i have a super island

Chapter 403 Lime Burning Plan

Chapter 403 Lime Burning Plan
Wei Lin looked at the equation in disbelief, and when he heard that he really wanted to build a house for herself, she immediately burst into smiles, her lips from ear to ear.

Not to mention how envious Lu Fengmei was, Wei Lin came to the island a few days later than him, and became the first among so many newcomers to have her own house.

"So it was Wei Lin's drawing room?" Lu Fengmei said.

"Yes, drawing is a meticulous job, and Wei Lin must be left alone without being disturbed." Fang Fang said.

Lu Fengmei reminded: "Since it is a drawing room, there must be a lot of materials stored in it. Wouldn't it be too dangerous to cover it with wood?"

"This... will indeed be dangerous."

In fact, the equation of this problem has also been considered. The most worrying thing about a house built with wood is fire.

Once a fire breaks out, it will be devastating to the wooden house, especially as a drawing room, the materials inside will suffer.

But the problem is that there is no other place on the island that is suitable for digging holes, and there is no other material that is suitable for building a house. The wooden house in this conception is already the most luxurious among many houses.

"Actually, stones can be used."

Lu Fengmei took this opportunity to put forward her own suggestions.

Equation pondered silently, and seemed to have some doubts about the suggestion of using stones.

"There are stone islands, but houses made of stones are not stable. Wouldn't it be more dangerous if they collapsed?"

"If there's something that can be glued together, then the house won't collapse."

"Do you use mud? There are many rainy days on the island. If it rains for a long time, it will collapse."

Lu Fengmei suddenly smiled confidently: "Actually, besides using mud, there is another good choice, and that is lime!"


Equation let out an exclamation.

Not only the equation, but also Wei Lin and A Yue also had shocked expressions.

Fang Fang smiled helplessly, and said: "Mr. Lu, lime can indeed be used for bonding, but we are on a desert island, and we don't have such conditions. Besides, where can we get lime?"

"If conditions permit, even on a desert island, there are conditions to burn lime!" Lu Fengmei said firmly.

"How to burn?"

Fang Fang was attracted by Lu Fengmei's attitude. It seems that Lu Fengmei really knows how to smelt lime.

"Need a blast furnace."

After all, the topic turned back to the blast furnace.

This was Lu Fengmei and his last stubbornness. After the construction of the blast furnace was suspended due to the firing of glass, he did not give up, but was racking his brains to find a way.

Finally, Huangtian paid off, and the matter of building a house for Wei Lin brought him a new opportunity.

The concept of lime is thrown in front of the equation. As long as the equation is not a fool, everyone knows the role of lime.Under that condition, basically don't think too much about cement, it is impossible to have something, but lime can be used as a lower substitute for cement, instead of cement for bonding.

If lime can really be produced, then the living conditions on the island will be changed drastically.

"Can you really burn lime?"

"Of course, as long as you let me build the blast furnace."

This time, Fang Fang readily agreed to Lu Fengmei, patted her thigh and said, "Okay, let's build a blast furnace. Just tell me what you need for lime smelting."

Lu Fengmei was in a good mood, and with Fang Fang's nod of approval, the construction of this blast furnace was naturally a matter of course, and she no longer worried about being hindered.

Not only that, as long as the lime can be fired, his status on the island will undoubtedly be greatly improved.

"I want A Yue."

"Of course, Ayue is the only one who can fight with mud."

Lu Fengmei added: "I still need ten baskets of conch shells."

Equation asked, "What do you want a conch shell for?"

"Conch shells are indispensable for lime refining. Of course, shells are also acceptable. In short, the more the better."

"Okay, this is not difficult."

After Lu Fengmei made several requests one after another, Fang Fang agreed to them one by one, and the conversation between the two parties was quite pleasant.

After lunch, Lu Fengmei took Ayue to the pottery base.That's where he wanted to build a blast furnace. Soon, the base for firing pottery will become a base for firing lime.

When Lu Fengmei and A Yue left, Wei Lin also packed up the dishes and got up to go back to the cave.

Fang Fang stopped Wei Lin and asked, "Can you design a house?"

Wei Lin nodded lightly, and said in a low voice, "I have learned a little bit. If you need it, Brother Fang, I can try it."

"No, I don't need it. What I mean is that you design a house for yourself."

"Ah! Design it for me?"

Fang Fang smiled and said, "Otherwise, what is going to be built now is your house, let me see your design level."

Wei Lin looked very excited, bowed down to thank the equation, and said confidently: "Thank you, I will definitely design a house that satisfies you."

Seeing this little girl's serious appearance, Fang Fang was very pleased.

This time, a group of reliable people came to the island, and the island was finally able to develop smoothly.

"Lianna, look at the two of them, I'll go to the beach."


Thinking of burning lime, Fang Fang was no longer in the mood to stay and cut trees.

I handed over the job of cutting trees to the two natives, and let Lianna watch over them, while I went to call Tang Guo and Rebecca, and went to the beach to pick up conch.

When he came to the beach, Tang Guo looked at Equation curiously. Seeing his excited face, he suddenly proposed to pick up conch. He didn't know what was going on.

"Brother, are you tired of eating fish and want a change?"

"No, I just want to pick up some conch and shells to go back."

As far as conch shells are concerned, there are many on the beach, but they are all dead and empty shells.

Seeing that Equation picked up those empty shells into the basket, Tang Guo said suspiciously: "Brother, these are empty shells."

Fang Fang nodded and said, "That's right, what I need is an empty shell."

Rebecca on the side looked at the equation's behavior and was even more puzzled. What can these empty conch and shells do when they are picked up.

The equation did not continue to explain to the two of them, anyway, it was right to just bow your head and pick up the conch shells.

The most indispensable thing on the beach is these conch shells. I didn't even look at them because I thought they were useless.Now knowing that this thing can be used to burn lime, Equation can't wait to let go of any of them.

The three of them were in charge of one task each on the beach, pushing forward like a harvester, receiving wherever they went, turning around and pushing again after pushing once.

By the evening, ten baskets of conch shells had been collected, and the three of them were too tired.

Tang Guo rubbed her sore waist with her hands, and asked again: "Brother, what are you going to do after collecting so many conch shells?"

Fang Fang smiled and said, "You will know tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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