i have a super island

Chapter 468 Civilization and Barbarism

Chapter 468 Civilization and Barbarism

Civilization and barbarism have been a combination of contradictions since ancient times.

Since the birth of human society, the old enemies of civilization and barbarism have been constantly colliding.

Looking at human civilization, it is a war between barbarism and civilization. The Vikings crossed the sea to burn, kill and loot England and France;Looking back at history, barbarism aggresses and conquers civilization everywhere; similarly, civilization assimilates barbarism is also vivid.

The reason why Equation is so confident in handling Pangpang and his subordinates is because of this confidence in civilization.

Although Li Qingman still looks a little skeptical, she will still support the decision of the equation without reservation.

"If you don't believe me, ask Pearl."

With a slight smile on the corner of Fang Fang's mouth, he glanced at Pearl with a relaxed expression.

Just now, Ah Yue came out of the room, the wound on his arm had been stitched up by Song Zhixi, and he was about to help everyone clean up the battlefield.

And when Fang Fang was talking, Pearl's eyes fell on A Yue.Obviously, this woman looks at A Yue differently from other people, and she has fallen in love with A Yue.

"Pearl, tell me."

Seeing Pearl looking at Ah Yue in a daze, Fang Fang said it again intentionally.

Pearl came back to her senses, saw Fang Fang and Li Qingman looking at her with a suppressed smile, suddenly became shy, and said nervously, "Say...what?"

"Tell me how life on the island is different from life in the tribe before," Fang said.

"It's simply two worlds."

Pearl did not shy away from talking about her feelings.

During the time on the island, she was not treated like an animal, which made her feel fully respected. At the same time, she learned to follow the equation. They ate cooked food, got rid of the habit of cannibalism, learned to use tables and stools, and Weaved rattan, learned to burn lime and build houses, and no longer lived like barbarians...

When Pearl was talking, it could be seen from her yearning eyes that she really wanted to live with Fang Fang and the others, and she didn't want to go back to the old days of ruthlessness and blood drinking.

After listening to Pearl's speech from the bottom of his heart, Li Qingman began to gradually believe in what Fang Fang said, and his ideas would definitely come true.


Fang Fang looked at Fatty sternly, and called him all over.

Pang Pang has been held captive for so long, only this "Pang Pang" can understand that he is calling himself, and immediately grinned at the equation.

"Pearl, warn him, after coming to the island, he must get rid of the bad habit of cannibalism. Once found, he will be executed!"

Pearl translated Equation's words to Pangpang, and imitated Equation's expression, admonishing Pangpang in a very stern tone.

Pangpang was scared to pee immediately, got down from the chair and knelt in front of the equation, and kept saying that he would never eat human flesh again, not only would he not eat it himself, but he would also warn the people in his tribe not to eat it either.

Hearing Pang Pang's assurance, Fang Fang was of course happy. What he couldn't stand the most was that these natives could eat people. If he could get rid of the habit of cannibalism, everything would not be so bad.

At this time, Pearl took the initiative to talk to Fang Fang about why everyone would eat human flesh.

It turned out that due to low production capacity, food production was seriously insufficient, and many islands were short of resources and land was barren, so human flesh gradually changed from a special food to the final common food.

These aborigines reproduce very fast, and there is not enough food, so fighting and looting has become their daily life.

For the people of these tribes, they are either invading other tribes or being invaded by other tribes every day. At the same time, those prisoners of war naturally become fresh food.

In the world of these barbarians, when a tribe conquers another tribe, it often kills all the males in the conquered tribe. These people are food in their eyes, leaving only young women, and these women are their reproductive machine.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution, cannibalism has become a very normal thing for these aborigines, and they don't think there is anything wrong with it, just like normal people eating beef and mutton.

But speaking of it, it is still because of the lack of food. If the food is sufficient, these aborigines can do not eat human flesh.

After listening to Pearl's explanation, Fang Fang and Li Qingman finally understood the reason why these natives cannibalize human flesh.

"Since this is the case, you can't eat anymore after arriving on the island. Not only can you not eat anymore, you don't even have to think about it. There is enough food on the island to ensure that everyone will not be hungry." Fang Fang said passionately.

Pearl translated the words of Equation to Pang Pang again, and Pang Pang bowed and bowed to Equation again and again, as if he regarded Equation as the savior.

"Okay, okay, don't be like this, you are a tribal leader anyway, don't be so servile in the future, and lead your group of people to undergo transformation on the island, I won't kill you."

Hearing Fang Fang's promise to him that he would not kill him, Pang Pang almost didn't cry.

With these words, Pang Pang's heart fell to the ground.

Originally, there was nothing to talk about with Pang Pang for the time being, and he wanted to go to the house to see the conditions of the wounded.

Suddenly, Fang Fang remembered another thing, to be precise, it was a person, the one who shot Tang Guo.

During the battle on the west coast at that time, the guy was so powerful that he could shoot arrows from the sea to the cliff from a long distance. This person deeply attracted Fang Fang's attention.

"Fatty, the black-toothed tribe you mentioned, are their people good at archery?"

"Yes, each of them is a sharpshooter."

Equation asked again: "Do you know all the people from the Black Tooth Tribe who went to sea with you this time?"

Fatty shook his head and said, "I only know their heads."

"Is it the guy with long arms, tall and thin, who shoots arrows far away?"

"Yes, yes, that's him."

Equation made Pangpang sit down again, and he still needs to learn more about the guy who shot Tang Guo from Pangpang.

Fatty didn't dare to hide anything, naturally he knew everything without saying anything, and took this opportunity to curry favor with Equation.

After constant questioning, I learned that that guy is a small leader of the Black Tooth Tribe, and his status in the tribe is very similar to that of Pang Pang. They both govern an island and have their own power.

"Does that guy have a name?"

"No, we don't have any names, why don't you choose one for him."

Fatty kept shaking his head, and suggested that Equation should name that guy.

Although the chubby leader of the tribe is a rookie in fighting wars, he is simply a genius in flattering horses, which made Fang feel very happy.

"Okay, he can shoot arrows, so we'll call him Little Arrow from now on."

(End of this chapter)

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