to time with the support of her daughter."

"Zhao Guo's old father cried for a while, then fell silent for a while. After a long time, he said slowly: 'I was also a soldier. I have been in the army for more than 20 years. , I would rather lose myself than let others down, the big country has always done this, I know that the big country is to save people, but I still feel uncomfortable when the person is gone!"

Of course, doubts and ridicule are also full of voices.

"Courage is very commendable, but IQ is really owed."

"Don't you have the ability to judge at all? You don't understand the principles of physics at all."

"It's so stupid, it's so stupid, it's impossible to think about it, and you still do it? Is it because you are eager to make contributions? It's not your duty."

The comment area gave netizens who didn't know about this matter a little understanding.

Wang Liang was silent for a long time, and then he said a word: "If you understand, he will have no regrets. It's not that he doesn't understand common sense, it's just because he has been a soldier."

"This is an instinct. This instinct comes from the cruel and rigorous training of the troops. It comes from years of edification and experience in the barracks. It has become the gene in the soldiers' blood. This instinct includes not being afraid of bullets, and even death. . Retrograde is in danger, he can't abandon his comrades-in-arms, let alone the people."

"Because he took an oath under the banner of the Bayi Army. I am a soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and I swear!"

After all, Wang Liang raised his right fist and revisited the oath of joining the army: "I swear, obey the leadership of the Communist Party of China, serve the people wholeheartedly, obey orders, strictly observe discipline, be brave and tenacious, not afraid of sacrifice, practice hard to kill the enemy, and always Prepare to fight, never betray the army, and defend the motherland to the death!"

In fact, Wang Liang's oath when he was a soldier was not this version.

This version is the 12th "Internal Affairs Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army" issued by the Military Commission in June [-]. The new regulations have revised the "Oath of Soldiers".

Previously, there were five versions.

They are the [-] edition, [-] edition, [-] edition, [-] edition, and [-] edition.

Times and contexts change, and the oath constantly adapts to change.

However, the soldiers have unlimited loyalty to the party, the people, the motherland, the Chinese People's Liberation Army and the Chinese People's Armed Police Force.

The unique political stance, work style, and life style of soldiers, as well as the revolutionary spirit of fearing hardship and death remain unchanged.

Regardless of the vicissitudes of the times, the soldiers of the Republic will always serve the people wholeheartedly.

Former or current soldiers, veterans will never die, forge ahead!
Comment area.

"As a former soldier of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, I would like to say that taking an oath is not a form. The oath will be engraved in the bones of every soldier. Whether we are still in the ranks of the People's Liberation Army or not, when the people need us, we will always stand up out, for we are soldiers of the Republic."

"I will always remember the oath of awarding the title and the very sacred scene at that time. This will be a turning point in the military career of a soldier, which means that we have grown from a local youth to a real People's Liberation Army. The burden on us is heavy!"

"Shocked, moved, and tearful. From the oath of the old chief, I felt the majestic power and the fearless spirit."

"Brother Guowu, great job! We understand you!"

"For some people, kindness is really an instinct. When they see a person who has fallen from a building, their first thought is to save people, not the subsequent interests."

"Chinese soldiers, regardless of whether they are in service or not, will sacrifice their lives deeply in their bones. I salute you and go all the way."

"Squad leader, go all the way, your actions are worthy of the experience of the soldiers, and add luster to our August [-]st military flag! Salute!"

Not only the netizens, but also the visitors in the exhibition hall and the commentators were all stunned by Wang Liang's words.

For the veterans who have gone through the flames of war and the test of life and death, the oath has already been fulfilled.

Wang Liang continued: "For a soldier, kindness and bravery do not come from choice, but an instinctive reaction. If you can understand, he will have no regrets."

"In fact, this is also a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation, benevolence. What is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation? The 5000-year history of the Chinese nation has been passed down, and it has influence, can be inherited, and is constantly innovating and developing. It is beneficial. It is an excellent moral heritage for the next generation. It includes: the sum of the Chinese nation’s excellent moral character, excellent national spirit, lofty national integrity, noble national sentiment and good national habits.”

(End of this chapter)

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