after tomorrow is the end

Chapter 302 Iron Hands

Chapter 302 Iron Hands
"I don't know...Take some back." Deadwood took out a bottle from his bag, and filled a little bit of that liquid from the glass barrel.

"How is it? Have you found any wounded imperial soldiers?" Haider was in the hall, watching them low-key shuttle back and forth between the various glass rooms.

"No!" "No!" "I don't have any here either!" In addition to the computer room, ward, storage room, and conference room, I searched all over. Except for dead people and dead zombies, there was no living thing in the entire hall.

"Report! There is a door here!" "There is also a door here!" Finally, there were two isolation doors in the east and west in front of them.

"What should I do? Where should I go first?" Everyone discussed and decided to go to the west gate first, and if there is no one there, go to the east gate.

Pa Pa Pa Pa... Dark Night Sirius patted the isolation door with his hands, and looked at the access control on the side of the door. The door was locked.

"Everyone look for it! See if there is an access control card!" Everyone spread out to search, some were looking for the cabinet, and some were looking for the bottom of the bed.

Low-key came to the conference room, there were two corpses lying on the ground, a man and a woman were scientific researchers.

First, he rummaged through the pockets of the male corpse, and then rummaged through the pockets of the female corpse.

"Found it!" He quietly took out an access control card and ran to the access control of the isolation door.Looking back, it was cold and dark and everyone was ready, all with guns ready to go.

beep!The low-calling card was swiped on the access control.

Kaka... The isolation door made a mechanical sound and opened to both sides.

Everyone stared with bated breath, nervously staring at the gradually opening door, preparing for the scene of a large wave of zombies rushing out.

As a result... no...

Step, step, step, Wang An, Zhao Xuan and Xue Zhan walked in slowly first, and the others followed.

The layout of this room is very unique. On the right hand side is a row of large cabinets similar to freezers, and on the left hand side is a row of railings. Occasionally there are stairs, and you can go down a few steps to the hall.

This two-meter-wide aisle is U-shaped and wraps around the hall. There are two doors at both ends of the U-shape, one is where they came in when it was cold and dark at night.

"What's going on here? Why are some doors open and some closed?" Li Xiao walked in this corridor, and looked inside one of the open doors. There was nothing, just an empty jar.

"Hmm..." Haider stopped in front of a closed container, looking thoughtfully at the warning and radiation warning signs pasted on the door.

"Look! This should be a monitoring room." Fulian walked down the stairs, and there was a circle of computers and LCD projection screens in the center of the hall, each of which seemed to correspond to a room, or a container.

A few people from Deadwood came over and walked around here, trying to find useful information.It's a pity that these computer screens were either damaged by guns and sparked electric sparks, or the computer screens were blurred, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

"Come and see here!" Moser exclaimed from the other corner of the hall.

"What's going on!" The Idle Fish King ran over immediately, and saw Moser standing at the door of a room, looking into the room in horror.

"I'll go! What is this!" The King of Free Fish was also shocked and aimed his gun inside.

Tattat...the others also rushed to hear the news.

"This is..." Haider's eyes suddenly lit up, and he was the first to rush into the room.

"Be careful!" Tian Han Ye Hei couldn't help reminding.

This is an anatomy room. The medical beds and medicine cabinets inside are crumbling, and various unknown bottles and jars are scattered all over the floor, some are broken and some are not.

The most important thing is the corpse, two imperial soldiers, two scientific researchers, a mutated earth dragon, and... a marrow sucker!
"Oh my god, my god, my god!" Haider looked at the mutated earth dragon, touched the marrow sucker, and finally used the computer next to him to look up an experiment report.

The general content of the report is the whole process of the experiment, what is the blood of the mutated earth dragon injected into the experimental body, and the marrow sucker was obtained, and then the blood of the marrow sucker was injected into the experimental body, and the iron hand was obtained!

"Tie Shou?" Tian Leng Ye Hei was also looking at the screen displayed on the computer. It was a picture of Tie Shou, and he felt a little familiar.

Iron hand, two meters tall, humanoid mutant, dry skin, but wrapped in powerful muscles, both feet and fists are all gigantic, and, with low-level intelligence, can be domesticated!

"Huh? Why does this iron hand look like a small iron giant?" Tian Leng Yehei finally realized that if it was equipped with an iron shield and a rocket launcher, wouldn't it be an Iron Giant?Just a little smaller.

Just as they were concentrating, a marrow absorber quietly crawled over from the ceiling.

It spits out its long mouthparts, staring at the crowd below as if hunting.

Lord Grim, standing on the outermost side, was looking inside with his feet up.

Sudden!A viscous mouthpart wrapped around his neck, directly hoisting him to the ceiling!
"Uh uh." Lord Grim stomped his feet, his neck was strangled so that he couldn't speak at all.

"Jun Moxiao. Huh? Where's the person?" Soul Eater turned around, but the person disappeared. He took two steps to look around, but there was still no one there.

It's strange, on the ceiling, like a shark smelling blood, there are a few more marrow suckers crawling over!
Whoosh! "Uh..." The Soul Eater was also wrapped around his neck with his mouthparts, and he began to be dragged up with his legs kicking wildly.

"Huh?" Li Siqi's ears moved, heard some small sounds, and then suddenly turned his head and looked up!
"There are marrow suckers on the ceiling!" Li Siqi yelled, and immediately raised his gun to shoot.

Da da da. When the others heard the warning sound, they also raised their guns and fired.

But the marrow sucker was very nimble, walking on the ceiling as if walking on the ground, scurrying about for a while, like a mouse, burrowing into the hole in the ceiling.

Lord Grim and Soul Eater fell down with two slaps.

Everyone hurried forward to check, and they were already out of breath.

"They're in the mezzanine of the ceiling!" The sky was cold and the night was dark, and everyone raised their necks one by one, looking for their traces.

Tap tap tap. The sound of marrow suckers running in the mezzanine.

"Over there!" Anye Sirius felt a vibration in his upper left, and immediately shot there frantically.

Da da da. The bullet made more than a dozen holes in the ceiling there, and I don't know if any of them hit the marrow absorber.

"Go back first! Go back first!" The enemy is in the dark and we are in the light. It is cold and Yehei decides to go back to the original room first, and then try to get rid of them.

Stepping. Everyone quickly evacuated, ran up the stairs, turned around, and ran along the corridor to the room.

Blood War was running ahead, when suddenly the closed door of the container room opened!
A big black hand grabbed Xue Zhan's neck and lifted him up.

"Ahem." Xue Zhan's feet left the ground, and the gun fell to the ground. He tried to pull the giant hand away with both hands, but he couldn't.

"Iron Hand!" The people behind saw its face clearly, and it was an Iron Hand that came out of the container room!
(End of this chapter)

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