Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 872 Defeat like a mountain

Chapter 872 Defeat like a mountain

I remember that before Wang Hou crossed over, in the first online novel "Zichuan", the protagonist said a word, in a million-level battle, the commander who puts the last company in the most appropriate position will definitely win .

Dormant for a few days, covered with the blood and lives of tens of thousands of soldiers, Guan Qiujian's 2000-strong light infantry was the last straw that overwhelmed the camel. At the mountain pass, they came from Handan, Yingchuan, and Sanchuan. When Hongnong's gentry armed forces were still fighting to the death with the equally fearless Liangzhou soldiers, suddenly, arrows rained down from behind.

Hiding behind, holding swords and hissing to force the tenant farmers in the manor to rush forward, the gentry suffered first. Under the piercing of double bows and crossbows, even if they were wearing heavy armor from Liaodong, the Taiwei's From the grandson, Da Sikong's distant nephew was also shot down to the ground.

This time, instead of using the gentry lords to restrain the tenant farmers and infantry under him, they threw away their helmets and armor, and the officer corps composed of aristocratic families also collapsed.

"Don't retreat! Don't retreat! You cowards, are you going to abandon Your Majesty and Sima Gong? Go back and fight! Warlord!"

Shouting at the top of his lungs, Wang Ji no longer had the majesty he had when beheading the captives. He dragged his fellow generals and officers who ran away from him, and his colleagues who had talked about the world's major affairs together in Yecheng, yelled with grief.

It's a pity that everyone pays attention to him, and he is the most disrespectful scholar. The bloody ones are still doing their best to fight with more and more Liangzhou troops who are attacking the front line. You will not be able to drag him if you are spineless. Grow your bones.

The reasons for the chaos of the Five Dynasties are reflected here vividly. They are increasingly favored politically, and the regime gradually stabilized. The decay of the last days.

The family has two days and thousands of acres, and they are destined to be high-ranking officials from birth, so they don't want to die on the battlefield!
And in desperation, he pulled out his sword and killed two gentry officers who were fleeing backwards in succession. Just when Wang Ji's face was full of ferocity, suddenly a beast-like roar came from the chaotic battlefield at the narrow mountain pass, Hula All of a sudden, the three Eastern Wei infantrymen were swept away with an axe, and the tenant farmers who lost their own landlords to supervise the battle simply turned around and ran away with trembling legs. A gap was forcibly torn open in the thick defensive net !
"Bastard, give back my brother's life!"

Immediately afterwards, amidst roaring like an ancient evil, a big man from Liangzhou, holding a long ax drenched in blood and wearing bright red armor like a rhinoceros, slammed headlong into the pole and burned it. The lesser half of Wang Zijun's banner.

His face was vaguely similar to that of the captive strong man who was the first to break through the formation a few days ago, was exhausted, and was finally beheaded by his own order. Seeing this fierce look, the king holding a bloody sword Ji lost all courage immediately, just like Yan Chengyu, the clan of the Jin Dynasty at the end of the Battle of Yehuling, turned around and ran away.

Daringly, he has the determination to order others to die, but he doesn't have the determination to die himself.

As soon as the Shuai flag moved, the Zhoushikou defense line, which had already lost its morale, completely collapsed this time. The infantrymen of the Eastern Wei army who swarmed out from the mouths of the mountain camps to resist completely abandoned the battle. , and began to flee backwards desperately.

Just like the Jin Army after the Battle of Yehuling, on the vast Xizhou Mountain, Wang Ji still had at least [-] to [-] troops stationed on the pass and mountain ridges to guard against the invasion of the Western Army, just like the Mongolian army that broke through the Jin Army's defense line. , I don't care how many times you guard, I will only break all the way!Tens of thousands of iron troops rolled in from Zhoushikou, destroying the offensive set up by the gentry at the mountain pass, followed by bursts of huge explosions, the masonry concrete and other roadblocks at the mountain pass were blown to pieces by explosives, and turned into pieces. for dust.

Then, the heavy horseshoes rolled up the sky and covered the sky and dust, and they came out of the mountain pass. Sima Yi deliberately wanted to intercept Wang Hou's iron cavalry outside Jingxing, but relying on the spirit of daring to dismount and fight for his life, these horses were destroyed by Qiang. For the sake of the Kansai children who have been in trouble for more than 100 years, they still fiercely killed them.

Then, it was a replica of the Battle of Yehuling. Following the retreating commander's flag, the infantry stationed in the centipede-like mountains and valleys also gave up their positions, fled the barracks in panic, and ran towards the east He said, but just ran out of the barracks, on the main road of Jingxing, in the narrow mountain, heavy armored cavalry had already killed, and even the cavalry didn't have to put on any special offensive posture, with lances under their armpits, all the way to Just run wildly forward, trampled by horseshoes, there are screams and howls of pain, after these cavalry have run past, there will be only a mess of broken meat left, dyeing the road red.

However, the cavalry has been sticking to the ultimate goal, just like following Wang Hou's Wang Zishuai flag, relentlessly chasing a Wang Ziqi banner that was torn in half by the artillery fire, refusing to stop for a moment.

Ambushing the Liangzhou Army with Wang's Liannu, these can be forgiven, because each is the master, but Wang Ji's arrogant attitude afterwards, he refused to collect the corpses of the Western Army in an extremely insulting manner, and even hacked and killed the prisoners of war in public, which completely angered these people Guanxi men, under Wang Hou's command, have never been known for their tolerance. On the contrary, from Liaodong to the Western Regions, Wang Hou's subordinates are known for their vengeance!

The debts owed must be repaid after all. Now Wang Ji has realized that, riding a war horse, his teeth are trembling and rattling. While running wildly, he still looks back from time to time. With a golden spoon in his mouth, the young master who looked down on his fellow clan and was willing to bow his head for the lowly business of a businessman from the bottom of his heart abandoned all his iron and blood pride to the back of his mind.

If possible, he would rather keep a shop in Linzi than appear on the Shura battlefield.

However, the choice he made was ultimately irreversible. Suddenly, at the moment when he looked back in a hurry, the horse's hoof suddenly stepped on the ground, and then, the vigorous General Wang fell on the cold stone.

"Come back! This general is Langya Wang, you slaves, come back to me! Save me!"

Stretching out the gentry robes he was still wearing under his armor, Wang Ji yelled at his followers in fear. In the eyes of fear, the half-broken king flag was also thrown aside, and the remaining dozen or so guard cavalry ran away without even looking back.

However, while he was trembling like a plague chicken, the Western Wei army did not kill him on the spot. Hundreds of them ran at the forefront, and armored cavalry without horse armor surrounded him layer by layer. The first one After tearing apart the line, the blood-clothed Liangzhou man with a big ax in his hand put the blade of the halberd on his neck, and immediately slapped Wang Ji hard in the fear that Wang Ji's tears came out of his eyes.

"take away!"

(End of this chapter)

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