The first bamboo horse: spoiled little green plum

Chapter 408 0408. The Land of Romance, France

Chapter 408 0408. The Land of Romance, France (27)

Thinking of being able to play, the little girl's movements became a little more sluggish than usual.

Or it can be said that he just stuffed the few sorted and simple small packages that Jiang Shaoheng packed for her in the suitcase into his backpack, and then went to find Dad Zhuang.

During the time when his daughter was packing up, Dad Zhuang planned the location while packing his things.

They only had three days, or rather, two days.

Because today is already halfway through, and I must be at home the afternoon before the test starts, I have to make some preparations.

So, after Zhuang's father picked a few places, he went downstairs to ask Bai White, an aborigine, and finally finalized the route.

First go to the Bay of Angels in Nice, then go to the small town of Eze between Nice and Monaco, and finally go to Lake Sainte-Croix in the Verdon Nature Reserve in southern France.

The Bay of Angels and the town of Eze are so close that you can finish shopping in one day. On the rest of the day, go to Lake Holy Cross and fly back directly.

The father and daughter once again appeared in sync.

They all left with a backpack.

There is quite a feeling of "traveling as soon as you say go".

After bidding farewell to White White, they left the manor in the manor car, and the father and daughter went straight to the airport.

The fastest ticket departs after two and a half hours, so it's too late now.

When they arrived at the airport, there was still more than an hour and 20 minutes to board the plane, and the father and daughter hurried to the security checkpoint.

Then an hour later, boarded the plane to Nice.

The territory of France is not large, so the journey between the two places is not very far, a few 10 minutes, or an hour.

Zhuang Xinian always thought that this should be her most daring trip.

Later, she told Mama Cai about it, and Mama Cai complained that this was the roughest trip ever for you father and daughter.

Zhuang Xinian laughed and rolled off the sofa.

Of course, this is a story.

When he set foot on the land of Nice, Zhuang's father started frantically looking for a tour group that he could join, preferably a group with the same destination as theirs, not to mention, he really found one for him.

Although he often travels in France to hold art exhibitions, it doesn't mean that he is familiar with the attractions in France!
He probably hasn't even heard of it in many places!

Let alone go.

But it is a pity that there is no group that can leave in the afternoon, only the group that can leave at 07:30 tomorrow morning.

Zhuang's father asked his daughter if she wanted it, Zhuang Xinian nodded, anyway, as long as it doesn't get lost, follow the group.

If she didn't join the group, she was afraid that her father would take her and leave her in Nice.

This is really a shame to throw it abroad.

Since the time was set for tomorrow, the rest of their time was spent wandering around.

What are you shopping for?
I don't know, but you can use the map to go.

Although Zhuang's father has never been here, he is not a road idiot like his own daughter, so he can still read the map.

Zhuang Xi wants to travel, what he loves the most is hunting for food.

Zhuang's father looked at his daughter's small body, and said, "All right, all right, eat as much as you want, and then frantically searched for places to eat on the map.

It can be said that when a father takes the child out, it may be so rough, the child can do whatever he wants, no wonder so many children love to go out with their father.

How free it is!
 I'm sorry, I'm too stuck today, let me go through it first.

  All six updates must be completed before twelve o'clock!
(End of this chapter)

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