After the divorce, I married the richest man

Chapter 797 Well, it's extremely insulting

Chapter 797 Well, it's extremely insulting

Su Nianen slowly raised her eyes.

"I haven't washed my husband's shorts, why should I wash yours?"

Eric's figure flickered, not sad.

Rather, shock!
"For so many days, I haven't washed my underwear..."

Su Nian'en didn't want to say more, he didn't know if he washed it or not?

"You can move now, wash yourself."

Eric suppressed his displeasure, wanted to speak a few times, but swallowed the words again.

Su Nianen said again:
"So, don't do this for me. In my country, it's very private, and it must not be replaced by outsiders."

Eric said: "Under special circumstances, special treatment, if you don't wash it, how can you change it? Women are different from men, and it is more important to wash and change frequently."

Su Nianen said in a low voice:

"I don't want to discuss this matter with you. Even if we are friends for many years, this is not a topic that can be discussed."

Eric picked up the basin, cleared it with water, then poured hot water out of the pan, and soaked the little pants that had been cleaned by his hands into the hot water.

He said:

"Boiling water for disinfection will cause too many reactions during your menstrual period, so you must pay more attention to hygiene."

Su Nianen stared at him intently.

Eric then straightened up and walked towards her.

"If you insist on refusing, I will no longer touch your private items."

Then he said again:

"Going to the bathroom?"

Su Nianen didn't respond, but Eric took the initiative to support her and went to the toilet.

The cause of Su Nianen's colic was probably due to cold and diarrhea.

After a long pause, my body finally felt a little better.

She walked out with her numb legs, and Eric waited outside. Seeing that she finally came out, he hurried forward and asked:
"How is it? Is it better?"

Su Nianen did not answer but instead asked:

"Are you inflamed again? Because of exertion, or did you not rest well?"

Eric denied, "No, don't worry, I'm fine, and I won't delay your return to the capital."

"That's good, Mr. Eric, I ask you not to be arrogant, and take care of yourself. I haven't been feeling well these two days, but I'm much better today. Besides, this can't kill anyone. After these two days God, I can do these things myself."

Eric's tone became obviously colder.

"You're already like this, why don't you come by yourself?"

Su Nian'en said helplessly: "Can I ask you to take care of yourself? I'm really afraid that something will happen to you suddenly. No matter how severe my pain is, it can't compare to your sick beauty's body."

Eric somewhat minds such a low evaluation.

What man doesn't mind being told no?

Su Nianen went back and continued to lie on the wooden plank. Seeing that Eric was about to lie on the ground, she paused and said in a low voice:

"Or, let's lie down halfway, don't think too much, special arrangements are made for special circumstances."

She really didn't want anything to happen to this sick beauty just because she had been lying on the ground all night.

She always remembered what the old man said just now, that his wound was inflamed again.

Not so clear, but I really heard it.

In order to be able to return to the capital as soon as possible, leaving here, lying on the same board is a trivial matter.

She is currently in her menstrual period, so she can survive it by herself, so she can't lie down on the ground.

Eric's eyes were clear and there was a smile in his eyes.

"In China, women can invite men to share the same bed?"

Su Nian'en corrected him, "This is not a bed, it's just a plank where you can take a rest, a plank that's not as cold as the ground."

Eric is not hypocritical, which is what she agrees with.

"I'll just lie on the side. If you're worried, let's learn from Butterfly Lovers and put seven bowls of water in between?"

Su Nian'en said:
"No, you are not a normal man. Besides, I am also in a special situation."

Very safe.

"You..." Eric hesitated to speak.

Not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Eric was so angry that he stayed up half the night.

But Su Nian'en slept very well, and the long-lost thing called "sense of security" was firmly in the bottom of her heart.

Su Nian'en's menstrual period passed through suffering, and Eric's injury also recovered a lot.

At this time, they had already stayed in this small fishing village for eighteen days.

Eric Dadi was reluctant to leave, feeling a little underwhelmed.

However, more and more people in the small fishing village knew that someone in the town was inquiring about outsiders.

The old man alone was unable to prevent the news from reaching Su Nianen's ears.

So, eighteen days later, Su Nianen finally left the fishing village in her car.

However, the fuel in the car is running out.

I drove all the way anxiously, but I filled up the gas in the nearest small town.

The gas in the car was filled up, and Su Nianen instantly felt safe.

Now, she is completely fearless.

After walking out of the fishing village, her mobile phone could receive signals intermittently.

But he didn't dare to make a phone call. Now that the car was full of gas, the mobile phone was connected to the car charging cable immediately, and then he called the capital.

After reporting her safety to everyone, she finally felt a little more at ease.

As for the company's affairs, of course, I couldn't tell for a while on the phone, and I had to wait for her to return to the capital to talk about it in detail.

But there is one thing, the new policy has been announced to the public, and Lingfeng Group was unsuccessful in the bidding.

The new partner of the New Deal is not the Kames family behind Eric.

This news is enough to bother Su Nianen back to the capital.

Moreover, it also made her unable to digest.

So, this is called praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind.

The new King of Bloom personally contacted the Kames family, and the hereditary Duke Eric also came to Maumee Jones from England.

As a result, it was a vain game?

The reason couldn't be the bidding day, because others weren't there, right?
Even if the Duke himself is not present, the Kames family behind the Duke has no team?

Su Nianen wanted to laugh, but couldn't.

Rather than falling into the hands of others, the general natural gas engineering project might as well fall into the hands of Eric.

At least, this noble gentleman has promised to follow up with her cooperation.

As for the mysterious rich businessman who was hit by the egg, she had never heard of it before!
Moreover, the New Deal is even more secretive to the outside world.

When Su Nianen thought that it took him eighteen days to hug the wrong thigh, he felt very uncomfortable.

Su Nianen digested it by herself for a long time, and then drove back to the small hotel in a depressed mood.

Considering Eric's physical condition, they went to the shop in time when it was dark.

But, now, at this moment.

After Su Nianen had a phone call with the capital, she didn't want to "serve" this person anymore.

I didn't want to in my heart, but in fact the car drove back to the hotel.

At the narrow hotel entrance, Eric's tall and wide figure stood there.

Seeing Su Nianen's car parked in front of him, he raised his eyes, his eyes were bright and sharp.

It wasn't until Su Nianen got out of the car that his eyes gradually softened.

Su Nian'en walked towards him, and Eric said in a low voice:
"I thought you left by yourself."

Su Nianen smiled and said without any concealment:
"I have this idea."

Eric asked again: "So, why didn't you leave? Don't you want me?"

Su Nianen had no choice but to turn to him, poked his heart and said:

"Just because I still have a conscience."

Eric said:

"I hit the wine, bought the meat, and toasted us."

(End of this chapter)

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