Chapter 260 Qingcheng II (27)
at (2)
Who didn't do some stupid things when they were young.

The divorce battle between Jiang Han and I started like this.

Beneath the faction of peace that respects each other as guests, lies the tension that no one knows about.

From the second day on, I hurriedly dragged my swollen ankles and started the first wave of tossing plan-going out of the yard every day to dry some sexy underwear and so on.

This was instructed by Hu Dongduo. When she accompanied me to the sexy lingerie store, she swore that a decent person like Jiang Han must have a good face!You see, you sunbathe every day in the community, and people look into his yard, wow, it tastes so good!Then Jiang Han couldn't take it anymore, so he divorced you!
At first, I was as guilty as a thief, but I wanted a divorce so much, so I didn't want any face, face, or reserve.

I am already 23 years old, which is the legal age for late marriage.If he keeps dragging me down like this, I will become a leftover woman!Sister, don't be a leftover woman!

So, basically, during that time, I bought countless sexy lingerie from Taobao.

On one, three, five, I'll be drying nurses' fishnet outfits in the yard, and on two, four, six, I'll be drying maids' outfits in bunny girl outfits in the yard.

The old lady in the courtyard next door is a handicapped person who sits in a wheelchair every day. Whenever she sees me appearing in the courtyard with a small body shaking, she shakes her head desperately and coughs.

Every day when Jiang Han went home and saw all the colorful things in the yard, he wanted to swallow me in his stomach, especially when the old lady stopped him once, looked at it for a long time, and said, alas, young man.

Then, of course, Jiang Han became the man of the hour in that area.

The limelight is always there.

Every day, I stood eagerly waiting for his return at the gate of the courtyard. Most people can see the daily love show of our "newly married couple".

They thought that every day Jiang Han came back and said to me: Baby, you miss me so much.

Then I took his bag intimately and said: Damn, let you die even worse tonight.

In fact, they don't know that the real conversation is actually like this——

Every day when Jiang Han sees me at the door, he will be vicious, but because of the wait and see of the neighbor's old lady, he can only smile at me and say, Ai Tianya, you are really going to die!

I also looked at the old lady and took his handbag and smiled at him. I said, dear Jiang Han, I really want to die early.But I said "Sister will make you feel so happy", I have to do it!

Or sometimes it's like this -

Every day at the door, Jiang Han could only smile at me because of the neighbor's old lady's watching, he said, look at your frightened look, tell me, what kind of things are you looking for to retaliate against society?

I also looked at the old lady and took his handbag and smiled at him. I said, thongs, dear, free postage dear.Tomorrow you will be even more popular in the community, dear!


At night after I put the little boy to sleep, when I opened the door and left, Jiang Han stood in the corridor, leaning against the wall, under the light, he had a kind of unsettling beauty.

I ignored him, turned around and walked to my room.

He embraced me with an affectionate look, smiled and said, are there any couples who live in different rooms?

These days, I live in the next room. Li Lianhua was still very strange at first, saying, huh?Ma'am, don't you share a room with Mr.
I pretend to be rich in experience and say that distance creates beauty.Then, I turned to look at the young Xiushui, patted her little shoulder, and said, learn a little bit from now on.

Jiang Han didn't care about this at all, but he was probably tossed by me recently, and he was too popular in the community, so he came out tonight to take revenge on the society.

I pushed him away, sneered, and said, what?Convinced?Planning to practice the beauty trick?If you admit defeat, you will divorce me obediently.

Jiang Han shrugged his shoulders, smiled disdainfully, and said, don't tell me you only have this little energy!Let me tell you, I won’t even apply for a divorce visa for you even if you’ve been wearing sexy underwear for 100 years!If you have any new tricks, use them!

He actually said that the divorce "sign" certificate...

The next day, after being stimulated by Jiang Han, I was planning to withdraw from the "Sexy Lingerie" project, and started the second wave of tossing. Hu Dongduo called and said, Tudou, today is Huba's birthday, let's get together.

I said, ah, I don't even remember!
Hu Dongduo said, you are not thinking about leaving with Mr. Jiang, right?Doing wild mandarin ducks with Jiang Han, you have already forgotten us mortals, right?
As soon as she said "wild mandarin ducks", I wanted to fight back, your sister, we are a decent couple, okay?But when he thought about it, he didn't have the confidence to say it at all, okay?

Suddenly I thought of something and said, you have a crush on Huba, right? How do you know his birthday?Damn it, neither you nor Xia Tong are good people, they only eat the grass by the side of Lao Tzu's nest!One robbed my home Huba, and the other missed my home Hainan Island.I really want to curse you both to die.

Hu Dongduo said, cut.Just like the hozen of your Huba, if you want him to have plastic surgery and look like Hainan Island, my sister will reluctantly accept this stingy thing.This is what Jiang Kemeng told me, you are old classmates, Mengmeng said, you are not a noble person, you have forgotten things and forgot about her... Ah!

With Hu Dongduo's scream, the phone was disconnected after a "baji", and after I called again, her phone was turned off.

I was choked by the phrase "Mengmeng" at first, and my impression of Jiang Kemeng has always been in her youthful days when she "gave our girls rat poison" and "loved Hainan Island bitterly". Therefore, when Hu Dongduo entered Ma Xiaozhuo I also told her to stay away from Jiang Kemeng, stay away, stay away from Jiang Kemeng.

But Hu Dongduo dismissed me with the sentence "Who didn't do something stupid when he was young", which made me feel like a villain.

Now, when she mentioned that it was Jiang Kemeng who remembered Huba's birthday, I felt terrified. In the end, before I could say anything, she screamed and scared me.

I hurriedly called Xia Tong, but no one answered Xia Tong’s cell phone, so I decided to call Ma Xiaozhuo, but no one answered——I thought, what the hell, is Ma Xiaozhuo in arrears with some editor’s salary or someone else? The author's manuscript fee, did someone blow up the company with a dynamite bag?
Just when I was about to take a taxi to go to the company to have a look, Xia Tong called me back in a very low voice, saying that Hu Dongduo is fine, don't worry, we will talk about everything when we meet tonight.

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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