i have a super island

Chapter 750 Returning to Pisces Island

Chapter 750 Returning to Pisces Island

I've seen Copper Island, it's still very early.

A group of people still couldn't get enough, so Fang Fang proposed to go to Pisces Island.

Speaking of Pisces Island, there are many stories.

This was the first island other than Obsidian Island that the equation reached at that time.

It is also here that I met the three main members of the current team: Wei Lin, Lianna, and James.

At that time, Fang Fang was imprisoned by the natives on the island, waiting to be slaughtered at any time. Fortunately, he ran into Lianna and James, escaped with them, and rescued Wei Lin by the way.

Then it was about the Pearl. The natives on Pisces Island attacked Obsidian Island twice.

One of them, Pearl escaped to Obsidian Island and became part of the team ever since.

Now Equation has become the master of this sea area, built the city of all nations with one hand, and there are no enemies around.

Going to Pisces Island again is also Equation's long-standing idea.

It is rare that there is a faster boat now, and the originally long route only took one and a half hours to arrive.

Just landed on Pisces Island, there are actually a few natives on the beach here.

A few brown-skinned guys were spearfishing at the beach, and when they saw Equation and his party coming, they immediately fled into the woods.

Blake chased after them, stopped the natives, and brought them to Equation.

When the aborigines heard that the person in front of them was Fang, they were so frightened that they immediately fell to their knees and begged for mercy.

Fang Fang signaled Blake to let them go first, and asked, "How many people are there on this island?"

Blake acted as an interpreter, translating the words of the equation to the natives, and then translating their answers to the equation.

It turned out that these aboriginals were from the opposite island. They have settled here since they came here with their tribe, and they have lived here since then and have never left.

After asking, Blake asked Equation for advice on whether to kill them all.

Fang Fang shook his head and said, "Let them go, we just came to the island to have a look."

Those aborigines were let go, and ran back to the village in fright.

In the middle of the island, on a spacious flat land, there is a primitive village.

Back here, Fang Fang couldn't help but think of the situation when he was imprisoned here before, and those cruel and bloody scenes are still vivid in retrospect.

When he came to a thatched house, Fang Fang, who was still fine, suddenly frowned.

Because there is a stench in the air that only comes after death.

"There's something going on here!"

After Fang Fang said something, Blake immediately walked over and chopped open a thatched wall with his sword.

Inside the house, two old aborigines were eating... another female aborigine...

The female aborigine is dead, and she should be about 50 to 70 years old, while the two old aborigines look like they are in their [-]s.

Rao Feina, who was fighting all over the world, couldn't help vomiting when she saw this scene. It was one thing for her to kill and slash people on the battlefield, but it was another thing to see the scene in front of her.


Fang Fang shouted angrily.

Of course, Blake understood the meaning of the equation, and immediately stepped forward and chopped off the heads of the two cannibals.

Two wheeled heads fell to the ground, leaving only three corpses in the house.

Cannibalism is the most unacceptable thing for Equation. He subdued those natives, naturalized them, and tried his best to make them quit the habit of cannibalism, in order to turn them from cannibalistic beasts into human beings.

However, no matter how hard Equation tries to do this, there will always be something beyond its reach and beyond its reach.

The sea area is so large and the islands are densely packed. It is unrealistic to manage every island, so the scene I just saw happened.

Soon, all the remaining people on the island were called together.

Those people were all trembling, looking at the equation as if they saw the god of death, afraid that he would sentence them to death with a single word.

"Who can tell me what's going on in that room?" Fang Fang looked around the crowd.

After the first question, no one responded, and everyone was silent, afraid to speak out.After the second round of questioning, someone was already whispering, but they still didn't dare to speak.

It wasn't until Equation threatened to kill everyone here that if no one told the reason, no one did.

The remaining natives on this island still retain their long-standing habit of cannibalism.

In the past, they attacked other tribes, catching people from other tribes and eating them.

Later, because of the disastrous defeat in the battle with Fang Fang and the others, the young and middle-aged people on the island disappeared, leaving only the old, weak, sick and disabled.

The ability of these people to obtain food has declined sharply, and the food of the entire group has been in a state of tension. Slowly, some people starve to death. They don't want to waste these starving people, so there is the scene that happened just now.

Li Qingman looked at the angry equation and said: "Killing them may solve the problem of this island, but on other islands that we have never set foot on, such problems have always existed."

Indeed, it is indeed the easiest way to solve the problem by killing these natives.

But the problem is that there are countless small islands like this in this sea area, and it is impossible to kill them all the way. What is the difference between such an approach and cannibals.

In the past, the way they treated the aborigines was naturalization, instilling in them the concept of civilization of modern people, and letting them give up their previous bad habits.

Li Qingman said: "Don't forget, those islanders of our Wan Guo City, before they came to Wan Guo City, they were also cannibalistic natives, which shows that they can be changed."

Fang Fang gradually calmed down, thinking about Li Qingman's words, he was indeed right, the best way to deal with these natives is not to kill them all, but to let them change their bad habits and change from beasts to humans.

"You're right, I was too impulsive just now. Arrange to bring all these natives back to Wan Guo City."

"Actually, there's no need to take them all back." Li Qingman said.

Equation was a little surprised, and asked, "Why don't you take it back, how can you teach them?"

Li Qingman smiled slightly and said, "You didn't come here today just to hang around."

"Yeah, I'm still thinking about the limestone here."

Fang Xin said that his daughter-in-law really understood him. After visiting Copper Island today, the first thing he thought of was the limestone of Pisces Island.

I have learned from Pearl that there are a lot of limestone on Pisces Island, and these are indispensable materials for construction.In the past, there were no such fast boats, and it took five or six hours to get to Pisces Island, but now the time is greatly shortened, and it has become much more convenient to come to Pisces Island.

He came this time to explore the lime mines on the island.

A gleam of wisdom flashed in Li Qingman's eyes, and he smiled triumphantly: "Since it's for limestone, then I have a better way."

(End of this chapter)

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