Follow General Cao to mix the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 493 If you want to get rich, build roads first!

Chapter 493 If you want to get rich, build roads first!
There is a story circulating on the Internet in later generations. Tang Seng found three people and learned the scriptures. Liu Bei found two people and conquered the Kingdom of Shu. Lao Tzu found three people and played mahjong all night, losing more than 2000 yuan!

Regardless of the marketing concept, the team is really important!Take the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties as an unavoidable topic. The Guanlong military aristocratic group that Wang Hou likes and admires the most is such a successful team.

Propelled by the long-term and intense war between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Hu and Han mixed together and intermarried with each other. Many top aristocratic families worked hard for a regional political goal, and four empires were successively brewed.

Cao Cao's success is also inseparable from a strong team. First of all, he had to be supported by the military family of local tyrants in Qiao County from his hometown, and then he joined the Yingchuan family. Now that Cao Cao has returned to Yecheng, his most important political task is to bring All the political forces in the four states of Hebei that once belonged to Yuan Shao were integrated into their own team.

In fact, Wang Hou himself has a team. He first fooled Langya's family, then annexed the Taishan people, defeated the Qi family, and finally merged all the forces together through Daocheng Port.

The problem is that his team is too regional, and Qingzhou is everything to them. If they want to send these people to Liaodong to suffer with themselves and open up wasteland, they must use some special means to open up the smelting in Anshan. Center, attracting them to participate in profit is an economic concession.

The cake at the banquet is Wang Hou's future strategic goals for his team.

Following Lao Tzu is not just as simple as making money in business, in the future, Lao Tzu will use various means to occupy the entire grassland!Even continue to expand westward!Follow me, and you too can become noble masters and masters!So, don't care about your one-acre three-point land in Qingzhou, come to Liaodong and follow me to do direct sales!
The big guys know where to go, until they have a future with Wang Hou, some of them can abandon the family business that has been stationed in Qingzhou, come to this bitter cold place, and accompany him to start a business.

At least for now, this progress is good!
In April, the ice and snow gradually melted, and Anshan, a small place that was unknown two thousand years ago, was completely on fire.

Rich people from all walks of life and families from all walks of life showed their talents, either by recruiting refugees, or by directly fooling the tenants on their own family land to move. A total of more than 3 local people recruited from the ground drove into the mountains.

It’s only a little over April, and the residual snow hasn’t melted away in many places. However, more than 1 men on one road took off their clothes and gowns, exposing their skinny upper bodies, carrying a millstone, and constantly slapping the ground. .

Amidst the huge bang bang sound, the grass that had just emerged was unluckily flattened directly, and the spring worms that had just emerged were beaten into balls of meat, and then amidst the sputtering sound, another The broken stones that the carts scoured from the river were buried on it.

Now the civilization is divided into east and west, and the Roman Empire, which stands at the pinnacle of the Han Empire, has a completely different national condition from the Han Empire. The Han people in Liangzhou believe in a Chinese civilization culturally.

Can Rome?In the south there is the Cathay, the Greek Macedonian Thrace in the east, the Gaul-Germanic Celtic in the west, and the Vikings in the north. None of the cultures converge.

However, the Roman Empire still ruled a large area of ​​Western territory, and it lasted longer than the Han Empire. Its secret lies in the strong and durable Roman roads extending in all directions. The famous Western proverb that all roads lead to Rome is not for nothing.

Sharpening knives is not the same as chopping firewood. After the Great Qin Empire ruled the world, it immediately built its Qin Zhidao, so Wang Hou's first ax was to build roads.

And road construction is also a way to show strength. The ground at this end is hammered flat first, and then sprinkled with several layers of gravel and sand to flatten it as a waterproof layer. Finally, a layer of Qingzhou cement is ground up, and the wide cement road is condensed into pieces. Flat and solid like a big rock.

This was unimaginable in this era at that time. The parents of the local chiefs couldn't help being amazed. Many people even knelt on the road regardless of their status and beat them with their fists. This scene was seen by the shareholders from Qingzhou. They suddenly had a sense of superiority, and they looked at these local partners as if they were looking at bumpkins.

Not only is the road paved, Qingzhou also builds a three-story watchtower every time the fork in the mountain pass. Don’t look at a small watchtower with only ten soldiers, but the bridge that appears most in various dramas in later generations is the devil’s cannon tower. The Qing army in later generations spent tens of millions of taels of military pay in the battle of Jinchuan and Jinchuan, and lost tens of thousands of people. They were also stuck on the towers built by the chieftains of Jinchuan and Jinchuan.

If in the game, a small bunker, ten units, the damage is like tickling, and a ten thousand army loses a dozen soldiers in the past, it is not cost-effective at all, but in reality, whose life is not life?No army can stare at a ten-man squad marching without changing their face while they are constantly shooting. A bunker can hold an army of thousands of people for a whole day.

This thing is also effective against small troops!Originally, the local tyrant who was still a little unconvinced by Wang Hou, an outsider, saw these "sticks" one by one, and couldn't help but deepen his thoughts.

"Zhou Mu's road is really a dragon's vein! Waiting for this road to be connected, Liaodong will be like a golden soup and a rock, and it's all in Zhou Mu's hands!"

Seeing the road getting longer and longer, the old man Tian Rangtian, who accompanied Wang Hou to inspect the construction site, was also very happy.

It is not for nothing to gather big guys together to make a cake. Wang Hou of Anshan Iron and Steel Center has completely established a joint-stock enterprise. He, Qingzhou Mu, has privileges!30.00% of the funds, accounting for 40.00% of the five shares and voting rights!The remaining 50.00% of Wu's shares were divided among the dozens of Guannei families who were entertained by him.

As the largest aristocratic family in Qidi, the Tian family has fully allocated 5.00% of the equity, which can be regarded as the second largest shareholder. Now Wang Hou's policy is gradually taking time out of Rizhao Iron and Steel to develop this place. These days, ironware is directly money, so develop this place. When he got up, the money was rushing into his pocket. When the time came, he, the clan elder in charge of business, would also have to rise in the family, so he couldn't be unhappy.

But listening to his flattery, Wang Hou himself was not happy at all. Instead, he watched the workers behind him unpacking the cement bags and mixing them. After a long time, he pushed a trolley and poured it on the road. Tooth-sucking Hanako.

"Too slow! If only there was asphalt!"

"It's still slow!"

It took Qin Shihuang two full years to build the Qin Zhidao, mobilizing 30 people, and it was not completed. It was still being repaired by Qin II, and 30 people could only repair one kilometer a day on average.

But now cement is used. In the past, the three-layer soil layer that was smashed ten times in the past is now smashed twice, and the cement road is paved. A total of 1 people were mobilized to pave the road, but nearly two kilometers can be paved in a day, and it still needs to be repaired once. On the road, while building the bunker, Tian Rang's speed was extremely fast in Tian Rang's eyes. Seeing Wang Hou's anxious appearance, he couldn't help biting his teeth.


(End of this chapter)

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