Chapter 154 Play
Ye Hui looked at Oliver squarely and said, "I think so too."

After returning home, Li Zhiheng hurriedly passed the good news back to the country. For a while, all the elders in the country were happy again, let's not show it for the time being.

With good results in the competition, Ye Hui's reputation was once again heated up to the extreme, and the media was really buzzing for a while.The reporters who had an appointment with Ye Hui before were very lucky to have such an agreement, so Ye Hui took the time seriously, gave everyone enough time, and formally conducted an interview, and brought a few journalists from the newspaper office where they worked. The newspaper was also sold well, and these are all things to come.

At the appointment of Nagasawa Masako, Ye Hui actually walked around here with her.This time without Bai Ling, Ye Hui had a great time playing.If it weren't for Masako's strict family rules, and the butler Heiliu was always beside her, she still wanted to travel with Ye Hui to various famous places and famous cities in Italy, especially the water city of Venice. It would be a pity not to go there!
In this hurry, Masako and Ye Hui are reluctant to part.After sending her to the plane, Masako took Ye Hui's hand to make an appointment, and the two met at Curtis.

Masako Nagasawa is gone, but Ye Hui's interest is not over yet.The two of them naturally want to take a good look around the various famous cities in Italy.In addition to the essential Venice just mentioned, there are also famous cities such as Milan, Rome, Florence, etc., and of course, there is the famous city of violin makers, Clemona!
The first one to go, of course, is Milan.In later generations, there are four major shows in the world, nothing more than Paris, Milan, London, and New York.And this Milan is famous for its novelty, avant-garde, simple fashion.Among the four shows, Milan was the latest to rise, but it even surpassed the trend of Paris in later generations, gathering the world's top figures, among which Milan designers contributed the most.

Even today, perhaps the Milan show is not as prestigious as the later generations, but it has already produced a scale.At least, there are still many designers of all kinds.This is not a small temptation for Ye Hui, a designer, so he naturally refuses to miss it easily.

Of course, in addition to the attractiveness of Milan itself to Ye Hui, there is also the geographical location of Milan.Ye Hui remembered that in later generations, she also went to Milan to play.Milan can be described as all roads lead to Rome.Milan is the most economically active region in Italy and naturally has the best geographical environment.The country's motorway system, based in Milan, ensures the smooth operation of Venice, Bologna, Rome, Naples, Genoa and Turin.So this first stop went to Milan, and the next route will be more convenient and relaxed.

Milan had a rich artistic heritage during the Roman rule, and many ancient buildings are still preserved. In the 3rd century, the famous Basilica of San Lorenzo and the floating columns carved with 16 Corinthians The building is the cultural treasure of the Milan team.In addition, there are many ancient objects with high artistic value such as inscriptions, carvings, bricks and mosaics that are still collected in the famous Archaeological Museum in Milan.Milan in the Middle Ages is more of the atmosphere of the times. The city of Milan has shown great achievements in literature and art. They are the same pride of this period as Rome, Ravenna and Naples.The most representative buildings are the ancient buildings that can still be seen in Milan today: the Church of Sant'Ambrogo, the Church of Sant'Eustri and the Palazzo Lagien.People nowadays are amazed at the ingenious architecture in the era when science was not yet prosperous.In addition, oil paintings are another example of the high cultural atmosphere of Milan in this period. There are many famous and valuable oil paintings in the library of Sant'Ambologo Church.

During Ye Hui's trip, these places are naturally not to be missed.After visiting the scenic spots, I went to buy a lot of local handmade carpets and tapestries.Fortunately, she had space to carry around and didn't worry about money, so Ye Hui bought it with all her might.Although these handmade carpets in this meeting are still more expensive than others, they are not as expensive as the later generations. Ye Hui is naturally happy to buy a lot.Not only for myself, but also for Shen Qing, Li Jia, Grandma Fang, and by the way, the Bai family.

The scenery of Venice, the city of water, is really wonderful. Different from tourist cities that are famous for their scenic spots and natural scenery, cities built on water really reveal a different taste everywhere.Sitting on a rickety gondola boat and walking through the so-called streets, looking at the houses and buildings built on the water, it is really wonderful.

"The city on the water really deserves its reputation." Looking at the different scenery, Ye Hui couldn't help sighing.

"It's amazing. A city that stands on the water is completely different from the feeling of walking on land. Well, fortunately, we only stayed here for two days."

"What's so fortunate about this?" Ye Hui asked curiously.

"Of course there is too much water." Li Zhiheng sat opposite Ye Hui and said, "If there is so much water on land, children would fall to the ground at most when they fight, but this is different. Yes, people will die!"

"What a coincidence? Their children can swim well. They were born by the water, so they can swim naturally."

"Hey, maybe I'm too uncomfortable?!"

As the boat swayed on the water, after a while, a bridge appeared in front of it. It is a typical baroque architectural style. The bridge is in the shape of a house. small window.

"The Bridge of Sighs is here!" Ye Hui exclaimed in surprise.

"Bridge of Sighs?"

"That's right. The Bridge of Sighs is a very famous scenic spot in Venice. Did you know that "The Bridge of Love at Sunset" was filmed here." Moreover, there are rumors of lovers kissing under the bridge, It will last forever!

"Why did you choose such a name? It should have a meaning." Li Zhiheng said looking at the Bridge of Sighs with different architectural styles.

"Of course there are allusions, it's just..."

Just as she was talking, the boat was gradually driving under the bridge, she couldn't miss this opportunity!
Ye Hui turned around and hooked Li Zhiheng's shoulder, pulling his head down.Li Zhiheng was wondering what he was doing, but Ye Hui had already closed his eyes and kissed him.Li Zhiheng immerses himself in the unique beauty of the girl's sweet and soft lips.

It seems that this is the first time Ye Zi has been so proactive.Li Zhiheng also embraced Ye Hui's waist, took the little girl into his arms, and kissed her.

No matter how slow it is, the boat will eventually pass through the bridge hole slowly.Passing through the shadow under the bridge hole, the sunlight shines on the two hugging and kissing people again.

After a long time, Li Zhiheng let go of the little girl's beautiful lips, still closed his eyes, and gently pressed his forehead against each other, embracing each other for a long time, enjoying this happy and free moment.

"Can you tell me this time, why is that bridge called the Bridge of Sighs?"

Ye Hui laughed loudly, "You still remember, I thought this would shock you, right?!"

"I was really shocked." Li Zhiheng's voice came with a smile, "It's just that I think my little girl's sudden behavior is not just a whim, is it? Is there anything else I haven't told me?"

Ye Hui let go of the hand on the back of Li Zhiheng's neck, smiled and began to talk about the origin of the Bridge of Sighs.

"The Bridge of Sighs was built in 1603 and was named after the sighs of the condemned prisoners on the bridge. The two ends of the Bridge of Sighs are connected to the Governor's Palace of the Republic of Venice (Dukare Palace) and the Venice Prison. And the architectural style of this bridge is very tightly closed, only two small windows on the canal side. When I was on the bridge, I could only see the blue sky through the small window, and since then I lost my freedom and sighed involuntarily, so this bridge is called the Bridge of Sighs.”

Li Zhiheng listened to Ye Hui's narration, and looked back at the Bridge of Sighs that they had left far behind.Unexpectedly, the origin of this bridge is actually like this.

"Then, why did I ask you just now, and you didn't tell me, but did such a thing instead?" Li Zhiheng did not forget the abnormality of the little girl just now.

Hearing Li Zhiheng's questioning again and again, Ye Hui couldn't help but blushed suddenly.She couldn't say those words to Li Zhiheng.Yes, she just has the guts to do it, but she doesn't have the guts to say it.

Ye Hui ignored him and looked back at the buildings on both sides of the strait.

Li Zhiheng knew that the little girl was shy.It doesn't matter, even if the little girl doesn't tell, he will always find out.

Venice is naturally more than this, there are St. Mark's Square, St. Mark's Basilica and so on.Also go to Lucerne, Switzerland, known as the "Garden of the World".Visit Lake Lucerne, the Chapel Bridge on the lake, and the stone sculpture of "Dying Lion" which is the symbol of Lucerne. It is to visit the famous Titlis Snow Mountain, which is covered with snow all the year round, to step on the snow field and experience the fun of playing in the snow.

Next, the two went to Rome to visit Trevi Fountain, Piazza Venezia, ancient Roman ruins, exterior scenes of the ancient Roman Colosseum, and ancient Roman Arc de Triomphe. Then they visited the country within the city - St. Peter's Square in the Vatican, and St. Peter's Basilica.Then visit the Statue of David and the Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence. You can freely buy famous Italian leather goods there. You can also visit the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa.

It can be said that you have traveled all the major places of interest in Italy.In this trip, excluding the month of the competition, it took nearly another month just to play, and this delay came to December, and Christmas was already in sight.

But obviously, the little girl's interest has not been satisfied, and she just wants to continue playing, but she can't.There were frequent news from the country, asking the two to go back quickly.Also, after Christmas is New Year's Day.Most Chinese here value domestic festivals, even this small New Year's Day, they also hope that their families will be reunited.

 There are so many scenic spots in Italy! ! !When can I go and play? ? ? ? ?There are really interesting legends about the Bridge of Sighs. Just for the long-lasting rumors, many couples from all over the world rush to that place every year!
  It is said that a man was sentenced and walked across the bridge.
  "Take one last look!" said the jailer, stopping the man at the window.
  The window lattice is exquisitely carved and is composed of many eight-petal chrysanthemums.
  The man climbed the window and looked down, and saw a narrow and long gondola driving under the bridge, and a man and a woman were sitting on the boat, kissing each other.The woman turned out to be his lover.
  The man slammed into the flower window frantically. The window was made of thick marble and was not damaged, leaving only a pool of blood and an angry corpse.
  The blood didn't drip down the bridge, and the roar never came out. Even if it did, the woman who hugged and kissed couldn't possibly hear it.
  The blood has been washed away long ago, and the tragic story has been forgotten by most people.Just say it's the "Bridge of Sighs," where the prisoners got their last glimpse.Let's change the tragedy into a comedy, and turn it into a myth.
  If couples can be under the bridge, love will last forever.

  But most people still believe that love can last forever here. . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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