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Chapter 492 Greed Promotes Rise

Chapter 492 Greed Promotes Rise
Looking at the huge cowhide map, all the local tyrants from the pass stared in astonishment, and some even jumped up in surprise, making do with the map, rubbed their fingers over the map, and then kept breathing.

"This..., is this the whole world?"

"Impossible, how can I be so small! Zhou Mu, the drawing must be wrong!"

No wonder they were shocked, this map is not an ordinary soldier, it is full of the level of a second-class cook, Wang Hou relied on his "rich geographical knowledge" from playing "Total War" in later generations to draw a non-complete map of Asia, Europe and Africa.

It is said that Yelang is arrogant, but standing in front of this world map, the aristocratic lords who claim to be the center of the world and the kingdom of heaven, also realized their own insignificance for the first time. Several old scholars stood in front of the map and yelled.

However, Wang Houfei did not stop the chaos, instead he slipped to the side again, he was already starving, taking advantage of the quarrel of these guys, Wang Zhoumu quickly picked up a braised deer with shiny chopsticks in his hand Xilihulu pulled the rice into his mouth, and drank himself a glass of rum happily. He ate so much that he couldn't even care about his little wife, and Zhuge Ying, who was guarding the map, had a stomach growling. He called Zhongzhi and rolled his eyes, Ren'er.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for this king to be free, someone with understanding stepped forward, and suddenly slapped twice heavily, bringing the chaos on the second floor of the hotel to an abrupt end. Standing up, he said with a dignified look.

"Everyone, Zhou Mu has never been a targetless person. Since he invited us to this remote place in Xinchang and showed such a grand plan, he must have a rich man to say to the big guys. Ladies and gentlemen, it's useless if we ask you to make more noise. If you don't invite Zhou Mu will clear things up for the big guy, okay?"

"State Shepherd!"

The old guy clasped his fists with a smile. He had good intentions, but he rolled his eyes at Wang Hou, who was trying to stuff the roe deer's leg meat into his mouth. He touched the oil on his mouth, and then ran to the map in a pretentious manner like Apple's new product launch event.

"Everyone, before we start the lecture, let Wang ask a question first. My Chinese name is a rich man, Duke Yidun. How did he get rich?"

"Going back to Zhoumu, I know that according to Tao Zhugong's words, Yidun raised five animals in the hometown of Zhoumu and the Xihe River in Zhouzhou, and herded cattle and horses. In the end, he became as rich as Tao Zhugong!"

In the words of Uncle Benshan, congratulations, you will answer quickly!Hearing the complacent answer from this sensible man, Wang Hou laughed and slapped his thigh.

"What Hu Gong said is very true! It is to raise five animals and herd cattle and horses! You will become rich in the end! But everyone, the land that Lord Yidun grazes is after all the Central Plains. Now we are right next to the largest ranch in the world! Monan, whether it is Xianbei or Wuhuan, has countless livestock. A few days ago, Wang Mou just followed the prime minister to defeat Wuhuan, and there were no animals left. Millions of heads are trafficked to the Central Plains, and the price is more than hundreds of millions of dollars!"

These words are tempting, a bunch of local tyrants can be heard, but the rich grandson is full of confusion. Aren't they inspecting the coal mines and iron mines in the mountains these days?How did you get involved in the livestock business?Besides, the business on the grassland is so easy to do!Barbaric nomadic barbarians, still doing business?As soon as you bring the money, it will be snatched up for you!Even Tian Rang is at a loss.

But what Wang Hou said next, the wealthy and lawless local tyrants in those places couldn't help but gasp.

"So my seat's plan is to develop the Anshan Iron Capital here, and trade the steel products with the Xianbei people for cattle, horses and sheep, and then sell the cattle back to the customs, and then exchange silk, grain, cloth, tea and other things to return to the grassland. The essence of business lies in the flow , after such a circle, the profit will not be less than double!"

"Zhou Mu! Regardless of Xianbei or Wuhuan, these barbarians are shameless, plundering, and greedy. How can they sell iron products to them! What if they turn around and rob me with these weapons, we Isn't he a sinner!"

"Besides, Zhou Mu, we want to do business with the barbarian, but the barbarian may not necessarily do business with us. If they rush up and rob our caravan, wouldn't it be a waste of money and man?"

I really don't know why the Langya Zhao family didn't realize this when they evaded taxes. Hearing Langya Zhao He's astonishing question, Wang Hou couldn't help but laugh, but Xu Lei, the old man Xu Lei, who was speaking to the Xu family in Le'an on the other side, got to the point. .Ignoring the person surnamed Zhao, Wang Hou stared at Old Xu with a smile on his face, and answered with a pleasant smile.

"So everyone needs to support me, Mr. Wang! Mr. Wang sent troops to attack these Xianbei tribes! The grassland respects the strong. After Mr. Wang becomes powerful, your caravan under my protection will naturally pass through the grassland without hindrance, and it is convenient to do business. If he dares to attack you, he will be destroyed!"

"And everyone, don't underestimate yourselves. You are merchants, merchants who control the circulation of goods. Once the Xianbei tribe on the grassland is used to buying and selling goods in our hands, he will be inseparable from us. There are iron pots for roasting meat, and there are some food for eating. Fresh salt, cotton coats to keep warm, and coal to burn. We can also infiltrate their tribes, set up a certain nobleman as our agent, and sell patents. In order to protect their own interests, these agents will also have to do their best to maintain Our interests on the grassland!"

"As time goes on, the entire grassland will supply our raw materials and markets! Ladies and gentlemen, Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty has conquered the Xiongnu for more than [-] years and spent half of the household registration in the world. Generals Dou Gu and Dou Xian went out successively to attack Hu! But now, relying on you and me as merchants, you can conquer the grassland and wipe out the evil for the big man forever. Ah! Isn't it beautiful!"

It’s like selling health care products in later generations. This product has not been produced yet, and its name has been blown to the world’s top [-]. Pointing to the map with his finger, saliva splashed, Wang Hou excitedly looked forward to the future, and listened to it. The local tyrants in Gangziguan were stunned.

Doing business, being a lowly businessman can still seal a wolf as a Xu?It's really poverty that limits their imagination.

And just like selling insurance promotions and earning millions a month, Wang Hou's pie is getting bigger and bigger, and his eyes are staring at his own map.

"And everyone, as you can see in this picture, the world is not just like the Dahan Grassland. Back then, Zhang Qian, the Marquis of Bowang, traveled tens of thousands of miles westward before he arrived at the Da Yuezhi. Moreover, to the west of the Da Yuezhi, there was a country called Anxi and Daqin."

"The world is infinite, and business is endless. After conquering the grassland, we can continue to travel westward, take the Silk Road in the Western Regions, and go back and forth between the continents. Going back and forth in this way will bring endless benefits. It will be a career for generations to come. Isn't it better than farming a corner of the Central Plains?" If you have to worry about your neighbors looting and looting, is it a thousand times better to be afraid?"

This piece of cake is too big. Seeing Wang Hou, with a wave of his sleeves, ruling the rivers and lakes for thousands of years, all the melon eaters below were shocked and speechless for a long time.

But looking at Wang Hou's huge map, the old rich landlords who originally guarded the 100 million mu and 10,000+ subdivisions in the Central Plains have something different in their pupils.


 I went to listen to insurance these days, and every day I heard that this manager has an annual salary of one million, and that supervisor pays more than one hundred thousand a month, and he is jealous and has no ability...

(End of this chapter)

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