Chapter 55
The whole division avoids the enemy in the original scriptures.There is no blame for the left time, and it is not abnormal.

It is not against the normal law that the translation takes retreat as advance and waits for failure.In order to preserve military strength and avoid one's own demise, retreating is a wise move.Although relegated to the second place, it is also a common method of using troops to avoid disasters.

Interpreting the meaning of "going first" does not mean that this strategy is the most brilliant strategy among the 36 strategies, but that it is the best strategy not to fight recklessly when you are at a disadvantage, to retreat in time, and to look for opportunities to fight again.This kind of "going" and "fleeing" cannot be compared. "Going" means to preserve strength and take the initiative to retreat in a situation where the enemy is strong and we are weak. "Flee" means timid and cowardly, losing fighting spirit when encountering a slight setback, and fleeing.

The reason why "going" is a good strategy is that when you are outnumbered, there are often only a few options: either to seek peace, or to surrender, or to fight to the death, or to retreat.Among these plans, peace is bound to be compromised; surrender is bound to lose moral integrity; death struggle is doomed to sacrifice; only retreat can preserve oneself and ensure a comeback in the future, which is the best choice.Therefore, the ancients said, "walking is the best".

No matter what kind of battle, no matter whether it is literary or military, no one can always be sure of victory.In the course of the battle, there are small victories and small defeats, the indistinct state and the ever-changing situation. If you are not vigilant, you will not be able to deal with it, and if you are not flexible, you will not be able to achieve power.Everyone knows that what is fought for in a war is not a momentary gain or loss, but the ultimate victory.And the final victory often belongs to those who can persevere to the end.Therefore, "not going" is not a hero, and "going" is not a coward.

And we should pay attention to the following problems when using this timing.

[-]. Never touch eggs and stones.When the enemy is strong and our side is weak, the contest between the enemy and us is like hitting an egg with a stone.If we fight desperately, we will inevitably get bloody, and the enemy will not suffer too much loss.That being the case, why do we have to lose our troops and defeat our generals?It's better to just leave, "If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."Might as well simply make a big retreat, retain strength, and prepare for a comeback.

Second, we must retreat despite difficulties, and we must not be blindly reckless.Retiring in the face of difficulties here does not mean advocating negative responses, or making us shy away from difficulties whenever we encounter difficulties, fearing wolves before and tigers behind.But once you find that something can't be done, don't bite the bullet and do it. You should see the opportunity and give up as soon as possible, so as not to waste time and energy in vain.That is, "advance when you see what is possible, retreat when you know it is difficult", and refrain from doing it when you know what you can't do.That is to say, we must act in accordance with objective laws, and we must not ignore the actual situation and rush around in one go.

Third, we must seize the opportunity and retreat bravely.When fighting the enemy, you must be good at observing the fighters, so that you can advance and retreat freely.This is true on the battlefield, and so is the officialdom.However, it is not easy to retreat bravely.It requires us not only to act decisively, but also to have courage and courage.More importantly, we must be able to overcome our own weaknesses and let go of vested interests.Then choose the right time to "walk" away calmly, so that the enemy can't catch our traces.

Fourth, we must disperse the enemy's strength, use retreat as an advance, and defeat each one.We should clearly realize that retreat is not the ultimate goal, and retreat is actually preparing for the next round of attack.There are usually two situations for "walking" here: one is that as mentioned above, our side has no ability to fight against the enemy, so we use "walking" to avoid it and preserve our strength.In the other case, it is not because of overwhelming strength, but because of the consideration of luring and mobilizing the enemy, taking detours as the straight line.Through a disguised retreat, we lure the enemy into the encirclement we designed in advance, and then break down one by one, and finally win more with less.Therefore, this kind of retreat is to create an illusion of fear of the enemy, confuse the enemy, and then paralyze it.

Of course, if the enemy uses this trick against us, we should also take some measures to deal with it.

[-]. Strictly guard the enemy to prevent them from escaping.We must be vigilant against the enemy, we must not slack in the slightest, a little carelessness may cause disasters.As for the enemy we have captured, we must execute them immediately and on the spot, without leaving him any chance to breathe, let alone allow him to escape from our territory.

[-]. Intercept the enemy and cut off his retreat.If you are not careful and let the cunning enemy slip away, don't rush to catch up behind.You can rush to the front and intercept the enemy on the only way.If you just chase after the enemy, you will always be passive.At this time, even if we are very strong, we will be controlled by others.

The enemy may lay an ambush on the way of retreat and wear us down, or he may turn to his advantage, he may join up with their reinforcements, and in this way we will kill ourselves.

[-]. Indulge the enemy, let them run wild, and finally come to a "big sweep".Once you find that it is too late to intercept and you can't catch up, just let the enemy run away.Because after he escapes, he will inevitably be lucky, until he becomes paralyzed and relaxes his vigilance. At this time, we will have another "big sweep", which can be said to be more effective.Therefore, allowing the enemy to flee is not giving up completely, but choosing a good opportunity to capture them in one fell swoop.

Examples of Wisdom
Dunkirk Escape
After Hitler occupied Poland, he did not immediately attack the Soviet Union as Britain and France had hoped, but stepped up preparations to seize living space in the European territory of Britain and France.In order to confuse Britain and France in order to achieve the goal of a surprise attack, Hitler repeated his old tricks. On the surface, he repeatedly called for "peace" to all countries in the world, but secretly stepped up his war preparations against Britain and France.

1940年5月,希特勒集中了136个师、3 000辆坦克和几千架轰炸机,迅速将英法联军压到了法国北部一个名叫敦刻尔克的小海港。

On May 5, Kennedy, the US ambassador to the UK, sent a telegram to President Roosevelt: "Everything is irreparable, and only a miracle can save the British Expeditionary Force from total annihilation." President Roosevelt looked at the telegram, There was a long silence.

On this day, all British Prime Minister Churchill could do was bite his pipe hard to hide his great depression.

At this time, the German tank unit suddenly stopped only 20 miles away from Dunkirk, because they received an order from the Supreme Command to stand by on the spot.

Churchill couldn't figure out what kind of medicine was sold in Hitler's gourd for a while.However, there was one thing that he quickly realized.That is to immediately notify the Admiralty, immediately recruit ships from all over the country, and quickly transport the coalition forces across the English Channel.

So, on May 5, the whole of Britain received the same order from the Admiralty: to execute the generator plan.This is the codename for the Allied retreat from Dunkirk.

In the night, there are as many as 810 British ships gathered in Dunkirk, ranging from cruisers and destroyers to various sailing and rowing boats, from royal luxury boats to dirty garbage ships, of different sizes and types.In short, all the loads that could float in the sea in the UK were sent to Dunkirk.

At the beginning, the Germans knew nothing about the withdrawal plan of the British and French allied forces.Later, when they noticed something, they sent the Luftwaffe to interfere.However, the English Channel has been shrouded in thick clouds, making it impossible to drop bombs at all.It seems that even God is clearly on the side of the British.

In the middle of the night on June 6, the German army began to attack Dunkirk from land.But at this time, the coalition forces had withdrawn 3 people, and only 35 French soldiers were left to resist on the beach.

On June 6, Churchill confidently delivered a speech in the House of Commons: "We will fight to the end. We will fight on the beach, fight on the farmland, and fight on the streets. We will never surrender. I believe that today's Dunkirk A successful retreat will be the beginning of victory for the coalition forces tomorrow."

Facts have proved that the Dunkirk retreat was a famous retreat during World War II. This was not an ordinary retreat, but a great retreat.Because of this withdrawal, the future of the entire UK was withdrawn.

The Dunkirk evacuation was a success. It preserved the only fresh force of the Allied forces. Many French pilots made up for the shortage of British pilots in the subsequent Anglo-German air battle in time, and joined hands with the British people to fight against the German army.When the second battlefield was opened in June 1944, it was these more than 6 Allied soldiers who became the main force of the Normandy landing and made important contributions to turning the tide of the war.

(End of this chapter)

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