After the divorce, I married the richest man

Chapter 796 Taking care of and being taken care of

Chapter 796 Taking care of and being taken care of
Su Nianen smiled lightly, and the gentle sea breeze blew her hair.

Su Nianen said:

"Your blaming concern came a bit suddenly, sir, what's the matter, have you been in love for a long time?"

Su Nianen's heart is like a mirror, the two of them are living in this hut right now, they have nothing to do, the first thing they see when they open their eyes every day is each other, and the last thing they see before going to bed is also the other side.

It is reasonable for the mind to be affected in such a state of life.

This kind of slight heartbeat, if we get along for a longer time, maybe it can develop into a true relationship.

However, they are on one side and have their own lives.

This slight heartbeat will naturally disappear quickly with the separation.

If she can think clearly, he will naturally be more clear.

But when she said it so clearly and frankly, Eric was shocked again.

Eric smiled wryly:

"Don't allow friends to care about you?"

Su Nianen said:

"If we can reach a cooperation, we don't need to care about those who don't."

Eric answered helplessly, "A woman who always talks about her interests is not cute."

Su Nianen was too lazy to care about his thoughts.

"Sir, you only need to agree to my request. It's not cute, and it doesn't matter."

Eric was speechless for a moment.

Most likely, he wanted to talk to her about love.

But she only has money in her eyes and heart.

Even if she wanted to be cute, her cuteness was not for outsiders like him.

Su Nianen lay down on the wooden board and sighed softly.

"At this age, at this age, even lying on a wooden board feels extremely happy. My requirements for happiness are too low."

I was so moved that I wanted to cry.

She had slept on that hard, cold ground for more than ten days.

Su Nian'en felt extremely uncomfortable when she thought about this terrible ghost life.

At this time, she couldn't do anything wrong, but she just guarded such an outsider!
To be able to have follow-up cooperation and sign a contract, the protection of these ten days is worth it.

just in case……

Su Nianen immediately stopped, not thinking about what might happen.


Vomiting blood.

Eric brought seafood soup, "It's cooked according to your method, you can eat something."

Su Nian'en waved his hand, "No need, I drank two sips of water at that time, the pain was beyond bound."

Eric understood after a while.

"Can't eat?"

"No, my stomach hurts." Su Nianen closed her eyes and replied weakly.

Eric feeds her soup with a clay spoon.

As the heat approached, Su Nianen turned her head, and then her face was full of resistance.

"For me to feel better, I can't eat, so don't mess with me, okay?"

Eric was very weak, "How can you do without eating? How can you keep up with your nutrition without eating in this period?"

Su Nian'en waved his hand, "No need for nourishment, let's get through it first."

The menstrual blood has already come down, so it won't be so painful anymore.

As for stomach pain, as long as you don't eat, you're fine.

This pain will gradually lessen.

Once the menstrual period is over, she will be alive and well immediately, and then she will comfort her stomach by herself.

Now here, there is nothing, the medicine and equipment used before, nothing.

She dared not eat, drink or move at all.

Eric came out of the hut, not knowing what he was doing.

When Su Nianen was in a daze, Eric's figure appeared.

"Does this work?"

Su Nianen slowly opened his eyes, Eric took a leather bag, filled it with hot water, and sealed the opening.

Su Nian'en didn't speak, just took it and pressed it on her lower abdomen, and fell asleep again in a daze.

Eric observed her state, although her face was ugly and she was very fragile.

But at least it wasn't as scary as last night, no more heart-piercing pain and cold sweat.

It didn't hurt that much, so he didn't plan to give her any more painkillers.

If it's not necessary, don't eat it if you can.

The matter of physical pain is far from Eric.

He thought, it looks like he needs to work on something to deal with physical pain.

Not to mention achieving the effect of elimination, but there must be a way to relieve pain.

Su Nianen fell asleep in a daze, and in a trance, she heard the old man's voice.

The voice said whether it was near or not, and whether it was far or not, it was just outside the hut.

It seemed that Eric's wound was red, swollen and inflamed again. I heard this sentence when I didn't hear anything else.

Just because of this sentence, she couldn't sleep well, and she was yelling at Eric in her dreams.

I don't want to stay here anymore, I can't wait to go back to the capital, I want to go back home, I want to go back and see the children.

As he was thinking about it, he seemed to see Xuanxuan, Fubao and Little Surprise, the three children appearing in front of him in turn.

"Mommy, Mommy..."

"When are you coming home, Mommy?"

The daughter's soft voice seemed to be in my ears.

Su Nian'en was so distressed that she wanted to cry, but she couldn't cry, she was held back and suppressed all the time.

Then, a sharp pain pulled her out of the dream slowly.

She woke up in a daze, with throbbing pain in her lower abdomen.

She pressed her stomach and lower abdomen, and when she woke up, she was so painful that her facial features were distorted and hideous.

The hut was full of light and shadow, and Eric was not seen.

Looking at the dark environment outside, I don't know what time it is.

I haven't eaten all day, and my body is a little weak when I get up.

From getting up to getting off the ground, this action took at least 10 minutes.

During these 10 minutes, she heard voices outside and knew that it was Eric who came back.

But she waited for a long time, and Eric didn't come in.

Eric moved out step by step, and stood by the door almost silently.

At this moment, Eric was squatting halfway, washing the little blood-colored pants she had changed with steaming water.

The close-fitting underpants were only washed by her husband Gu Xichuan when she was pregnant with two children and her movements were very cumbersome.

And right now...

Su Nianen didn't know what to say for a while.

Take a deep breath, then stand firm and walk over step by step.

Probably her voice startled him, and Eric turned his head immediately.

"Are you up? You've been lying down all day, are you feeling better?"

Eric didn't stop quickly after she found out, or show embarrassment.

It is very natural, like doing an extremely natural thing.

Su Nianen didn't have the strength to push him, but approached him and kicked the pot over.



The basin was filled with water and turned over to the ground.

But the little pants were pinched in Eric's hands.

"Who asked you to wash it?"

Su Nianen asked a little angrily, her voice was not loud, and she didn't have the energy to get angry.

The low growl exhausted all his strength, he pressed his lower abdomen with his hands, bent slightly, and then stood still.

Eric stood up straight, his stature was much taller than hers.

He calmly said:

"Why are you angry? You also washed me many times. Could it be that you still have feudal thoughts in your heart, and only women can do starching and washing?"


Su Nianen was speechless for a while, and said in a low voice:
"My anger has nothing to do with gender, but! We are not close enough to wash each other's underwear."

"Underwear, this is a very private matter, this is personal privacy!"

Su Nianen took a deep breath, she didn't believe Xixi didn't have these scruples!
Eric suddenly asked:
"So, you didn't wash my panties?"

(End of this chapter)

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