Chapter 259 Qingcheng II (26)
at (1)
Farewell, my dear pig teammate.Here comes my dear wolf-like opponent.

The wind is small and the water is cold.

Once the strong man is gone, he will never return.

The next day is Sunday.

Sunday is a sunny day.

When Hu Dongduo sent me out the door, he poured a glass of water uncivilly down the corridor, with a look of farewell on his face, saying that it was a farewell glass of water for me.

She hung a pair of black pants on my nose, and said something to cheer me up, let's go!If you don't enter the tiger's den, how can you get a divorce certificate!
After she worked as an editor, her literary background became more and more surging in her life, but I only felt that this trip was tragic.

In the end, Hu Dongduo sent me to the point of no return with a poem recitation.

She put me in a taxi and said, go!You are the bloody phoenix!go!Women should be self-improvement!go!For a wider forest of love!Go and chop down that crooked-neck tree with a pretty skin!The future world belongs to you!The strong men of the future are all yours!go!With the hope of the party and the people!go!Succeed or benevolent!Self-immolation if you are not benevolent!True love is everywhere in the world, where are the loyal bones buried in the green hills...

Her poem recitation made me want to hug the taxi driver and cry.

Farewell, my dear pig teammate.

Here comes my dear wolf-like opponent.

When I dragged my suitcase and rushed to Jiang Han's residence, it was Li Lianhua who opened the door.

When Li Lianhua saw me, she scratched her head with a smile and said, Ma'am, you...why did you come here so early!Sir... he hasn't woken up yet.

I took off the Heichao very much, and said to her, it's very good!You and Xiushui take Xiaotong out first, my husband and I have something to do.

As soon as Li Lianhua heard it, she immediately understood. She immediately smiled very meaningfully, beamed with joy, and said, "If we have to do it, let's go."

After finishing speaking, she picked up Xiushui, who hadn't figured out what was going on, and went out happily. She probably only saw a man with an "early morning reaction" in her life, and she had never seen a woman with an early morning reaction.

I went upstairs with the suitcase in my arms, took a deep breath, swept away Xiaoshou's temperament, and pushed open the door of Jiang Han's bedroom, with green eyes, like an excited female satyr - the feeling of being a villain is really exciting what.

The sound of the door opening woke Jiang Han up. When he opened his eyes and saw me, he was startled at first, then calmed down. He rubbed his eyes and said, what are you doing here?

I smiled at him and said, divorce me!
Jiang Han looked at me calmly, holding his peach blossom eyes that were slightly swollen from just waking up, and also smiled, saying, no way!

I picked up the suitcase, threw it heavily on his bed, and said, good!Don't get divorced, I will live with you from now on!Eat you, drink you, torture you to death!

Jiang Han sat up with a "whoosh," with a shocked and confused expression on his face.

I sneered, raised my chin, raised my eyebrows at him in protest, and said slowly, recently, I have completely figured it out, you are right!We are legal couples!The law should look like the law!It's outrageous to be separated or something. From now on, we will live a newly married life!Didn't you also see the high H article written by sister last night?Isn't your heart fluttering too?Then let my sister come and train you well!
Jiang Han was unprepared, my sudden wildness made his little face turn green.

All along, he has played the role of the wretched uncle molesting the little loli.And every time I was teased by him, I was extremely embarrassed, flustered and overwhelmed.

After learning from the pain, I have decided, I want to surpass this bitch!End the era of Lolita, jump to the era of Yujie, and directly train him like a queen.I don't believe it anymore, just because of the "three-way" energy of the male and female protagonists who were divorced, disabled and separated when I wrote the novel, I still couldn't get a divorce certificate for myself!
Divorce certificate! ! !Did you think it was a diploma?I still have to pass CET-[-] and still have to take credits! ! !

God bless me, in fact, the little heart of the false queen is also trembling, I was forced to die alive.

Jiang Han was probably confused by me, he stared at me blankly, hugging the quilt to his chest, blinking his sleepy eyes, looking like a lost little angel.

It was the first time I discovered that this black-bellied brother actually had a bit of a delicate sense of justice.Really touching.You are like this, I am not right for you wax oil whip pepper water tiger stool I am really sorry for you!

But not long after, Jiang Han calmed down.

He immediately lay back on the bed lazily, his figure stretched like a swaying vine with fragrance, and he said with a smile: All right!Queen, I am willing to dedicate my pure body to you!
As he said that, while casting winking eyes, he slowly pulled the quilt off his body...

When I saw it, damn it, it was real.So, I ran away, my mouth was still stiff, I have something to do, I will rush to a manuscript first.Waiting to come back to clean you up!Waiting for you!

The bitch Jiang Han laughed wildly behind him and said, don't go!Queen, please!Come and SM me! Baby! Come on! Oh yeah!Ha ha ha ha.


After closing the door, my little heart was beating wildly. Being Yujie is not something ordinary people can do.

I went down the stairs with a trembling little heart, "Chi Chi" sprained my ankle, I screamed "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhss.

When Jiang Han ran out of the room, I was hugging my ankle, "Aiyo".

He stepped forward and said, are you all right?
I saw that he was wearing a nightgown, because he was in a hurry, some clothes were disheveled, the silk draped so well, it stuck to his body, revealing half of his strong chest that made people look tangled.

I blushed and turned my head; he seemed to feel that something was wrong and quickly straightened his clothes, leaned over, and kindly picked me up.

I pushed him away and said, don't hug me!

Jiang Han just laughed and said, if you don't hug, don't hug!Fulfill your loyalty to your family Gu Dalang!After speaking, he pushed me down, dragged my arms and legs, and dragged me directly into the bedroom.

What a shame!What a shame!
This pose!This action!
I was dragged into the bedroom by him like a shabby rag!
I lay on the ground, leaning against his KING SIZE big bed and gasping for breath, almost bursting into tears, I pointed at his nose and yelled, "Are you such a bully?"I am a girl!Do you think I'm a toy!

Jiang Han shrugged and said, I'm kind enough to help you, just let you fend for yourself?
After finishing speaking, he looked at my swollen ankle and asked, where is my aunt?

While holding back my tears and not letting myself cry, I was angry with him and didn't speak.

Jiang Han turned and went out, and soon took back two bottles of Yunnan Baiyao, and wanted to spray it on my ankles, so I pushed him to keep him away.He also simply said without being a gentleman, if you dare to move again, I will tie you to the bed! Sm you!

I was frightened, swallowed my little tears and let him fiddle with me.

He lowered his head, but his beautiful silhouette didn't make my heart flutter at all. I thought of Gu Lang, and the scene when he applied alcohol to my wound, with all the care and care.

But after all, I don't love.

I don't love it.

Thinking of this, my tears swish—and fell down.

Distressed, really distressed ah.

Jiang Han stood up, looked at me crying, and suddenly said in a gentle voice, does it hurt?
I ignore him.

He was sneezed by the aerosol of Baiyao, and said, what a narrow-minded person!
When Li Lianhua and the others came back, I was limping in the living room, Jiang Han went out, and before he left, he said, I'll take you home?

I sneered and said, this is my home!
Jiang Han smiled and said, good!Then don't regret it, girl!
I said, I don't know who regretted it!I will make you regret not divorcing me earlier!

Jiang Han still smiled, with a beaming expression, and said, very good, Honey!I just like your confident little expression!Be sure to keep it!After finishing speaking, he gently kissed his slender index finger and middle finger, and lightly passed my lips like a blown kiss.

When Li Lianhua entered the door, when she saw me limping like this, she had a weird expression on her face.

This weird and hesitant expression lasted all day.

It wasn't until the evening when she was cooking that she hesitated and hesitantly said, Ma'am, the voice is a bit loud and can be heard outside the room... Xiaotong is still young.

I was stunned, not knowing what she meant; after a long time, I understood again.

I blushed and said dryly, uh... I "screamed"... because I fell on the stairs...

Li Lianhua cleaned up the dishes with a low eyebrow, glanced at my feet, and said, I know.But the bedroom is fine, and it won't hurt.This is everywhere, Xiushui and I...

I was straight up beaten.

The explanation was meaningless, so I simply went directly to the living room.

Sitting on the sofa, I began to think, the first battle seems to be unsuccessful, but I will try my best to ruin it to the point where he begged to divorce me!
Thinking of this, I took out my mobile phone and posted a Weibo of demonstration—let’s take it!jerk!Sister will make you cool to the extreme!

Soon, Jiang Han entered the door.

As soon as he saw me sitting on the sofa flicking my phone with joy, he stretched out his big face.It was a naked demonstration, why should I avoid him, so I complacently waved my phone in front of his eyes.

Jiang Han glanced at the Weibo post, narrowed his eyes, and the light in the eyes of the beast was slightly raised in his eyes. Every word, he slowly and slowly blew into my earworm——

Scared!chick!Lord will make you regret it!
(End of this chapter)

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