The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 409 0409. The Land of Romance, France

Chapter 409 0409. The Land of Romance, France (28)

The father and daughter were tired from shopping, and after finding a place to rest for a night at the last place they visited, they went to the group refreshed the next day.

The little girl had never played with the group before, and she was a little excited when she got in the group's car.

The bus left for an hour and a half, and Zhuang Xinian felt that they were very lucky that the group they followed was actually a group from the Chinese group.

The tour guides are professionals in tourism. Because there are foreigners and Chinese in the tour group this time, the workload of the tour guides is a bit heavier.

After the introduction in English, it will be introduced again in French, and finally in Chinese.

Zhuang Xinian was dumbfounded when he heard the tour guide switching languages ​​freely.

There is even a distraction in thinking about when he can reach such a powerful level.

During the tour guide's introduction, Zhuang Xinian knew that their destination this time was Angel Bay, one of the three major bays in the world, and the most beautiful and romantic bay.

Then when it came to this, the tour guide took out his mobile phone and asked if the people in the car had WeChat, and those who had WeChat came face to face to form a group.

After asking around, about two-thirds of the people in the car had WeChat, and then these two-thirds formed a group face to face.

As soon as the group was built, the tour guide sent several photos to it.

"This one is part of the photos of Angel Bay. It's beautiful, isn't it?"

While talking, the tour guide leaned on the chair and walked, clicking on the photos on his mobile phone to show those who do not have WeChat.

After seeing the photos, everyone in the car gasped in amazement.

Everyone is looking forward to this trip even more.

When we arrived at the destination, the tour guide got out of the car first, waving the flag in his hand happily.

Bay of Angels is located in the Cote d'Azur region of the Alps in Provence. The climate is warm all year round. The bay facing the sea is a long and beautiful arc, which is so perfect that it almost seems to be drawn with a compass.

The two ends of the bay are far away from each other, as if the wings of angels embrace the sea.

Therefore, Angel Bay also got its name from this.

But in fact, if you want to look like the shape of an angel's wings, it's best to look down from a high place and see the panorama to feel like it.

If not, people who are not good at spatial dimension thinking can't imagine what it looks like at all.

The tour guide asked if they wanted to see the panorama of Angel Bay. Most of them were eager to try, so the tour guide took them up to a place with a higher altitude.

To be honest, it is really tiring to go up, but the moment when you see the complete Angel Bay.

Zhuang Xinian was shocked.

The astonishing beauty, the collision of such clear colors really satisfied Zhuang Xinian's aesthetics as a painter.

After watching Angel Bay, everyone went down contentedly, and took some time to walk back to the beach of Angel Bay.

Along the seashore of Angel Bay, there is the famous promenade Anglo Street, where you can find everything you want to eat, buy and play.

And what Zhuang Xinian likes the most is the food there. The double stimulation of sight and taste makes Zhuang Xinian so happy that he doesn't even want to leave.

However, Angel Bay is just one of their attractions today.

After lunch, they rested for a while before heading to the next scenic spot - the small town of Eze.

(End of this chapter)

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