Chapter 855

There are high mountains on all sides, and the altitude is lower than sea level. It seems that the darkness in Sichuan is a little earlier than in Guanzhong. The sun has just moved to the west, as if the foot slipped, and it fell down with a click, leaving only the brilliant afterglow slanting on the earth. .

Lying on the top of the wall, Captain Dead Face nervously watched a hundred or so Stormtroopers strut into the Nanban camp, and then bursts of violent quarrels rang out.

Not only do they have no rules and morals in their consciousness, but these Nanzhong tribes are also extremely xenophobic. Not only did they not cooperate with the Stormtroopers in chasing down the brutal soldiers who murdered and set fire, these people quickly gathered into a large group, surrounding the newly entered The soldiers of the Stormtroopers in the camp yelled and cursed in Nanzhong, which they couldn't understand.

Even cursing and cursing, they pushed and started to fight. Seeing that, the situation quickly became like a powder keg, ready to explode at any time.

Seeing that their heads were getting bigger and bigger, with a sense of responsibility, the Dead Face team was leaving the city quickly, ordering loudly while rushing down the city.

"Zhao is not hungry, you immediately go to the headquarters of the Liangzhou Corps for help, the barbarian camp in the south of the city needs to be suppressed!"

"This group of guys who have done more than succeed in their affairs can only add to the chaos!"

But there are so many coincidences today, before the Dead Face team came down to the door, they brought a dozen people ready to help, and amidst the hurried footsteps, another group of dozens of Stormtroopers rushed to the door Come.

"Team is, still, do you still need to ask for help?"

Seeing this scene, the messenger Zhao Buxie couldn't help asking hesitantly. It was also a moment of astonishment, but the military sense of the Dead Face team who was studying at the Chang'an Military Academy was finally reflected, and he couldn't help but frown. shouted.

"Why are the reinforcements all from Shu!"

It is true that a group of heavy infantry wearing the armor of the Storm Legion are not very tall, and the heavy armor of the Western Wei Dynasty does not fit so well. They even look a bit like dwarves in the fantasy movies of later generations. I was puzzled for a moment. Stern order said.

"Immediately ask for help, and the big guys follow me down, you must be vigilant, and be careful of these guys!"

It is also different from the Eastern Wei Army. Even the Academy soldiers of the Western Wei Dynasty have the same standards and requirements as ordinary soldiers in the barracks. They take the lead in morning exercises, and there is no difference in food. The face team is also the team's own team!Hearing the sternness of his voice, a dozen of his subordinates immediately took precautions.

However, the accident happened a little faster than the Dead Face team expected!Seeing him approaching in a hurry, Zhao Qibao, who had just been ordered to open the door, greeted him with a smile on his face, and saluted with fists in his arms.

"Captain, why do you..."


A sharp knife directly pierced his ribs upwards from under his plate armor. The cold blade was inserted into his body. In an instant, the man's eyeballs protruded, full of disbelief, and he spat out a mouthful. The blood came, and as the ring head knife was pulled away heavily, he fell to the ground with a heavy plop like a mountain falling.

However, the murderous Stormtroopers did not end well. Before he pulled out the knife completely with a grim face, the dead face team had already drawn the knife out of its sheath at the speed of the white horse. When he reached the heavy helmet on the back of his head, the man's expression froze immediately.

"There are traitors, guard the city gate, don't let the barbarians enter the city!"

While drawing the knife out of the body, the Dead Face team was screaming crazily. They are all brothers who can put a horse spoon in a big pot in a big team. Seeing that Zhao Zhibao was plotted against, the anger of more than a dozen people was completely overwhelmed. Excited, they roared and pulled out their knives one after another, and the entire city gate suddenly slashed and killed each other.

But one misstep will cause eternal hatred, and there is nothing more to say than this situation!The four Stormtrooper traitors left behind at the gate of the city had just been beheaded. Before the Dead Face team was shouting and pushing the gate shut, a burst of force had already come from outside the gate, pushing the gate several times. A Wei Jun fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, amidst the chaotic voices of Nanman yelling and cursing, the Nanman soldiers who were only wearing animal skins and even shirtless, roared and crowded into the city like a yellowish flood. Before a few Wei soldiers stood up, they were already trampled on the ground. Countless footsteps.

Seeing that the doorway was full of thieves, their faces grinned ferociously like a lion, and the next second, the Dead Face team suddenly grabbed a soldier nearby, roaring and shouting.

"You are on behalf of the team, leading the brothers to survive! Then tell the big guys, don't learn from me, Wang Ping!"

"Come on, you bastards!"

In the next second, like a lunatic, he ran into the crowd viciously with a knife in his hand, and began to slash and kill like a whirlwind. With exquisite knife skills, he chopped down more than a dozen barbarians in a row, but in the end he was killed drowned in the crowd.

However, his madness and sense of responsibility at the end also won a chance for the soldiers who followed him and the Liangzhou infantry guarding the city gate. They rushed up spontaneously and stopped the internal response of the Shu army rushing in from the city with their lives. The remaining ten people fled back to the city wall, and a puff of wolf smoke was like a sign, signaling the beginning of hell in Chengdu tonight.

Looking at the rich Han people under the city, after holding back for a month, the barbarians from various tribes in the South could no longer hold back, and rushed in one by one roaring like tigers coming out of their cages, but they didn't have any military organization at all. Entering the streets and alleys of the city, kicking open shops, murdering, setting fire, robbing, and rape, born in the harsh environment of Nanzhong, the barbarian warriors have no psychological burden for all these crimes.

But at this time outside the city, seeing the raging flames, hearing the screams, the flames reflected on such a red face, Zhong Hui didn't move at all, instead he bowed with a smile.

"Prime Minister Zhuge, Chengdu is yours!"

"But please don't forget, our Sima Da Sima's affection!"

Listening to his cheerful voice, he was only in his early forties, but he was as old as his sixties. Zhuge Liang, whose face was full of wrinkles, had no joy at all. Looking at the city that used to be the capital of Shu Han, he pushed it into the city with his own hands. The flames of the abyss were soaring into the sky, and he took a deep breath, and then swung the goose feather fan forward violently. Facing this time following him, the last few thousand core Han troops of the Shu Han shouted orders.

"Scramble into Chengdu City, get weapons in Linmen Lane, and then enter the palace to meet His Majesty!"

"Sign up and obey!"


The fierce fire was like a cancer. Block by block to the north, there were scattered and looting Nanzhong barbarians everywhere. Among the crowd, there was a troop that was like an arrow, stabbing straight at the imperial palace in the north of the city. They are full of hope and crazy flames.

It has been more than three hundred years since the Han Dynasty, this is the last Han army!

(End of this chapter)

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