Fortune fortune

Chapter 648

Chapter 648

If it is something else, other banks will not ask at all, but bad debts are a serious problem for banks.

Seeing that they couldn't find out directly by asking, the heads of the major banks discussed privately, and then they all went to visit Miao Shuyan with gifts, and invited Miao Shuyan to go to the bureau tonight.

Although she didn't say what she was doing, Miao Shuyan knew that she must ask about bad debts at the dinner.

She didn't dare to hang everyone too much, and everyone had done all the etiquette, so she also walked down the steps and accepted tonight's game.

At the wine table, everyone was toasting and changing cups, and most of the topics were talking about the performance of various banks. After chatting, they talked about Huahai Bank.

Everyone is full of praise for Huahai Bank.

Finally, a bank president opened his mouth and asked: "President Miao, how did you Huahai Bank achieve such a low bad debt rate? Teach me a few. Our bad debt rate is too high, and the days I can't go on any longer!"

"That's right, Sister Yan, our bad debt rate is also very high. If this continues, I don't think we can last for two years. I'm really afraid that after two years, I won't be qualified to have dinner with everyone!"

"Sister Miao, you are not allowed to hide your secrets. The brothers all depend on you for a living."

"Mr. Miao, if you can help my brother solve the trouble of bad debts, I will make a note of this favor. If there is anything we can cooperate with in the future, I will definitely contact you as soon as possible!"

Everyone said good things one after another and inquired about the information they wanted.

Miao Shuyan saw that it was almost done, so she didn't hold back any more, and said gently: "Everyone, don't be so polite, you are all rich and successful, so there is no such thing as a bad debt. But we are in the financial circle of Puhai, and Lao Lai is really angry. Man, I really can't justify keeping my secrets.

But let me say yes first. Although bad debts can be settled, there are also losses.The account received can only get the principal, and the interest is not ours. "

Hearing what Miao Shuyan said, the major banks immediately understood that they had sacrificed something.

Either the interest will not be returned, or the principal and interest will not be returned, which one will lose more, everyone here is from the financial circle, how can such a simple arithmetic problem be incomprehensible?
The best result is to minimize the loss.

"Mr. Miao, it's not bad to get the principal, what's going on?"

"Yes, Mr. Miao, what exactly should I do?"

Everyone asked.

Miao Shuyan said: "I have a person here who is responsible for collecting accounts. He has only one request. If the collected money is not enough for the principal, then all the money will belong to the bank. But if it exceeds the principal, the interest will be paid. It will be paid to them. If you are willing to do it, then I will help you to contact and ask. If you are not willing, then there is no way."

People in small banks will be very excited, but people in some big banks have more things to consider.

Soon, the president of ICBC asked: "Mr. Miao, we can take out the interest, but is there any risk in collecting the money? If something goes wrong, it will have a very bad impact on us!"

Others also woke up from a dream and asked about the risks.

Miao Shuyan smiled and said: "There are risks in doing anything, and there must be risks in collecting accounts."

Hearing this, everyone's hearts sank at the same time.They have also considered finding someone to collect the bill, but those who can do this business are generally gangsters.These people are ruthless and disorganized, and if they kill someone, the public opinion they will cause is not something they can bear.

This is walking a tightrope, if you are not careful, you will be doomed!
When many people retreated, Miao Shuyan added: "But the person who collects the bill should be very reliable, and you should have heard of it."

"Who?" Everyone asked curiously.

"Boss Xu!" Miao Shuyan spat out three words.

"Boss Xu? Is it Boss Xu from Wuhen Ointment Company?"

"Yes!" Miao Shuyan confirmed everyone's guess.

Everyone in the box took a breath at the same time. They were still guessing who this person was just now, but they never expected that it would be so big in the end!

Who is Boss Xu?That is a man standing at the top of the economic circle.

How can they not worry about handing over to Boss Xu to collect the bill?

"Boss Xu still does this kind of business?" Someone couldn't help asking.

Miao Shuyan shook her head, and said slowly: "I'm also curious. Boss Xu is supposed to look down on such a small amount of money. But I didn't dare to ask why he did this. Ladies and gentlemen, do you want to do it? Raise your hand if you do it, I'll make a count, and then ask Boss Xu if he still pays the bill."

With the appearance of Boss Xu, everyone's worries disappeared without a trace. After some people took the lead in raising their hands, everyone at the table raised their hands without exception.

Seeing that everyone agreed, Miao Shuyan didn't keep everyone waiting, and said with a smile, "Then let me ask."

After finishing speaking, Miao Shuyan took out her mobile phone and called Xu Fang.

Just as Xu Fang finished chatting with Xie Qingfei and was about to practice the formula of longevity, the phone rang.

Seeing that it was Miao Shuyan calling, Xu Fang pressed the answer button and said gently, "Sister Yan, are you looking for me?"

"Boss Xu, is it convenient for you to answer the phone?" Miao Shuyan asked politely.

"It's convenient, what's the matter?"

"It's like this. I was chatting with my bank friends in Puhai, and I happened to talk about bad debts, so I told everyone about your collection of accounts. Everyone wants to entrust you to help, but I don't know if you can't do it here. Do this business?"

When Miao Shuyan called, Xu Fang guessed that she was here for this matter, so he was not surprised, and said relaxedly: "Yes, I have the rules for collecting bills, have you told everyone?"

"As I said, the principal goes to the bank, and all the interest goes to you." Miao Shuyan reported truthfully.

"Well, that's good. How about this, please do me a favor and ask the major banks to print out all the bad debt information and send them to the Blue Universe Club. After the information is delivered, it is expected to start seeing you in two days It's time to pay back the debt." Xu Fang arranged.


"Thank you, Sister Yan." Xu Fang smiled.

"Boss Xu, you are welcome. This is all done with little effort. Our bank can be brought back to life. I haven't thanked you yet. When you come to Puhai, you must tell me and I will show you well." Miao Shuyan said to Xu Fang Gratitude in my heart.


The two chatted for a while longer before hanging up the phone.

The phone was turned on with loudspeaker, so everyone could hear the chat.After hanging up the phone, Miao Shuyan said: "Everyone heard it too. If you want to collect bad debts, please print out all the bad debt information and send them to Lan Universe."

"Okay, I'll definitely deliver it tomorrow. By the way, Mr. Miao, how did you and Boss Xu meet?" Some people doubted the authenticity of Boss Xu, and at this moment they are making insinuations to confirm Xu Fang's identity.

Miao Shuyan is not stupid, she doesn't understand what everyone is thinking, and she doesn't expose it, she said truthfully: "It just happened, at that time our bank had a big fund gap, and I had a good relationship with Feng Wen from Subai Water Plant, so I went to her help.

It happened that Boss Xu came to Puhai on a business trip to talk about cooperation in Blue Universe, and Feng Wen and I happened to be there too.Feng Wen asked him to go over for dinner, and they met by chance.If it weren't for this coincidence, I guess I would never have met Boss Xu in this life. "

Everyone knows that Subai Water Factory is one of the best mineral water brands in China.

This is also Boss Xu's property.

Listening to Miao Shuyan's explanation, everyone's doubts disappeared.

With the settlement of the bad debt, everyone was very happy, and the atmosphere in the box became lively again.

(End of this chapter)

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