i have a super island

Chapter 469 Rewards

Chapter 469 Rewards
The brain circuit for the name of the equation has always been a mudslide. Before that, Pearl almost called a giant clam, but fortunately, Li Qingman broke him back.

Then there is fatness, just because there is a little more flesh on the body, and the result is a fat name.

The last one is Xiaojian. Because he knows how to shoot arrows, the equation gave him the name Xiaojian, so don't be too casual.

But this time the target is the enemy anyway, a code name is just casual, Li Qingman didn't break the equation back.

Since the end of the battle, all the corpses were being disposed of on the island except for the wounded.

Seeing that there was still not enough manpower, Fang Fang had no choice but to call Pang Pang, and asked him to select a few of the most reliable ones from his staff, and then gave them tools to dig holes on the east side of the island.

This time, many people died on the island, and ordinary earth pits could not bury so many people, so captives had to be mobilized to work.

There is another more troublesome problem, that is, there are corpses everywhere on the island, and moving the corpses is also troublesome. However, because moving the corpses requires walking around the island, this matter is not entrusted to Pangpang's subordinates at ease, but Let your own people do it.

It has to be said that there are more people than there is strength. Almost at sunset, a large pit about five meters long, two meters wide, and two meters deep was dug.

Those chubby subordinates seem to be strong laborers who work hard. Seeing how capable these people are, Fang Fang feels even more comfortable. The infrastructure on the island will be settled in the future.

On the side of the equation, under the command of Li Qingman, those who were not injured carried all those who died on the island to the side of the pit.

There are indigenous people in these corpses, and there are also people who belonged to them.

When examining these corpses, Fang Fang discovered that some aborigines had black teeth. Reminiscent of the black-toothed tribe mentioned by Fatty, he wondered if it was because these guys had black teeth that they were called this name. Bar.

"Pangpang, what's the matter with these people's black teeth?" Fang Fang called Pangpang.

"They are like this. The people of the Black Tooth Tribe are like this. They have been eating a kind of fruit since they were young. After eating, red juice will come out of their mouths, and then their teeth will turn black." Fatty said what he knew All told the equation.

Fang Fang asked his own people again, "Where did you get these corpses?"

Those crew members stood up and said, "From under the cliff."

As soon as they heard that they were brought back from the bottom of the cliff, it was certain that these people were from the Black Tooth Tribe.

Looking at those people's black teeth, which looked ugly and scary at the same time, Fang Fang showed a snorting expression, and then called everyone to throw the corpses into the pit together.

Because there were too many corpses, it was not possible to bury them all after one layer was spread out.

In order to prevent these corpses from causing plague, a thick layer of lime was sprinkled on these corpses after the first layer of corpses was covered.After the lime was sprinkled, the second layer was laid. In this way, a total of three layers were laid before all the corpses on the island were buried.

These alone are shocking enough, not counting those who fell into the sea during the battle, the casualties of this battle were at least forty.

For a small island with a total population of only a dozen or so, it is unimaginable that a battle caused such a large number of casualties.

The bodies were buried, and the fat men were tied up and thrown into the sheepfold again.

As for Pang Pang, his treatment is much better, and he was invited by Equation to have dinner with them.

Because Tang Guo, who has been in charge of cooking for everyone, was injured, Rebecca can only be in charge of today's dinner.Dinner was simple, some boiled cassava, taro and pumpkin, served with some salted fish and dried squid.

After a whole day of fighting, everyone on the island was physically and mentally exhausted. Although they won this life-and-death battle, they did not have the excitement and ecstasy they imagined. It's not easy to survive.

Maybe this was a war that shouldn't have happened from the beginning to the end. They were inexplicably invaded by these natives, and then they had to fight desperately.

The cruelty of war has taught everyone on the island a lesson. Once war comes, it cannot be changed by people's will.

All of this looks bloody and cruel from a normal perspective, but if you are not prepared, when the enemy's butcher's knife comes, you can just stick out your neck.

On the island side, Tang Zhaohui, two natives, and three crew members died, a total of six people.Tang Guo, A Yue, and a crew member were injured, and Tang Guo was seriously injured.

During the banquet, everyone's mental state was not very good, and all these equations were seen in their eyes.

If he is just a soldier, a role member, then he can completely turn a blind eye to this situation, but he is the leader of everyone, and the team is in a lost mood, so he must stand up and cheer for everyone.

"You three, what's your name?"

Fang Fang looked at the three crew members. Before today, they were still criminals who could only be kept in the sheepfold, but now they are allowed to eat at the same table as everyone.

"Luo Changfu, Zhang Lin, Yang Guichu."

The three crew members looked at Equation tremblingly and whispered their names. Among them, Zhang Lin was shot by an arrow in his arm, which has now been stitched up by Song Zhixi.

Fang Fang came to the three of them, patted Zhang Lin on the shoulder, and said from the bottom of his heart: "I have seen all your heroic performances today. Thank you for fighting desperately for the island. From today, I announce that you Restoring your freedom, you will be like everyone else on the island in the future, and this is your new home."

At the beginning, the three crew members were still a little dull, and they hadn't come out of the heavy emotions during the day. After learning that the equation restored their freedom, the three were so excited that they hugged each other and cried.

Keeping the clouds open to see the moon, from the fishing boat to the island, after experiencing so many bloody memories, the three brothers can finally live as normal people again, which has indescribable meaning to them.

The three of them thanked Fang Fang while crying, and also thanked everyone on the island for their acceptance.

At this moment, the previously silent atmosphere at the dinner table was finally broken, and everyone slowly began to talk.

Seeing that everyone finally spoke up and came out of the heavy atmosphere after the war, Fang Fang finally felt relieved.

"And Ayue, in today's battle you were fearless, extremely brave, and you didn't go out of the line of fire even if you were injured. If you can win this battle, you have to make a big contribution." Fang Fang said with a resentful smile, "Unfortunately, the previous Portuguese, The wine has already been drunk, otherwise I must reward you with a whole bottle."

At this time Pearl stood up suddenly, and said in a startling language: "Master, I beg you to reward me to Ayue."

(End of this chapter)

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