Chapter 301 lab3
"Fire! Fire! Don't stop! Keep the rhythm! Attack uninterrupted!" Tian Leng·Ye Hei shouted and fired.

Da da da da. The people in the 666 camp cooperated very well. They attacked alternately to ensure full firepower.

"Hmm" Haider stood behind, shooting while watching their operations.Obviously, they have received professional training, which is rare among desperadoes.

The desperadoes he has seen all play in a swarm, without continuity and tactics.

Da da da. The shooting is still going on, and the zombies hit can't get close at all, as if there is an invisible barrier in front of them, preventing them from advancing.

"Uh uh." A fat zombie rushed over with a big belly mixed in among the corpses.

"There are fat zombies! Soul Eater!" Always pay attention to the enemy's situation in cold weather and dark night.

"Leave it to me!" The Soul Eater had already made preparations, and the carbon spider bow in his hand was always ready to go.

With a whizzing arrow, it passed through the gaps between the zombies in the front row, and hit the belly of the fat zombie.

The fat zombie's chubby belly was like a hydrogen balloon, and it was detonated by the exploding arrow!

Boom!With a muffled sound, the surrounding zombies also suffered. The shock wave blasted them into the air, hit the wall, and fell to the ground.

"Nice job! Hahaha!" Dead Wood couldn't help shouting out.

"There are miner zombies!" It was cold and dark at night and shouted again, only to see a tall absent-worker zombie rushing over with a helmet on.

With a swishing arrow, it hit its ankle.

Bang, the arrow exploded, directly blowing off one of its feet.

The zombie miner tilted his body and fell heavily to the ground.

bang bang!A few bullets hit a pipe at the base of the wall, and the gas inside leaked out immediately, whistling white gas.

"Be careful! Especially the boxes containing radioactive substances!" The sky was cold and the night was dark, and a cold sweat broke out. In the corner of this passage, there were some boxes of unknown type, but there were radiation warning signs on them. .

Da da da. Everyone fired more cautiously.

There was still fierce fighting inside, and Fan Fan and the others outside were not idle, they each found a sniper position and were ready to support the brothers who came out at any time.

Ruan Yang was sitting on a rock, covering his shattered head, where the bandages were wrapped a few times and bandaged briefly.

Originally, Ruanyang was planning to commit suicide and return to the city, because he was a little disfigured.But Fan Fan stopped her, because Fan Fan knew that too many deaths would not be good for the brain
Da da da. The attacks gradually became sparse.

"Stop shooting!" The sky was cold and the night was dark, and the prolonged shooting filled the air with the smell of gunpowder.

Kaka, everyone stopped shooting and began to reload, and the orders were strictly prohibited.

"Uh uh." On the ground, there were some zombies whose legs had been broken, and they wanted to crawl over and bite.

"Keep going! Pay attention to replenishing the gun!"

Everyone started to move forward slowly.

Da da... Shoot the zombies on the ground who are not yet dead.

"Move the corpse to the side first, and clear out a clear passage." It was cold and dark at night, and there was no place to step down here. If you just go in like this, in case there is any emergency inside, this place will become a place to escape Obstacle.

"Yes!" Fulian, Lengji, Shensi, Jixiaomo, Xingchen and others stepped forward, and hurriedly piled up these corpses on both sides.

"Hey... Xiao Heizi is too cautious." Fulian wiped the sweat from his forehead, looked up, and it was only half cleaned.

"Okay, move quickly." Xing Chen grabbed a corpse by its collar and was about to lift it.

Sudden!The corpse opened its eyes!
With a groan, he bit Xingchen's forearm!
"Ah! Ahh!" Xingchen screamed in pain.

With a bang, the zombie's head was blown off.

"Oh, damn it! I was bitten!" Looking at the bloody arm, Xing Chen was so angry that he kicked the corpse twice again.

"Everyone, be careful! If you are not sure, shoot first!" The sky was cold and the night was dark, reminding everyone again.

"What should I do? Xingchen was bitten." Seeing that his roommate was injured, Di Yun hurriedly wiped the blood away, there was a row of deep tooth marks on it.After a while, blood seeped out again.

"Why don't you go back to the Science and Technology Conference with me? Maybe it can help you solve the virus." Haider came over and suggested.

"Really? That's good." When Xing Chen heard that he could still be saved, he naturally agreed very happily.

Haider snickered inwardly, just doing a comparative experiment between him and the imperial soldiers who were infected with the virus.

"No, I have to go back and ask Brother Jie about this matter!" Tian Leng Ye Hei always felt that there would be something wrong with the technology. This time, the task of catching the soldiers of the empire sounded like a treatment, but in fact it was definitely not that simple.

"If I go for treatment, do I still need other people's permission?" Xing Chen said with some dissatisfaction. Firstly, he really needed to go for treatment, and secondly, he wanted to see the headquarters of the Science and Technology Association.Because until now, no one has been there. If he goes this time, he will be the first person to eat crabs, and there may be some opportunities.

"Xingchen, let's talk about it after we go back." Di Yun persuaded him a few more words. After all, he introduced the person, so he had to ask the mayor before making a decision.

"Okay, okay, Xingchen should be fine for the time being. Let's finish this mission first, shall we?" When he came out at dawn to smooth things over, he was more inclined towards the cold sky and dark night.

Hmph... Haider secretly delighted at the side. The biggest problem with the outlaws is that they are too random, and nothing can restrain them.

Moving on to the corpse...

Da da... Everyone is more cautious this time, and put two bullets in the head before carrying it.

Finally, a barrier-free passage was cleared.

"Let's go!" Tian Leng Ye Hei waved his hand, this time let Star God, Blood Moon, and Li Siqi be the vanguard.

Stepping... As soon as he turned the corner, he saw that there were two isolation doors in this passage, but they were both deformed.Looking at its deformation, it seems to be broken apart by a huge force.

The emergency light on the isolation door flashes red frequently, which is the alarm system.

"T9 Exit. Exit T9?" Moser looked at the painted numbers on the door.

"Go! Go in and have a look!" Li Siqi was the first to pass through the two isolation doors and came to the experiment hall.

I saw that glass partitions are used here to isolate the entire room into individual small spaces. The left side and the front are an L-shaped glass room, in which several large servers are placed. This is a computer room.

On the right... is a square glass room.

Xueyue pushed the door lightly, and saw a zombified corpse lying on the hospital bed, and all kinds of infusion tubes and testing instruments were inserted into its body.

There is also a large machine in the room, which displays various data of the corpse, but unfortunately the values ​​on it are all 0.

"What is this?" Star God walked to the other side of the room, and saw a glass bucket on the table, half filled with white liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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