Chapter 840
Don't go to Sichuan if you are young, don't go to Guangzhou if you are old!What I'm talking about is that this kind of leisurely life attitude in the Sichuan Basin is especially easy to corrode the fighting spirit of young people!A large part of the reason why the Shu Han regime was unpopular among the local gentry was because Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and a group of Dongzhou faction and Jingzhou faction controlled the power, not to mention that they even led the entire Bashu into a big military camp.

From the gentry down to the common people, they are all integrated into the kind of classical imperialism like the Great Qin. The whole society is running like a machine, and everyone is firmly bound and squeezed. They are either on the battlefield or busy. Working non-stop, like when Sima Xiangru Zhuo Wenjun sampled wine and wrote poems, it became a luxury to steal half a day of leisure.

However, that inherently lazy character is not so easy to wear off. Now the iron-blooded and selfless Prime Minister Zhuge leads most of the country's military towns to the north to fight Wang Guanzhong to the death. Without him watching, the soldiers in Chengdu Mansion unconsciously I became lazy.

Even the few soldiers guarding the south gate gathered together leisurely, waving poker cards and drinking tea.

The tea is local Shu tea, and playing cards needless to say. The entertainment that has only been introduced to Bashu in the past three years, Wang Hou is successful enough. Before others have entered Bashu, the Yule project has already captured a large group of Shuhan fans. Come.


Throwing out three cards viciously, the team leader immediately picked up the teapot and took a deep sip, but immediately, his old face collapsed, and he grinned and cursed impatiently.

"Turtle son! This tea is so weak and tasteless!"

"Be patient! The last batch of tea was transported to the north by the prime minister a few months ago, and I went to exchange rice with Wang Guanzhong. Now the rice we eat is all from Guanzhong! This tea is still in the Kudi period, everyone The guy sneaked back!"


Sighing and throwing out three cards, the Shu army soldier who explained was also listless, muttering lazily.

"In fact, doing business with Wang Guanzhong is quite good. This year, I took a few extra pieces of cloth for my mother-in-law to make a dress. Why is the prime minister going to war with Wang Guanzhong?"

"Three six! Who knows? He couldn't get in with the soldiers from Guanzhong, and we couldn't get through with the Shu army. It's just a waste of my people's lives!"

"It's really better to let Wang Guanzhong call in. It's better than calling once every few years. Pity my neighbor's six sons, and five of them died in Dingjun Mountain. This time I followed the prime minister to go north to go shopping. Finally I don’t know if any of them will come back alive!”

"Who says no, long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, not as good as"

While counting the cards, he hummed in response, but he didn't throw out the next three cards, but the sound of horseshoes suddenly rushed in from the open city gate, choking him so much that he almost didn't throw the cards. Yes, he yelled angrily.

"You're a fairy! Are you looking for a war?"

"Guzizi still has the mind to play cards here? Close the city gate, and the bandit army is coming?"

The runners were out of breath, their necks were covered with sweat, and the cavalryman got off his horse anxiously, and roared furiously. Hearing these words, all the Shu soldiers who were playing cards were taken aback.

"The barbarians in the south are rebelling again? Haven't you been killed enough by the prime minister?"

"It's okay if the barbarians in the south! Wei Jun! God knows how these killers came from the south. If you don't close the city gate, you bastard sons will lose their heads. I have to report to the General's Mansion immediately!"

After hastily yelling and cursing, he got on his horse again and swayed the horse's reins. A few cavalrymen of the Shu army who were guarding on the outside rushed straight to the imperial palace converted from the governor's mansion in the city, and the dust was flying all the way.

This time Wang Hou’s policy of destroying Shu actually borrowed a lot from Deng Ai’s tactics of destroying Shu. When Sima Zhao destroyed Shu, Zhong Hui led the main force of 10,000+, just like what Wang Hou is doing now, with the main force of the Shu army. During the battle in Guanzhong, Jiang Wei, the general of Shu, rushed to Hanzhong to rescue him, and gave way to the mountain trail leading to Liangzhou.

However, Deng Ai, who is good at seizing opportunities, led only a few thousand elite soldiers to attack the Qinling Mausoleum of Zhongyue for [-] miles, and defeated the last mobile force of the Shu army in the plain. Seeing that the general situation was over, Duke An Le, who was reluctant to think about Shu, directly ordered Liu Chan to surrender.

Also because of this battle, Sima Zhao was crowned King of Jin by the Duke of Jin, which was one step closer to defeating Wei for the Sima family.

In this time and space, Wang Hou arranged far more carefully than Deng Ailai in history. As early as three years ago, he had already planned the plateau route. However, in the history of Bashu, there has never been a record of being attacked by troops from the plateau. Zhuge Liang It was just after Nanzhong was pacified, and almost all the main force of the barbarians in Nanzhong was brought to Hanzhong. The whole area was in a vacuum, defenseless!

Wei Yan led his army to the north, and he didn't even encounter such a decent sniper attack from Zhuge Zhan. He almost went straight to the south of Chengdu at the speed of his march!

At this end, all the teapots and playing cards were discarded to the side. Following the order, hundreds of defenders of the Shu Army panicked and closed the south gate of Chengdu City, and were immediately driven up the city wall. The crossbows hadn't even been distributed yet, and the sound of hurried hooves could be heard from below.

These are hundreds of fine cavalry from the Storm Legion as the advance troops. The soldiers who had just conquered the plateau looked very proud, holding their lances upside down, and galloped to the bottom of the city wall. Looking at the panic-stricken Shu army on the top of the city, they Every pupil couldn't help showing contemptuous expressions.

Less than 10 minutes later, the vanguard army also rushed over. The neat array of the Wei army seemed to be like iron blocks. The forward was holding a heavy ax and gun. The long marching array quickly gathered into a thick siege array, blocking his gate.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!
But looking at these Wei soldiers in fear, they first pushed the thousand-jin artillery dragged by yaks to the front of the gate. The artillerymen raised their knives and shouted loudly at the head of the city. A strange color appeared in the pupils of the infantrymen.

Even the two turned their heads subconsciously, looked at each other, and read the message in each other's mind from the other's pupils, and then they lowered their heads heavily again.

Even when Liu Zhang was in power, he didn't squeeze and suffocate Bashu so much. If the Shuhan was in full swing, everyone would have to endure it. But now, the Shuhan is in turmoil to the point where Fei Wei and Jiang Wei are fighting for power, and people's hearts are also in chaos. Woke up, looking at Wei Jun who was suddenly attacking from the city, there were not a few people who had different intentions.

At the moment when the south gate was besieged by the Wei army, the north gate suddenly opened. Dozens of cavalrymen rushed straight to the north in a panic, raising their whips.


At this time, the bloody battle on the banks of the Hanshui City Walled City had lasted for a month, and this time Wang Hou definitely came for revenge. The predicament that Cao Cao encountered last time, now Zhuge Liang has encountered a dripping one.

Wang Hou was not in a hurry to take down the Hanjiang Walled City, why did he use his elite soldiers to strengthen the fortress? What are the strengths of the Wei Army?In the cavalry!
The cavalry's aggression was like a fire, which was brought into full play by him. The infantry surrounded the city wall, and the cavalry all scattered out, roaming freely between Yangping Pass and Hanshui City Wall, pulling out all the supply points of the Shu army.

Even the supply ships of the Shu army in the river were threatened by the Wei army. In the past, the cavalry had no threat to the water army, but now, the cavalry dragged the cannons when they ran!
In front of Yangping Pass, the middle army of the Shu army looked at the map. At the Han River Basin, Zhuge Liang flicked his fork anxiously. Another batch of military supplies was destroyed by Wang Hou. Now on the battlefield of Shu Han, the victory or defeat is actually not in his own hands. In his hands, he had to rely entirely on the war between Cao Pi and Sun Quan.

Whether Cao Pi succeeded in destroying Wu, or Sun Quan once again defended his regime and expelled the 10,000+ Wei army back to the north, they could change the situation in the Hanzhong battlefield and force Wang Hou to refocus his attention on Luoyang.

This feeling that fate is not in his own hands makes a wise man like Zhuge Kongming extremely uncomfortable.

And the bigger blow was yet to come. Just as the generals of the Shu Han waited sullenly for the prime minister to dispatch, at the door, a messenger from Chengdu, whose throat was so thirsty that it was smoking, suddenly staggered and rushed in.

"Report, Prime Minister, the Wei army is besieging Chengdu, His Majesty is in danger, I invite you to quickly join the army to rescue!"

The hand holding the military order froze there, and his whole body was like a sculpture. Standing in front of the map for a few minutes, Zhuge Liang didn't turn around.

This time, even Ma Di was dead, and the entire camp, dozens of generals from Shu, was as silent as in a tomb...

(End of this chapter)

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