Chapter 236 Zhao Yun
A wave of positions on the opposite side was not good enough, Lan went straight to the field, used the saved knife to scrape the mirror first, and then immediately used his big move to push the three of them directly in front of his teammates.

The second skill was scraped again, the teammates added output, and the three people on the opposite side evaporated directly.

There is still Jing who is running around, and Ma Chao.Facing the gathering of five of us, the other side has no power to fight back.

Then our side directly pushed away the crystal on the opposite side.

The winning streak has not been interrupted until now, and Lin Mu won the MVP without any surprise.

In the next round, Lin Mu still played the jungler. He found that this position was the easiest to score and also the most stable.

In this round, Lin Mu planned to play Zhao Yun, he wanted to play all the jungle heroes once, and try not to repeat one of them.

Why can playing more Zhao Yun improve his jungle level?One of the reasons is economic.Zhao Yun is a jungler who needs economy very much. Without economy, even if the economy is equal to the enemy, it is not particularly comfortable to fight.Therefore, if you want to play Zhao Yun well, you must always analyze the situation of the game, and then rely on accurate judgment to obtain more economy.

In addition to the normal wild monster economy, Zhao Yun also needs to obtain the economy from the following aspects:

①Teammate's line is mainly to "scratch" a little when catching people, don't deliberately divide the economy;
②For masters and tyrants, Zhao Yun's speed in fighting dragons is not bad, but he is bold in fighting dragons;
③ The enemy's wild monsters, due to their ability to knock into the air, it is possible for Zhao Yun to turn against the wild alone. It is best to judge the route of the opponent's jungler and ambush in advance. In this way, not only can you harvest kills, but you can also harvest more wild monsters ;
④ Heads or assists, when playing Zhao Yun, you don't need to force your heads, but you must get more assists. If there are more assists, the economy will naturally go up.

Also, Zhao Yun had better not be killed in battle. Every time he is killed in battle, several minutes of economic effort will be wasted.Remember, be safe and don't get on your head.

2. Not only jumping

Unlike many assassin junglers, Zhao Yun is not suitable for single-player combat because Zhao Yun's killing line is a bit low.Also chasing the mage on the opposite side, the assassin's set of hits will definitely take the head, and Zhao Yun's set of hits, the mage may still survive.

However, since Zhao Yun's damage is in a range, Zhao Yun's damage effect is more obvious when he is in a team battle.If you experience it carefully in the game, you can clearly feel Zhao Yun's sense of fluency when he is in a team action, and Zhao Yun's sense of fatigue when he is single-handedly catching the enemy.

Therefore, when I was playing Zhao Yun, no matter how tempting the situation was, I would not go up and arrest people alone.

3. After admission

Although Zhao Yun is quite suitable for team battles, it does not mean that Zhao Yun can fight team battles at will.For Zhao Yun, there is a basic point of team battles - entering the arena later.

The reason is that if Zhao Yun entered the arena first, he might evaporate instantly.Moreover, Zhao Yun's dashing ability is good, and his teammates may not be able to keep up. Even if he knocks all the enemies away at once, it may not help.If Zhao Yun finds a suitable opportunity and enters the arena, he can knock the enemy into the air when his teammates are entangled with the enemy. In this way, our output can instantly deal more damage, and the team battle is basically won.

In fact, the vast majority of Zhao Yun players understand the reason for entering the arena late, and the main problem encountered in actual combat is "top".After Zhao Yun gained a certain economic advantage, and after the players tasted a certain amount of sweetness, they would become smug, and then they would forget the experience of "entry into the arena" they had summed up until they were killed. regret but too late.

Therefore, knowing and doing are completely different things.

4. Anti-armor

It can be said that the reason why Zhao Yun has been relatively popular in recent seasons is due to the anti-injury and stab armor.Since the enhancement of anti-injury armor, this piece of equipment has become the core equipment of many fighters and tank heroes, and Zhao Yun is no exception.As for when to release the anti-injury stab armor, players can choose flexibly.If the wind is relatively favorable, anti-armor can be delayed, and if the situation is not good, anti-armor can be released earlier.

Anti-armor is just a relatively core defensive equipment, which does not mean that Zhao Yun cannot use other defensive equipment. Don't confuse this point.

5. The main big move

What I mean is that when playing Zhao Yun, the main move should be based on the big move. No matter what kind of operation, the big move must be involved. Otherwise, it is better for Zhao Yun to choose to run away or give up.

For example, if Zhao Yun is going to push the tower, it is best to go on the premise of having the ultimate move. If the ultimate move is in the CD, no matter how good the conditions are, it is safest to give up.With the ult, no matter how complicated the situation is, Zhao Yun can leave the battlefield with a ult. If there is no ult, if the enemy suddenly appears, Zhao Yun can only fight under the tower, and the probability of death will increase.

Not only that, but Zhao Yun should not be stingy when using big moves.Many players think that the ultimate move has a CD of more than ten seconds. If you use it now, what should you do if there is no ultimate move at the critical moment?
My suggestion is, no matter you are fighting dragons, jungle, clearing the line, catching people, team battles, etc., if you have a big move, just use it directly, and the CD of more than ten seconds will pass in a flash.Also, if your ult is on the CD after the team battle starts, it can remind you to enter the arena later, which can greatly reduce the occurrence of "upper" situations.

6. Multi-push tower

Every jungle hero has his own rhythm points. For Zhao Yun, his rhythm is pushing towers.In other words, whether a Zhao Yun's rhythm is good or not depends on how well his tower pushing is.

The key to Zhao Yun's tower push is one point: don't push the tower deliberately, but push the tower in the process of team action.

If Zhao Yun has been thinking about pushing the tower, there may be a situation where one person leads the line and one person steals the tower. However, Zhao Yun's single-player ability is not particularly strong. up.Therefore, Zhao Yun would rather stay a little longer to push the tower after winning the team battle than to push the tower alone away from his teammates.

In short, Zhao Yun is a jungler worthy of long-term practice.And this hero is very stable. When players really understand this hero, it will become very easy to score.

The little prince of frying fish, a typical Han Xin, A Ke, and Zhuge Liang Xuance, either has a fast economic growth, or has a harvesting mechanism, which can be used for one to five.

Zhao Yun doesn't deserve to be called a powerhouse, at least not many of the power leveling teams I know play Zhao Yun.

The reason is relatively simple, Zhao Yun's damage is too low.

It's unknown, most of the time Zhao Yun can't cut you alone. The damage of fried fish and vegetables is king, and you can never rely on your teammates to help you make up for the damage.

2. It depends on how you define high-end games.

Zhao Yun's T speed has been very low in the peak competition.

You don't need to compare with Jing Luna's peak tiger, who is also a blue-collar wild-core orange who can switch at will. The heat of the peak game is not at the same level as Zhao Yun's.

In the peak game 1350+ jungler, Zhao Yun's winning rate is only higher than that of the monkey, and he is ranked second. Li Xinyao and Yang Jian are not considered junglers.

Compared with Juzi, Juzi has a 40+ appearance rate, Zhao Yun has 15, and Juzi has a higher winning rate than Zhao Yun.

Zhao Yunding was a T2 jungler.

The winning rate of the top [-] list in the peak competition is also only higher than that of monkeys, which is similar to that of oranges.

There is no problem with the strength of oranges. It is impossible for heroes who are too weak to have such enthusiasm. The appearance rate itself is a recognition of strength.

3. If kpl is considered a high-end game, then Zhao Yun is the undisputed top jungler in T1.

In the latest Champions League group match, Zhao Yun's appearance rate was second among all heroes, with a winning rate of 55+.

Kpl's current strength can stabilize Zhao Yun, only the mirror.

But Jing's winning rate is not at the same level as Zhao Yun's.

Tiger is a hero without a late stage in kpl.

Luna is not suitable for kpl.

Tangerine Cut C is not as fierce as Zhao Yun, and his injury resistance is far inferior to Zhao Yun.

Why is kpl Zhao Yun so strong.

1. Zhao Yun's ability to resist injuries is an assassin's ceiling.

This is basically uncontroversial. The other assassins are just to avoid being second. Zhao Yun can really resist for two more seconds.

2. Zhao Yun's ability to assassin ceiling after cutting.

Normally, Lulu Monkey can cut to the back simply because of poor positioning, or because he was found an opportunity to go around the back.

Kpl opened and closed 5v5, but no one gave you a chance.

Card vision 1+3 low-latency ultra-long-distance stable knock-up, almost the strongest after-cut ability of assassins at present.

Han Xin's delay is lower and the distance is farther, but unfortunately he is a waste in kpl.

Kpl Zhao Yun is ok if he plays control, so he can replenish his flesh. In the mid-term, there is an anti-armor or ominous Zhao Yun. He is really the god of war Zhao Zilong.

How many Zhao Yuns in the passerby game will make a black cut and make up for the top?
Your pure output can cut people to death, but isn’t it good to play Han Xinjing? Pure output damage is enough, but Zhao Yun’s passive is completely wasted. So what if it’s [-] or [-] damage-free? Without armor and HP, it’s as fragile as paper Same.

3. The blue-collar wild core can be switched at will, adapting to almost all lineups.

It's very comfortable to choose Zhao Yun bp. Taiyi shoots father system, Zhao Yun's match is no problem at all, Zhang Liang's tool man Zhao Yunyehe can still play.

If you choose Jia Luosun Shangxiang here, can you still take wild cores like Lulu? No, the requirements for your lineup will be too strict if you choose Lulu again, you must guard the wild area.

Now Zhao Yun has slowly moved closer to Jiang Ziya.

Kpl and passers-by bureaus are severely differentiated.

In the passerby game, you play the assassin, the post-cut mission is basically yours, and the assassin will occasionally help you on the sidelines.

But most of the time it is on their own. Now that there are so many Mengya and Marcos, Zhao Yun's head is getting bigger when he sees it. It is not enough for one person to cut the damage anyway.

The Witch blocks big move damage, unknown block damage, Meng Ya sprints, and Marco moves in two stages, as long as you can't fall in seconds, you may be the one who dies.

Kpl is up, what is needed is Zhao Yun's 1+3 ultra-long-distance control, as long as he gets it, it will be gone.

If you have this teammate, you will also produce meat. Who doesn't want to enter seven and seven out. If the pure output big move is empty, it will die by default. This is too embarrassing.

In addition, Zhao Yun has also been strengthened twice, and the current strength is usable.

If it is a group arrangement, it is recommended to play Zhao Yunhei and then fill up the meat.

Pursuing the ultimate damage resistance, it is unknown, the strongest material resistance equipment, I can no longer find the original data post.

But if you usually look at what Marco Guan Yu, who only has one item of physical resistance, can understand, a thousand blood volume is much more powerful than that more than 100 armor.

In pursuit of output, then anti-armor, anti-armor is a small piece of output equipment.

Zhao Yun is a hero suitable for tacit team formation, and his teammates can make up for his lack of damage.

For passers-by, it is better to choose a jungler like Xuan Ce Han Xinjing. Although Xuan Ce's damage is low, his control is top-notch, and he will die with a crispy hook.

As for Han Xin, he has long since gotten rid of the Xinbai Monkey echelon, and he can't talk about a strong jungler, but he can do a little bit of pushing tower control, dragon cutting and c control.

Buy a small jungle knife first when you go out, and choose red or blue based on the position of the enemy's weak side. The blue will clear the jungle faster, and you can advance to level 4 to enter Zhao Yun's strong period. The purpose of the red is It is to increase the intensity of fighting for the He Dao Ling in the middle lane at 1 minute, and at the same time, it can also grab the enemy's weak side lanes along the way and help teammates gain a laning advantage.

After Zhao Yun reaches level 4, his strength will change qualitatively. Therefore, before level 4, it is necessary to avoid head-to-head encounters with enemies, especially against early strong junglers such as Pangu, Pei Qinhu, and Yun Zhongjun.When your own lineup is strong in the early stage and the enemy lineup is weak in the early stage, you can try to go against the field with your teammates; and when the enemy lineup is strong in the early stage and your own lineup is weak in the early stage, in order to avoid being invaded by the enemy's group and grab the rhythm, You can also try to go against the wild by yourself, and minimize the loss through resource exchange.

When the game time reaches 1 minute, river spirits will be randomly spawned on both sides of the river in the middle lane, and the income is close to red and blue.At the same time, when the game time is close to 2 minutes, Zhao Yun has already been promoted to level 4, and he needs to start wandering and catching people to bring the rhythm up.

In the ban selection stage, we can first define the main goals of the game. In principle, we adhere to the principle of "grasp more breakthroughs, help the good and not the bad", and focus on consolidating the dominant road.

When clearing the wild, look at the small map more and grasp the enemy's movements, which will make it easier to judge the route of arresting people.And when the trace of the enemy is found, the teammates can be notified, so that the teammates can avoid being caught.

Observe the positions of the lines of soldiers on both sides, and focus on the road with the deepest enemy line, because when the line of soldiers is inside the enemy tower, you have to jump over the tower if you want to catch people, which is too risky; and when the line of soldiers is close to your own tower, you must grab It will be much easier for people.

Analyze the characteristics of the heroes on both sides, and capture more lanes where teammates have control skills or the enemy has no displacement skills, which can increase the success rate of capture; you can also capture more lanes where teammates have economic or level advantages, so as to ensure that they will not be countered when catching people. hit.

When Zhao Yun is catching people, his usual combo is 1-3-A-2, which can complete ultra-long-distance dash, play group control and output.

After capturing the side lanes, if you infer that the environment is safe by observing the small map, you can seize the opportunity to cooperate with your teammates to push the tower, and by the way, a few more waves of pawn lines.The jungler's money farming priority is as follows: eat the line and push the tower > control the dragon and fight against the wild > only farm your own wild.In addition, pay attention to making up the knife when rubbing the line, and you can get 50% extra economic benefits.

Game time 2 minutes: the prophet dominates and the tyrant competes.

Game time 4 minutes: The blocking mechanism of the defensive tower disappears, and you need to start to group and advance.

Game time 9 minutes: The Shadow Lord and Dark Tyrant are about to be brought out. You need to make a good layout of the field of vision, and don't drop points.

Game time 10 minutes: Brush out the shadow master and the dark tyrant, and start to operate and fight around the shadow master and the dark tyrant.

Prophet Domination and Tyrant are refreshed 3 minutes after the kill.

Shadow Lord and Dark Tyrant are refreshed 5 minutes after killing.

How to judge the priority of taking the Prophet Dominator or the Tyrant: When the game time is just over 2 minutes, it is better to take the Tyrant first, and the team's economic benefits are higher; and when the game time is approaching 4 minutes, it is better to take the Prophet Dominator, because after 4 minutes There will be artillery soldiers later, and the economic income of the soldiers line will catch up with the Vanguard Dominator. At this time, taking the Prophet Dominator is equal to suppressing the enemy team economy, and if the enemy fails to make up the knife, the Vanguard Dominator will lose 50% of the additional economic income and loss More economical.In addition, after 4 minutes, the defense tower's injury-free mechanism disappears, and it is more conducive to line control operations with the vanguard, which is also a very important rhythm point.

How to judge the priority of taking the Shadow Dominator or the Dark Tyrant: It is better to take the Dark Tyrant first when the wind is downwind, which can make your team fight more stable and break through the high ground faster; while it is better to take the Shadow Dominator first when the wind is headwind, and summoning the Vanguard Dominator can ease the pawn line pressure.

If the game is successful, Zhao Yun needs to think more about tower pushing and anti-jungle, just like in professional games, arresting people often does not seek to kill, but only to disable the enemy and let them go home to get the opportunity to push the tower and fight against the jungle.Anti-jungle can not only improve the economy, but also suppress the enemy's economy, and each tower can narrow the enemy's vision and defense range, which is more conducive to controlling dragons and counter-jungle.But if unfortunately it becomes a headwind, you must learn to steal development when playing Zhao Yun. Don't forget that Zhao Yun is a stab, and the damage is based on the economic foundation.Stealing development means that when the enemy comes to attack your wild area, don't take team battles hard. You have to learn to detour with the enemy and go to the enemy's wild area to complete the resource exchange.Zhao Yun's mobility is very strong, and he needs to flexibly use his skills and characteristics to keep his economy ahead, so as to hit the highest burst damage and bring the rhythm of the audience.

The game time is 20 minutes: spawning the Storm Dragon King is an essential rhythm point, because after 20 minutes, the blood volume and attack power of the soldiers line will increase sharply with time, so the electric shock buff gain of the Storm Dragon King is very necessary to deal with the soldiers line and increase team battle output, and at the same time, the shield buff gain of Storm Dragon King can also improve team battle frankness and increase team battle rate.

In team battles, Zhao Yun can use his ult to kill the enemy first or use group control. If he is empty, he can use a skill to retreat immediately. There is no need to be tough, because usually the jungler’s economy is higher than other positions. Fortunately, when Zhao Yun's blood volume is low, the passive avoidance of injury will become very useful, and the second skill can recover blood when hitting the enemy, which makes Zhao Yun's blood volume deceptive: if the remaining blood can counterattack, don't run for your life. You can hide skills with every move, and you can use the second skill to return blood to continuously play with the enemy and perform very good operations.

(End of this chapter)

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