i have a super island

Chapter 404 The Birth of Slaked Lime

Chapter 404 The Birth of Slaked Lime
On the second day, Fang Fang was full of excitement and finally waited for the moment of burning lime.

On the original base for firing pottery, there was a large blast furnace built by one person. Since it was built in a hurry yesterday, the soil inside and outside the large blast furnace has not yet dried out.

The mouth of the big blast furnace is small, with a big belly in the middle, which looks like a wine bottle on the outside.

At the bottom of the blast furnace, there is an opening for air intake and ashes.

This design is for better heat accumulation, so that the wood can be burned more fully inside, so that the temperature inside the stove can reach a higher level.

Except for James who was still on guard and patrolling, everyone else on the island came to the scene in person at the request of Equation, preparing to witness the grand occasion of burning lime.

Seeing the big blast furnace in front of her, Lu Fengmei looked very proud. This is a masterpiece he has painstakingly worked on.

But today, he will use this masterpiece to create an even greater miracle.

"Ahem, I don't know if you have anything to ask?"

Lu Fengmei cleared her throat intentionally, as she did when teaching in class, treating the people below as her own students.

Tang Guo had an incredulous expression, and asked, "Mr. Lu, can these conch shells and shells really be used to burn lime?"

Wei Lin also expressed her doubts: "I know that lime can be fired from limestone, dolomite, and calcite, but I don't know that even conch shells can be fired into lime?"

"Then do you know the main ingredients of conch shells and shells?" Lu Fengmei looked at Wei Lin with a smile.

"It's calcium carbonate."

Wei Lin froze when she said calcium carbonate.

Because the ores such as limestone, calcite, and dolomite can be used to burn lime because their components contain a large amount of calcium carbonate.Since they are all calcium carbonate, maybe conch shells can really burn lime.

"Mr. Lu, have you tried it?" Tang Guo asked.

"No, but don't forget, the teacher teaches chemistry." Lu Fengmei smiled confidently.

Equation couldn't wait any longer, and asked, "Mr. Lu, when shall we start?"

Lu Fengmei excitedly said: "Right away, start right away!"

As she spoke, Lu Fengmei took the wooden ladder and poured the firewood into the blast furnace.

Then use a long wooden stick to spread the poured firewood evenly, and then pour in a basket of conch shells.

After pouring in the conch shells, continue to throw firewood into it, continue to spread evenly, and then pour in the conch shells, one layer after another, until all the ten baskets of conch shells are poured in.

After finishing all this, Lu Fengmei was already sweating from exhaustion.

There is only one last step left, and that is ignition.

Lu Fengmei still handed over the matter of lighting the fire to Fang Fang. After all, Fang Fang is also the owner of the island, so it is most suitable for him to light the fire.

Fang Fang did his part and lit the first fire for this blast furnace with his own hands.

Seeing the flames starting to burn from bottom to top, everyone was full of anticipation, hoping that this fire could really burn lime.

Except for Lu Fengmei, everyone else was a little uncertain. Whether they could succeed or not could only be known after the burning.

But Lu Fengmei is full of confidence in this, and firmly believes that the lime will be burned out.

Looking at the flames spouting high from the furnace mouth, Fang Fang asked, "How many degrees can it reach inside the blast furnace?"

Lu Fengmei said: "At least it can reach 900 degrees, and there is absolutely no problem in burning lime. The temperature required for burning lime is 900 to 1100. As long as it is within this temperature range, it can be fired for about an hour."

On a hot day, the sun is exposed to the sun, and the heat wave next to the blast furnace is scorching.

Everyone was so hot that they retreated one after another, sitting in the shade of a tree and waiting for the flame in the stove to go out naturally.

Just waiting like this, finally all the firewood in the blast furnace was burned out.

At this time, you can't get too close to the blast furnace, as the residual heat inside will burn your skin.

After waiting for another hour or so, until the blast furnace was no longer scorching like a big fireball, everyone came outside the blast furnace.

At this time, if you touch the blast furnace with your hands, you can still feel a burst of scorching heat. You can imagine what it will be like inside the blast furnace when the temperature is the highest.

Lu Fengmei bent over and used a wooden stick to keep raking out the ashes from the burnt firewood from the opening below the blast furnace.

In addition to plant ash, there are those burnt conch shells.

The burnt conch shells turned a lime-white color and were so light and brittle that they snapped at the slightest touch.

Seeing those conch shells that were calcined into white, Lu Fengmei finally let go of the pressure in her heart, and smiled happily.

"Successful, successful!"

"Are these limes?" Tang Guo was very excited. It was the first time she saw with her own eyes how limes were fired.

Lu Fengmei said: "No, this is not real lime, it is still one step away from the lime we want."

Tang Guo opened his mouth wide and said in surprise, "Isn't this?"

"Currently it's just quicklime, the main component of which is calcium oxide, and it needs to be watered to turn into slaked lime, that is, calcium hydroxide." Lu Fengmei explained, "Slaked lime is what we need, and we can build stone houses with it. .”

"Guoguo, don't ask any more questions, come and help us collect quicklime." Wei Lin, who was squatting on the ground picking up conch shells, said to Tang Guo.

Tang Guo stuck out her tongue mischievously, and replied, "Here we come."

Others also joined the team of picking conch shells one after another.

Lu Fengmei raked out the ashes and conch shells from the stove, and everyone lowered their heads to sieve them.

These calcined conch shells are particularly brittle, and sometimes they will shatter when touched lightly, making it very troublesome to pick them up.

But as long as one thinks that lime can be smelted on the island, these are nothing, and everyone's face is filled with happy smiles.

It took more than half an hour, and with the joint efforts of everyone, all the conch shells in the blast furnace were finally collected.

Beside the blast furnace, Lu Fengmei had already dug a water pit for making slaked lime.

When Fang Fang saw the puddle before, he was puzzled and didn't understand what the puddle could be used for. Only now did he realize that Lu Fengmei wanted to make slaked lime in this puddle.

Led by Lu Fengmei, the crowd carried three baskets of burnt quicklime to the side of the puddle, and poured the conch shells in the baskets together.

As soon as those gray-white conch shells touched the water, they began to decompose and generate heat. Almost instantly, the water in the puddle began to violently boil.

Seeing this scene, Fang Fang was the first to laugh wildly, followed by Lu Fengmei, and then everyone else.

"Miss Lu, you did a great job!"

Fang Fang hugged Lu Fengmei excitedly.

Undoubtedly, the successful burning of lime is definitely a major event enough to change the island. From then on, the island will have an extremely important building material.

(End of this chapter)

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