Chapter 153 Finals

"Curtis. What about you?"

Masako looked a little disappointed, but she still said sullenly: "Julia, my mother graduated from that college, so she wants me to go to her alma mater."

"You don't want to go?" Ye Hui could see that Masako was a little disappointed.

Masako looked at Ye Hui and was silent for a while before saying, "You have to work hard! Don't be defeated by that Oliver!"

"Huh?" Ye Hui was a little confused.

Yazi patted Ye Hui on the shoulder and said encouragingly: "You must work hard! Don't fail."

Ye Hui was about to ask Masako what she meant, Oliver's performance was coming to an end, and it was Ye Hui's turn!
Before he had time to ask Masako what he said just now, he took the piano and waited at the entrance.

Every once in a while, there was a thunderous applause inside, and it seemed that Oliver's performance was over.

Ye Hui took a deep breath, saw the door in front of her slowly open, and walked in.There was another thunderous applause.The audience was obviously very interested in her, and they all looked at her.Ye Hui felt like she had walked for a long time in just tens of meters to the stage.

The symphony orchestra on the stage is already in full swing.Knowing that they were waiting for her to accompany her, Ye Hui couldn't help being excited again.It seems that since I knew I was going to cooperate with the orchestra, I became more and more excited.

Everything is ready, the violin is carried on the shoulder, and it is in a posture.The music gradually started, first the melodious sound of the violin, and then the symphony.

If the violin at the beginning was a little lingering and elegant, then when the symphony played later, the momentum of the music suddenly increased, and even Ye Hui felt surging.

It feels right, everything feels right.The piece that Ye Hui chose was already a bit exciting, but now it is even more imposing with the symphony orchestra.

As I said before, Ye Hui's advantage is that she has a stronger understanding and expression of music than her peers. In this way, it is easier to construct a complete and rich world for everyone through her own understanding and expression, and then bring everyone into that world.

Now with the help of the symphony, it will undoubtedly make the world more vivid.Everyone gradually indulged in this wonderful world.

Oliver, who was sitting in the auditorium, couldn't hide the ups and downs in his heart when he heard Ye Hui's performance.Her expressive power is so strong, and this symphony is even more powerful.In terms of skills, this little Chinese girl is indeed inferior to me, but the music world she has outlined is beyond my reach.

Seeing how the judges bowed their heads to communicate and sketched on the paper from time to time, he already knew it in his mind.One of him and Ye Hui is skilled in skills, and the other is rich in artistic conception, but it is really hard to distinguish them.This slight difference depends on which one the judges prefer.

When the rhythm gradually slowed down, Ye Hui drew the last rest, and the finals belonging to Ye Hui officially ended!Enjoying the aftertaste brought by the music, Ye Hui felt incomparably joyful and happy seeing the audience's undisguised admiration and unsparing applause.It has nothing to do with rankings, it’s just that my music brings enjoyment to everyone...

Thanks to the applause, he walked off the stage slowly and sat next to Oliver.

Because it is the last game, there are seats for the players in the audience.After all the contestants have finished the competition, they can go on stage to announce the results of the competition and present awards.

"Your artistic conception is indeed outstanding."

As soon as Ye Hui sat down, Oliver next to him said aloud.Looking over, I found that the child was still staring at Nagasawa Masako who was slowly walking onto the stage.

Before Ye Hui could reply, Oliver finally lost his composure.Looking sideways at Ye Hui, seeing that she was looking at Masako intently, she was immediately displeased.

"I'm talking to you!" awkward child.

Ye Hui didn't turn her head back, she continued to look at the stage, "I heard it, does this mean you want to admit defeat?"

"I won't admit defeat!" Oliver's voice was mixed with a trace of anger. After waiting for a while, he said flatly again, "Even if your artistic conception is well drawn, it is at most equal to me. You may not win !"

Ye Hui chuckled, she really was a brat who cared so much about winning or losing.But on second thought, isn't it the same for me?If you don't care about winning or losing, what's the point of this game? !

Ye Hui and Oliver's whispers fell into Li Zhiheng's eyes completely.In other words, Li Zhiheng has been paying attention to Ye Hui's every move since Ye Hui finished playing and started here.So Ye Hui talked to Oliver, and the low smile naturally fell into his eyes, and he couldn't help frowning.

Nagasawa Masako still couldn't hide her nervousness. When she came on stage, Ye Hui even wondered if this girl had the same hands and feet. However, she finally showed her normal performance in the subsequent performance, which made Ye Hui, who had been sweating for her, Can't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Even if he exhaled softly, it clearly fell into the ears of Oliver next to him.

"It seems that you are very worried about her." Oliver said softly.

"We're friends." Ye Hui said without looking back, "She's pretty good, but she's just too nervous."

"Then she doesn't belong on the stage!" Oliver's business was a little harsh, "As a musician, if you can't even go on the stage, what future is there?!"

Ye Hui glanced at Oliver, but said nothing.This kid is really indescribably awkward today.

While speaking, Masako had finished playing.The rest of Ye Hui and Oliver also went on stage.

In the audience, the judges communicated with each other for a while, and then a representative of the judges came onto the stage with a few pieces of paper.

"So far, the finals of this competition are all over. I believe that after listening to the performances of the three contestants, you are already eager to know the result of this competition.

After evaluation by ten judges, the No.3 winner of this contest is..."

Ye Hui's heart began to lift, unexpectedly, this foreigner also knew how to cheat people's appetite.Waiting for the final result, before she knew it, Ye Hui squeezed the edge of the piano case hard, making an unbearable sound.Fortunately, the microphone is far away from here, so it was not transmitted to the audience.

"From Japan, Masako Nagasawa!"

Nagasawa Masako next to her had already bowed down, and applause immediately erupted from the audience, which just covered up Ye Hui's soft sigh.

The judges unfolded the second piece of paper and read: "This competition, the winner of No.2..."


Peeking at Oliver next to him, his face was still indifferent, but as long as he was more careful, he would find that the child's hand had already been secretly clenched.

"Oliver Bernard from France!"

There was thunderous applause again.This time Ye Hui couldn't believe her ears. Seeing that Oliver next to him had already bowed down, Ye Hui finally believed that it was true!
Oliver took the trophies and prizes handed over by the award presenter, and the corners of his mouth tightened.In the end, he lost this bet.

"There is no suspense this time. The No.1 winner of this competition is Hui Ye from China! Applause!"

The judges took the lead in applauding, and the audience was full of applause.As the winner of the applause, Ye Hui even felt that the applause this time was louder and warmer than the previous two!

As a result, the judges handed over the trophies and certificates, and Ye Hui also felt like crying with excitement.I finally realized my wish!At the same time, I also proved to everyone that I am not grandstanding!

This is the first time, Ye Hui is a little disappointed why not a single Chinese reporter can see it in this huge arena like the later generations.She felt a little regretful that she couldn't let the world know that this time she finally achieved this result completely relying on her own ability!
The aftertaste of winning the grand prize stirred Ye Hui's heart, and she couldn't calm down for a long time.

After the game, Versace personally came to congratulate Ye Hui.Affected by the environment, Ye Hui is still modest, but the corners of her mouth can't stop curling up.

Provoking Versace to sigh loudly, will this lively little girl be infected with Chinese-style hypocrisy? !

Of course, this is a joke.Ye Hui doesn't care about him, who told her to be in a good mood? !

Nagasawa Masako also came to congratulate Ye Hui.It could be seen that Masako was sincerely congratulating herself.

Ye Hui accepted it with a smile, and agreed to go back to rest by the way, and must review the last trip in Moscow.

The crowd finally dispersed.Li Zhiheng watched Ye Hui finish the game, and was busy dealing with these people.Although it was a happy event when I won the game, it still took a lot of energy and I was under psychological pressure.

Seeing the crowd gradually shrinking, Li Zhiheng held Ye Hui's shoulder lightly and said with concern, "Are you tired?"

"A little bit." Even though he said tired words, he couldn't hide the joy on his face, "I think my face is frozen from laughing, but I still want to laugh."

Ye Hui rubbed her sore cheeks, acting like a baby.

Li Zhiheng put his hands on Ye Hui's and gently rubbed her cheeks, "I know you are happy. After working so hard for so long, it finally paid off!"

"I really want to fly back right now and tell Teacher Ruan the good news! I succeeded, I finally succeeded."

"Okay." Li Zhiheng was doting on his face.

I remembered that a few hours ago, I was still nervous about the game.This meeting has already been settled, it really feels like two heavens.

Meet Oliver head-on.

It's very impolite to smile so brightly in front of her opponent, so Ye Hui tried her best to restrain her smile and try her best to look as usual.

"Congratulations, your artistic conception won in the end." Oliver said lightly.

Ye Hui met Oliver's eyes this time and said sincerely: "I don't think it's my artistic conception that won you. In music, artistic conception and technique are always indispensable. For real everyone, artistic conception and technique are both perfect. Therefore, I must admit that my skills still need to be improved compared with yours."

Oliver shrugged and spoke lazily, "This is the truth. I believe that we will have another chance to compete. This time your artistic conception is better than mine, but never take it lightly, I am still waiting to compete with you Next." In the last sentence, Oliver's eyes showed some seriousness.

 Finally finished writing the finale. . .I have already arrived at school, and I miss the days at home very much. I just missed my mother after being separated for a few hours. . . . . . . . . . . .woo woo woo woo. . . . . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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