i have a super island

Chapter 749 Trip to Copper Island

Chapter 749 Trip to Copper Island
Fatty is indeed a very smart person among those natives.

The cleverness here does not refer to the common sense that modern people understand that airplanes fly in the sky and ships swim in water, but his way of thinking about problems is farther than most other aborigines.

Fang Fang was very satisfied with Pang Pang, and he was indeed the lord of the egret tribe hand-picked by him, which did not disappoint Fang Fang.

"Not now, the number of cargo ships is too small, and the production cycle is not short. For the next period of time, we can only supply Wan Guocheng first, and then we can consider you Egrets." Fang Fang directly rejected Fatty's request. It is also impossible.

It took more than half a month to produce such a cargo ship, and it was a rare treasure in Wan Guo City. I hadn't assembled it yet, so how could I distribute it to the tribes below.

Fat Pang was a little helpless, but he also understood the difficulties, but he did not give up, and asked: "This strong man of Brutus knows how to build a ship. Wouldn't it be better for him to hand over the method of building a ship to everyone?"

Brutal held his chubby neck and said displeasedly, "What are you talking about!"

Fang Fang hurried up to make a rescue, asked Bruto to put Pangpang down, and gave Pangpang a look of not talking nonsense.

It turned out that Equation hadn't talked to Brutal about this matter.

In the view of the Tinavians, their shipbuilding skills are a secret that must not be passed on, and they must not be passed on to people who are not of the same race.

Now it is unprecedented for him to help Equation build a ship. Not only did he help Equation build a ship, but he also changed the shape of the traditional double-headed warship. For Bruto, he has achieved the ultimate.

Equation also expressed understanding and respect for this. After all, it is their tradition and cannot be too demanding.

Besides, brand new cargo ships can be used on the island now, which is much better than before.

This whole scene was watched by Ofina. She didn't say anything, but she felt strange in her heart. In the past, she was the one who stopped the troubles caused by her soldiers, but now Brutal seems to be very obedient to the equation. What kind of charm does this man have that can make her group of beast-like men willingly obey her orders.

The cargo ship was lifted to the coast, and a group of people boarded Copper Island and began to check.

The island originally had no name, and the "Copper Island" was given by the equation later, and the reason was also for convenience.

All the islands in the Sea of ​​Time and Space have no names, but Equation and the others have begun to rule this area. It is always too troublesome to call "this island" and "that island", so Equation has named these islands.

The small island in the north was called "Obsidian Island", the island where the City of Nations is located is called "Wanguo Island", the island rich in copper mines is called "Copper Island", and the previously named "Pisces Island" "Pig Cage Island", the "Pig Cage Island" that was conquered by the army, the "Black Tooth Island" of the Black Tooth Tribe, the "Bailu Island" of the Egret Tribe, and the "Shaman Island" where the existence of Merman was discovered for the first time.

The general naming method is to call whatever is on the island. These islands are uniformly named by the equation, and then announced to be implemented throughout the island. From then on, they have their own new names.

The copper island where everyone landed was barren, with no trees on it except stones and copper mines, only some weeds growing in the crevices of the stones.

I still remember when I landed on this island for the first time, I saw blue malachite everywhere on the island. That kind of magnificent picture has made Equation unforgettable until now.

It's just that after several months of non-stop collection and excavation, the island has changed a lot.

There is not much difference on the coast. The main thing is that in the center of the island, a huge pothole has been dug, and it is still digging deeper.

Now the pothole is below the water level, and the rocks around the island keep the sea water out.

"Hey, is this your copper mine?"

Ofina stepped forward and stood on the edge of the pothole.

The scale of this pothole is almost the size of a football field. It is wide at the top and narrow at the bottom, in the shape of a funnel. There are steps along the walls of the pit leading to the bottom.

Equation said quite proudly: "How about it, is it enough to watch?"

Ofina chuckled and said, "What's so special about copper, it's soft, and the swords it makes are incomparable to iron swords."

I wanted to show off in front of Ofina, but I didn't expect this blonde beauty to show off the equation on the spot.

Fang Fang looked embarrassed, but he couldn't find anything to refute. Ofina was right, whether it was making weapons or tools, copper was not as good as iron.

If copper could be used better than iron, civilizations in history would not have evolved from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age.

"If you continue digging like this, the island will be hollowed out, right?" Li Qingman frowned slightly.

"From the very beginning, my plan was to dig up this island. The copper mine on this island is an indispensable resource for us. At the same time, these stones are also indispensable materials for us to build city walls, arrow towers, and roads." Equation explained road.

I have to lament the ability of human beings to transform nature. A group of people mining and digging day and night can really move mountains and fill seas, and dig out a small island alive.

At present, about [-]% of the central part of the copper island has been dug away. It will take at most one year to continue digging like this, and the island will disappear from the sea level.

Ofina asked: "If the copper mine is gone, what are you going to do in the future?"

Equation said: "Let's explore again. The sea of ​​time and space is so big, and there are thousands of islands scattered on it. Our area is just the tip of the iceberg. After digging this island, we will go to find out more other islands."

Anyway, there are boats now, and the speed of traveling between the islands has been greatly improved.

The route that used to take more than three hours now only takes less than an hour. In this way, the scope of their exploration has also been greatly extended.

"Speaking of it, I still have to thank Bruto, you are the great hero of our island." Fang Fang once again expressed his sincere thanks to Bruto.

"Actually, I'm more interested in the microbes you mentioned, what are cells, what are bacteria and viruses?" Brutal's eyes are full of curiosity, and his interest in these is even greater than fighting on the battlefield.

Fang Fang smiled slightly and said: "If you want to study medicine, then I can recommend you to my wife, she is the top surgeon in the world."

Brutal shook his head and said, "No, no, no, I'm not interested in becoming a doctor. I can't hold a needle and thread with my callused hands. I'm just interested in what you said."

"Okay, if you want to know, come to me, I can tell you when I'm free."

"Hey hey, that's a deal."

(End of this chapter)

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