Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 854 Major Security Accident

Chapter 854 Major Security Accident
When Luoyang was raging with war, Chengdu City was also a mirror image of swords drawn.

You can’t ridicule the Eastern Wei army because the gentry officers monopolized official positions and bullied the soldiers in the fields. In the Western Wei Dynasty, the officer positions were also monopolized by college students. The promotion to the captain has become the highest position that ordinary soldiers can rise to. field of life.

The only thing that the Western Wei Dynasty is better than the Eastern Wei Dynasty is that each centurion of the professional army has five places per centurion each year, and can go to the military academy in Chang'an for further studies. Soldiers can also be promoted to academy officers and have the opportunity to climb to higher positions.

Although the chance of 5.00% is extremely small, it is better than the chance of less than [-]% in the Eastern Wei Dynasty.

Unfortunately, the [-]th team on duty was a college student from a wealthy family in Kansai. Hundreds of soldiers from the Liangzhou Army were standing at attention on the city wall. scolded.

"Give me some energy! Two eyeballs are rounded, staring at the group of savages below the city, not even a fly is allowed to fly in!"

"Talking about you! How do you usually train in the military ranks? Straighten your back, don't embarrass our Liangzhou Corps!"

"Recruit son, it's his mother's fault!"

In the Battle of Yangping Guanshan Road, the Liangzhou Corps was ambushed and suffered heavy casualties. In order to restore combat effectiveness, some reserve workers were recruited from various mines in Longshang, and some defected Shu troops were recruited in order to win over the local Yizhou people.

The growth of human bones needs to absorb a certain amount of ultraviolet light, so children want to grow taller and spend more time in the sun when they were young. However, the Sichuan Basin is humid and rainy all the year round, and the height difference is really obvious. A recruit of 1.7 meters by 1.8 meters, the team's disappointment always made this straight-faced team suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder, walking around them majestically for a long time with hands behind their backs, and then walked away mumbling depressedly.

But it's no wonder that the team of college soldiers is tense and serious. Right under their feet, there is a chaotic camp, and the last Shu army is here.

Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu Han, led his people to surrender!After being scolded by Wang Hou, he felt that he should take up the responsibility of the general stationed in Shu and wait for an opportunity to stabilize Nanzhong. Hao Zhao, the general of the Chang'an Corps and the chief general of the Dingshu Committee, accepted Zhuge Liang's surrender.

However, it is really difficult to deal with this part of the Shu army, because the Shu army brought back by Zhuge Liang has a total of 5 people, and more importantly, 4 people are directly recruited by various tribes in Nanzhong. The contemptuous savage is right.

They are from a tribe, they are still in a primitive society, and their observance of civilization and rules is infinitely close to zero. They have to be pulled out thousands of miles away than the Qiang people who have been farming and have been in contact with the Han people for many years. It is more difficult to absorb them than to accommodate the Qiang people who do not know how much.

Just like the Celtic tribes, Germanic tribes, and the ancestors of Western civilization faced by the Romans at the same time.

Now Hao Zhao really can't divide this part of the troops, because these Nanzhong people really don't have self-discipline and don't know what the rules are. They are the ones who rob property.

The revival plan left by Wang Hou is a planned economy, establishing various chambers of commerce, uniformly issuing production targets, and allocating market shares. It can be said that there is a shortage of people everywhere, but in this case, the major chambers of commerce are all With snot and tears, Hao Zhao sent back the Nanzhong soldiers assigned by Hao Zhao, which shows how hard it is to digest.

If Cao Zhang were here, this problem would not be difficult to solve. The advantage of the great empire, relying on its vast territory, sent the barbarian captives from the east of the border to fight the west, and those from the south to fight the north. At worst, they would be mobilized to the Western Regions to rob the scourge. They are also Dawan people outside of Congling, and Tocharian people with the nine surnames of Zhaowu. They are not of the same clan on all sides, but they are beneficial to the rule of Wei.

But the problem is, Cao Zhang followed Wang Hou to fight for the world, and almost none of the important officials were here. Wei Yan, who was more courageous and powerful, was cut and injured by Ma Dai. During his sick leave, Hao Zhao, who held three corps in his hand, was the tallest of the dwarfs. One, the rights are not enough, after more than a month of tossing, his solution is to keep this part of the Southern Central Barbarian Army in captivity in the south of Chengdu, waiting for further disposal by Chang'an.

Today seemed to be another normal day of watching the barbarians make noise. After inspecting his entire brigade, he scolded his subordinates again. Seeing the sun gradually sinking to the west, Captain Dead Face couldn't help but yawned loudly.

But at this moment, the sound of military boots rang out at the top of the wall, and a dozen or so heavily armored soldiers rushed up the wall with the same ashen faces.

"Damn! What's the matter?"

Each corps of the Western Wei Dynasty also has its own unique personality. The helmet and armor of the Chang’an Corps are painted with the outline of the colossal statue of Cao Zong as a symbol. The Storm Corps is the sunrise on the horizon, and the Liangzhou Corps is the Yumen Pass. Crossing the plateau, the status of the Storm Corps, which stabbed into the heart of the Shu Han, is also rising. The first battle was defeated, and the Liangzhou Corps, which lost more than half, became the bottom of the chain of contempt.

Seeing these arrogant and proud officers of the Stormtroopers approaching, even the Dead Face team felt embarrassed and depressed, but they had to grumble to greet them, standing at attention and saluting heavily.

"Greetings to the captain, dare to ask the captain what military orders!"

After experiencing the plateau test, a layer of plateau red was piled up on his face as a unique medal. This captain is still exceptionally handsome and handsome, with a rigid expression according to the standard of Liaodong, with the black leather military order book of the committee shining in one hand, and his voice is exceptionally high asked the blame.

"Today, another 11 people from the Nanman escaped from the camp, and even sneaked into the city of Chengdu and burned three shops. The general chairman was furious, and sent us to check!"

My heart skipped a beat, this is considered a major security incident, and if it is held accountable, whoever made the mistake will be slapped to the end, or even go to the Western Regions as a big soldier to start all over again, or have to stay in a military prison. Salute immediately.

"This subordinate is going to inspect!"

"If you don't need it, open the city gate, and we will go to inspect it!"

With a cold voice, Lieutenant Jun Lang flatly rejected his proposal.

"Subordinates understand! Zhao is full, open the city gate, and cooperate with the captain to inspect the Nanman camp!"

He was too eager to cooperate, and the responsibility was clarified after the investigation. The Dead Face team guarding the south gate of Chengdu was immediately yelling orders to his subordinates. However, because he was too anxious, he forgot the meaning of being a centurion or above who must be trained by a military academy. .

That is, officers who have studied can only read and understand the content of military orders, and he only read the cover!

Amidst the creaking sound, the south gate of Chengdu, which had been closed for several days, burst open!

(End of this chapter)

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