Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 871 Wang Xingtai's Wild Fox Ridge

Chapter 871 Wang Xingtai's Wild Fox Ridge

The intensity of the war has far exceeded the level of the era of the Three Kingdoms at the end of Han Dynasty!
In the whistling sound, the flowering grenade shells that only appeared in the late Ming Dynasty fell hard on the hillside with black smoke in the long tail sound, and the shot balls that exploded in all directions splashed everywhere. One by one, the tiger squatting guns that were carried up were also shooting directly at the parapet at an elevation angle. In the shooting regardless of the cost, the stone parapet was beaten like a dog's teeth, missing pieces one by one.

I have to admit the quality of reinforced concrete. Even after two days of field bombardment in Liaodong, the left and right bunkers made of reinforced concrete were not destroyed. However, the four Wang's Liannu, which cost a lot of money to imitate, can still be used now. When the tractor chugs and chugs, its high-frequency use destroys all the spare hundreds of crossbows.

A quarter of Wang Ji's general flag was torn off by artillery fire, but for the absolute loyalty of the family, even if the fight was so difficult, he still bit the bullet and carried it to death.

Just after the artillery fire stopped, once again, a large number of Liangzhou soldiers rushed up again, and behind the parapet, the Eastern Wei infantry mobilized from various deep battalions also quickly filled up. Jian Gudi fought fiercely.

In the past three days, Wang Hou's heart has become a little bit colder from the exercise. Holding the binoculars, he watched his subordinates fighting bravely in the crowd, and piles of corpses fell on the road. This time, he didn't even have an eyelid. blink.

Even if Wang Hou has been in the army for so many years, the damage in the past few days is because of seeing. More than 300 people died in battle, and the number of wounded was three times that. The recovered corpses even filled a plain behind. Thanks to this It was still early spring, the weather was still cold, and the corpse did not stink, otherwise it would have been a hellish scene.

After watching the ferocious and brutal battlefield for a while, Wang Hou's eyes suddenly turned to the west, and a look of anxiety appeared on his cheeks.

Why is he so confident that no matter how high the price is, he has to fight Sima Yi's 37 army in a decisive battle in the mountains that are not conducive to him?
Because someone has done it in history, Genghis Khan.

In the first battle of Mengjin, he once defeated and annihilated 45 main forces of the Jin army with [-] cavalry at Yehuling. , Why can't his well-equipped western army do it.

And Temujin's method of breaking the gold was not very clever. After concentrating the main force to feign the attack on the Heifengkou of Yan Chengyu's central army, General Mu Huali launched a surprise attack from Badger's mouth at the tail of Yehu Lingwei, taking advantage of the gathering of various golden troops to resist at Heifengkou At that time, the bloody battle took Badger's mouth, and then rushed along the ridge with light soldiers, circled behind Heifengkou, and attacked Genghis Khan's main force on both sides. Wanyan Chengyu's 10,000+ people were defeated immediately.

Now, Guanqiu Jian played the role of Mu Huali. Under his leadership, the Liaodong Second Corps had long been lurking at the Xiaoxingkou of Xizhou Mountain, the wild boar path at the end of Wang Ji's defense formation.

For the past few days, he has been dormant, Wang Hou did not give him an order to attack, and he was not in a hurry, because both he and Wang Hou knew that there was only one chance.

But today, this opportunity has arrived!
At the defensive position of the parapet of Yezhujing, another group of Eastern Wei soldiers held the flag and sent reinforcements to the north. It was also more than ten meters high. To see a human head.

Moreover, the defenders were extraordinarily absent-minded, looking north from time to time. The battle in Zhoushikou was too fierce and cruel these days, and no one knew who was the next team to be pulled into the meat grinder.

In this worried mind, no one noticed that on the cliff beside the small pass opening to the southwest, flying claws were thrown, and more than a dozen Liaodong sergeants wearing only leather armor stepped on the cliff that fell straight down to the earth and pulled The rope, climbed up with difficulty, and then tied the rope to the root of the tree, and the next group of light infantry climbed up again.

In these years, fighting against the Jurchen ancestors hidden in the primeval forest in Liaodong, no matter whether it was the First Corps or the Second Corps, they used this surprise attack method, so Wang Hou also entrusted this arduous task to Wu Qiu Jian.

But this is not Liaodong after all. Suddenly, a large piece of dry rock fell down with a crash, and the officer of an unknown clan who was still leaning on the edge of the pass, absent-minded, immediately shouted vigilantly.


At this moment, Guan Qiujian was so nervous that cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he didn't wait any longer. Since he was hiding in the dense forest of Xizhou Mountain, he was the first to get on his horse. Immediately, hundreds of Liaodong light cavalry followed Regardless of his care, he went straight to the hillside of Wild Boar Path, and rushed up.

"For the lord!"

"For Wei!"

The cavalry shouted one by one, holding their swords high and rushed to the middle of the hillside, and then dismounted at the moment when the horses were unable to charge, and continued to charge forward on foot with their swords. , shot down the bow and arrow in hand, and with the sound of puffing, the light infantry around him were constantly being shot down.

But Guan Qiujian's attention was completely focused on the grove by the edge of the cliff, and he became more and more afraid of something. During his passionate charge, the sound like a tractor was accompanied by white smoke. There was an ear-piercing sound.

Seeing the Wang family's crossbow hidden in the bunker in the woods, Guan Qiujian even felt the hairs on his back stand up. In the next second, he seemed to see corpses strewn all over the field, and even his own mirror image on the spot of death.

It doesn't matter if he dies, but if Wang Hou's entrusted burden is lost, it will be a sin for thousands of years!
Fortunately, before these Eastern Wei soldiers who became monks on the way could clumsily open the crossbow, the door of the bunker was kicked open, and two elite light infantrymen cut down the sweaty Eastern Wei soldiers who were busy manipulating the crossbow. The defenders, followed by the assault soldiers with six short-fired guns, aimed at the bunker, and shot without hesitation.

He ran up to the parapet alive, kicked over the stone and got in. Before he could catch his breath nervously, Guanqiu Jian slashed down fiercely with a knife, and immediately knocked over a foolish Eastern Wei archer with a bow and arrow. .

In the clashing of swords, the soldiers of the Second Corps rushed forward and quickly suppressed the remaining thousands of people stationed at the pass. Even before the battle had completely subsided, Guan Qiujian, whose face was covered in blood, was already shouting anxiously. Then he opened the breast wall and pulled up the war horse.

Along the sloping hillside, two thousand cavalry infantry took the lead from the inner side of the towering Zhoushan Mountain, and rushed towards Zhoushikou, where the fierce battle was raging in the north.


The Zhoushikou battlefield completely didn't know that his back had been broken open, holding up the bloody command saber, Wang Ji, who was entrusted by Sima Yi with a heavy responsibility, was still roaring and commanding with all his strength, and amidst his roar, the teams of the Central Plains The infantry pressed down in front of the parapet, and with their vitality, forcefully suppressed the Liangzhou soldiers who charged up.

But all of a sudden, a large number of screams suddenly came from around him. Amidst the sound of sharp weapons piercing into the flesh, the defenders fell in a pool of blood, and the fatal injuries were all behind their backs.

Turning his head back in astonishment, seeing the Liaodong soldiers who suddenly appeared behind him and seized the middle peak of Xizhou Mountain, while throwing crossbow arrows and lighting up the smoke, Wang Ji's eyes widened and he exclaimed in disbelief.

"how can that be?"

(End of this chapter)

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