Chapter 841 Underestimate
The battle of the Shu Han was like a big chess scene, with all the players wrestling with each other, but as a player, Wang Hou was obviously still one step behind Zhuge Liang.

At last, the gate of the village on the side facing the land was slammed open, and one by one, under the torment of the "poison gas bomb" in the classical era, the faces of the Shu soldiers were sallow and weak, with cloth strips on their faces, and their bodies were smelly and exhausted. Walk out of the stockade and surrender to Wei Jun.

In addition to the three or four hundred weak people who were smoked to death under the action of strong sulfide, Wang Hou almost captured more than five thousand strong Shu soldiers as a whole. However, this arrangement has not eaten or slept well for a month Erhei’s captives, like the special pandas in Sichuan, were taken in by the reserve forces, bathed and rested in the unpolluted upper reaches of the Han River, and then escorted to the Longshang Mine in the north for labor reform. In this series of orders , Wang Hou's face was gloomy like it was raining.

He fell into Zhuge Liang's strategy of slowing down the army!
If it is any normal commander, there are more than [-] subordinates under his command, and [-] strong men are swearing to guard the strategic location. Regardless of whether it is for the sake of vitality or the sake of the army, he must try his best to rescue it!But Zhuge Liang not only failed to rescue, but even abandoned all the more than [-] soldiers hoarding at Yangping Pass.

Hu Tiehua, who was stationed near Yangping Pass and attacked Zhuge Liang's grain road, saw the bluff of the Shu army. Two thousand Hexi iron cavalry broke through the Hanshui supply army of the Shu army, and immediately reported to the central headquarters on flying cavalry Only then did Wang Hou suddenly realize that he stepped up and threw a "poison gas bomb" at Hanshui City Walled for a day, which forced the Shu army, who had no logistics straw to transport and clean up the fish viscera, to surrender in the stench.

However, to interrogate the prisoners at Yangping Pass, Prime Minister Zhuge led the army to go south for four days.

Carrying 7 men aggressively to the north, they merged with the 12 defenders in Hanzhong. The [-] Shu Han army marched aggressively to the north. Zhuge Liang took Guanzhong in one fell swoop and formed a confrontation with Cao Wei. The number of prisoners was no less than [-], which was equivalent to losing the entire Hanzhong army. They also lost Hanzhong and fled back to Shuzhong in desperation. Logically speaking, Wang Hou won a big victory.

But now Wang Hou's situation is different from a few years ago, he wants to destroy the entire Shu Han regime in one fell swoop!Now the Storm Legion is imitating Deng Ai's marching method in history and is attacking Chengdu City. Liu Bei has only one descendant, and that is the so-called tadou lineage who can't afford it. As long as he is captured, even Zhuge Liang will have no object of allegiance. Just like Guan Yu's army in the Northern Expedition in history, Jingzhou was invaded by the Wu army, and the 500 powerful Jingzhou army collapsed overnight, so that Guan Yu could only lead [-] people to break through to the west, and finally defeated Maicheng , decapitated in different places.

The coffin for Zhuge Liang was all ready, but this ruthless guy suddenly got a gecko with his tail cut off, and he has led the whole army away for three days!
If he was allowed to return to Chengdu first and break the siege of Chengdu, the Stormtroopers suffered heavy losses, and the three-year plateau misery march fell short.Looking at later generations, the Qing army entered Bashu and the battle to wipe out Zhang Xianzhong and his adopted son Li Dingguo lasted for 18 years. Wang Hou didn't have 18 years to fight guerrillas with Zhuge Liang in countless dams in Nanzhong Shiwanda Mountain.

On August 20th, Yangping Pass, which Cao Cao personally led an army of [-] troops a few years ago, was easily returned to Wang Hou's hands, but Wang Hou did not feel at ease. The small road in the Qinling Mountains outside the Yangping Pass hastily advanced to the Central Shu Plain.

Time must be lost!

The Qinling Mountains are towering and majestic. This era is far from reaching the level of population explosion. The towering mountains are densely forested. In September, there is also a lush scenery here. There is green everywhere, and the steep and rugged mountains are hundreds of miles away. There is no human habitation, and it is extremely long and tortuous.

Western Europe in later generations can be divided into two small countries across a river, but even with such a rugged and difficult geographical barrier, since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries and unified China, the closed Bashu still has not been separated from China for 2000 years. At the same time as the great miracle, it also witnessed how strong the cohesion of Chinese civilization is.

On the extremely narrow and slender mountain path, the Liangzhou Corps of tens of thousands dragged into a long dragon, and only four of them could advance side by side. Afterwards, the teams were organized head to tail in an orderly manner. The two rows on the left and right were heavy infantry, and the two rows in the middle were light infantry. Dry food and luggage are still heavy first.

After the use of firearms became more and more large-scale, Wang Hou also adjusted the proportion of his legion members. Now only one-third of the heavy infantry used for the resistance line is left, and the extra one-third of the light infantry regiment is It mainly revolves around firearms. The corps is equipped with [-] tiger squat guns, and [-] field sports cars weighing more than [-] kilograms. The middle and rear of the corps are the transport teams of the firearms troops.

The narrow road can only accommodate one bullock cart. The heavy tiger squatting cannon is mounted on the bullock cart. The dark cast iron cannon is smeared with grease and looks shiny. The gunpowder barrel made of Liaodong pine is neatly covered under the wool sheet. As the carriage swayed and rattled, the wheels of the field gun wrapped in cowhide also rolled deep marks on the wet and muddy road.

Compared with the famous generals in ancient times, Wang Hou is really not qualified. Sitting on an ox cart with a tiger crouching cannon and wearing heavy armor, he is really restless, his forehead is full of sweat, and he frequently Looking south.

Now he misses the Nokia in his pocket so much that you can use it as a hammer if you have nothing to do. Now if there is a phone, Cao Zhang will call, and my brother-in-law and I are eating hot pot in Taikoo Li, Chengdu!Waiting for you to pay the bill!Don't worry about him, Wang Hou!

Don't talk about phone calls, telegrams are fine!What is the situation of the Stormtroopers, who are alone and deep, whether they have captured Liu Chan, or whether they have confronted Zhuge Liang? I don’t know. Wang Hou is really anxious. It looks like throwing most of his savings into the stock market. Shareholders are average.

There is a saying that if you care about it, you will be chaotic, and you are too anxious to attack Bashu to grab this time. In such a hurry, Wang Hou also lost his ability to judge in daily life. The military superiority over Bashu these years made him forget the special important battlefield elements.

The opponent is Zhuge monster! ! !
Former Army, Hu Tiehua Department!
Amidst the sound of fluttering, a large flock of colorful birds suddenly emerged from the dense forest, flew out of the nest with clear and crisp singing, circled in a large circle, and got into the dense forest somewhere.

"Stop the army!!!"

Immediately following Sima, Hu Tiehua's staff officer, Gao Tong, the first batch of military cadets who graduated from Laoshan Military Academy, suddenly raised his hands and shouted solemnly!
(End of this chapter)

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