Chapter 53

If people do not harm themselves in the original code, the harm must be true;The auspiciousness of Tongmeng is the same as Sunda.

The translator never hurts himself. If he is hurt, it must be true, and at the same time, others will think it is a real victim.Then, if our side pretends to be true at this time and makes the enemy believe it without doubting it, we can use the strategy of alienation.This is like deceiving young children, deceiving the enemy and letting them be manipulated by our side.

Interpreting bitter tricks means torturing yourself first, using blood and tears to get close to the enemy, but secretly plotting to subvert it.The characteristic of this strategy is that, in order to win the trust of the enemy, it will injure itself, so as to paralyze the enemy and win the victory.Therefore, this tactic is actually a special tactic, designed to take the opportunity to penetrate into the enemy's heart and deceive the enemy general's trust, so as to realize our intention.One of the reasons for its success is that "people don't harm themselves", which is a kind of psychological stereotype of people.

However, we must be cautious in the implementation of bitter meat timing. Self-injury is a very painful thing, and the success rate is also low.If the enemy is still hard-hearted or resourceful and decisive, it is even more difficult to take the bait.In the end, even if he barely succeeded, the fruit of victory also contained too much blood and tears of himself, and the price was too heavy.

Because it is very dangerous, once it is discovered when it is used, not only the pain of self-injury will be endured in vain, but even life may be lost, leading to a tragic ending that is self-defeating.Therefore, it is generally not recommended to use this very dangerous strategy unless it is absolutely necessary.

However, if you have to use this method, you should also pay attention to the following issues.

[-]. Use the other party's emotions to deceive trust.As the saying goes, "everyone has compassion."Humans are emotional beings, and therefore enemies are also sympathetic.If we hurt ourselves extremely painfully and pitifully, we will win the sympathy and trust of the other party, which is really a reasonable thing.

[-]. Divide the enemy and destroy them completely.This is the second step of the bitter plan, which is to secretly carry out separation and differentiation activities after penetrating into the enemy's interior, so as to achieve the effect of winning by surprise.This is also a key part of implementing the bitter plan.

[-]. Self-mutilation, harming others.That is to secretly hurt oneself, and then put the blame on others, so that others will be humiliated or severely punished, or even killed, in order to achieve their own goals.This is the use of dastardly intrigue, usually reserved for contenders for power and position.

Of course, the enemy uses bitter meat to time, we can take the following measures to deal with it.

[-]. Don't be the second "Mr. Dong Guo".A wolf was in trouble, and it came to seek help from Mr. Dong Guo pitifully. The kind man rescued it. After the wolf was out of danger, he ruthlessly ate his savior.This story tells us that when we offer sympathy and compassion, we must target the target and not give favors blindly.

Even if the other party is really persecuted, we should be fully prepared.Under normal circumstances, we will be unable to tell the truth from the false for a while. At this time, we would rather regard the truth as the false, and never take the false as the true, and wrongly show mercy, and let the sad ending of Mr. Dong Guo repeat itself to us.This is the most straightforward way to deal with the enemy's tricks.

Second, a comprehensive analysis to identify the authenticity.When the enemy employs this tactic, he often deceives us by pretending to surrender.At this time, we must be vigilant and conduct a comprehensive analysis of those who come to surrender in the name of being persecuted.After repeated analysis and judgment, the enemy's true intentions can be determined.

[-]. For surrendering the enemy, we can only use it and not reuse it.For those who have surrendered, if you are not sure whether it is true or false for a while, but it has value to use, you might as well only use it and not reuse it.In this way, not only can the harm be turned into benefit, and the enemy will serve me instead, and it will not be reused, and it will also make it difficult to find an opportunity to take advantage of.In the end, the bitter plan was difficult to implement, blood was shed, suffering wasted, and efforts were wasted, but only ended up in the "bamboo basket fetching water in vain" ending.This is the most effective way to deal with the enemy's tricks.

Examples of Wisdom
The 'Amazing Miracle' of German Spies

Using the "bitter meat strategy" must be carefully planned and closely linked. The connotation of "bitter meat tricks" is to penetrate into the enemy's interior and gain trust so as to carry out activities of separation and differentiation.Therefore, this is a closely linked covert activity.

During World War II, British naval intelligence captured two Norwegian spies.These two people, one named Mutter and the other named Jeff, turned out to be spies under the German Gestapo.This time they were sent to the UK to complete the task of collecting military intelligence and creating sabotage activities.

The British intelligence agency decided to use the two of them to pass false information to Germany in order to disrupt the German high command.Therefore, under the instigation efforts of the British intelligence agencies, the two spies finally agreed to work for the British intelligence agencies.

In order for the German intelligence agency to continue to trust the two spies, the British naval intelligence agency and the relevant British parties reached an agreement and decided to adopt a "bitter trick" to let them create an "amazing miracle" in the UK first, that is, after the superior's Carefully planned and properly arranged, two extremely shocking explosions were created in the name of two spies.

The first explosion occurred in November 1941 in a food warehouse near Wilders.On that day, the explosion site was in flames, attracting many passers-by to fight the fire.This is a densely populated area, so the bombing is extremely noticeable.Immediately afterwards, British newspapers and broadcasters also stepped up their efforts to report on the bombing incident in order to further expand its influence.

After the German intelligence agencies learned of the news, they immediately believed it and rewarded the two spies because of their outstanding contributions.

Soon after this, British intelligence agencies arranged a second bombing.The goal this time is to blow up an arsenal in New Forest.This place is sparsely populated and is only marked on the map. In fact, there are not many munitions here, and there is only an empty warehouse left.

After the successful explosion, the United Kingdom also specifically asked the two German spies to leave "crime evidence" at the scene. For example, Mutter deliberately left a compass marked as made in Norway at the scene.Subsequently, the United Kingdom also deliberately disseminated orders for the intelligence agency to solve the case, find more evidence, and publish it to the press.

As a result, due to the success of the British government's "bitter tricks", Germany trusted the two traitorous spies and did not question the intelligence they sent back.In order to encourage them, the German intelligence agency also dropped a lot of pounds, radio transmitters and other explosives for the two of them to continue to use.

The British intelligence agency sent a lot of false information to Germany through these two important spies, and finally successfully lifted the threat of the German army to the British navy and made important contributions to the Allied anti-fascist war.

Wood Cottage Leg Stealing Technique

"Bitter meat plan" lies in the word "bitter".Not bitter, not bitter enough, it is difficult to become a "bitter trick".Really suffer yourself, and let the other party see your "suffering", so as to produce something inherent in its nature-sympathy and compassion, and then you can achieve your various goals.

In the early 20s, Japan's auto industry lagged far behind that of the United States.In order to revitalize the automobile industry, a Japanese automobile company decided to select a group of senior staff to study in the United States.In name, it is to learn, but in fact it is to obtain beneficial technical intelligence of the United States.

Kimura is one of these people.He studied in the United States for more than a year, but American companies never let him get close to key equipment.Seeing that he was about to return home, Kimura was very anxious.

On this day, Kimura received a telegram from a Japanese company.The content of the telegram was as follows: "Mr. Kimura, if you can't get what we need, the company will consider not hiring you anymore." This telegram made Kimura even more depressed.

In the evening, he came to the tavern alone to drink.In the middle of the night, he staggered down the street, thinking that he was about to lose his job, and suddenly had the idea of ​​suicide.At this moment, a limousine drove towards him, and Kimura ran into it with the strength of alcohol.Seeing this, the driver of the car hurriedly braked, but it was too late, the wheel rolled over one of Mu Cun's legs, and he passed out suddenly.

When Kimura woke up, he found himself lying on a hospital bed with several Americans sitting beside him.

It turned out that Kimura was knocked down by the general manager of an American automobile company.The general manager's secretary asked Kimura what he wanted.When Kimura heard this, his heart suddenly brightened, and he had an idea.He put forward a request to work as a cleaner in this American company, and the general manager agreed without hesitation.

Since then, the American company has had a Japanese cleaner who works very hard.A year later, Kimura asked the company to return home to visit his relatives, and the company bought him a plane ticket.

Back in Japan, Kimura took out the microfilm from the prosthetic leg and gave it to the boss of the company where he worked.Two years later, the car produced by this Japanese company successfully entered the American market with its advanced technology and outstanding performance, surprising the Americans.

Until one day, when the general manager of the American automobile company met the chief representative of the Japanese company at the negotiating table, Mr. Kimura, who had only one leg, he suddenly realized what was going on.

"Bitter tactics" are used in shopping malls for three main purposes: one is to obtain economic information; the other is to promote product sales; the third is to manage enterprises.The purpose of Kimura is to obtain economic intelligence, and judging from the final results, it is also in line with the old Chinese saying "I can't bear to let a child catch a wolf". Kimura exchanged one leg for half of the country, which is really worthwhile .

Young people's ingenious plan embraces the beauty

The Art of War says: If a man does not harm himself, the harm must be real.Unlike other ploys that have as much showmanship, a ploy must have a bloody factual basis.From the perspective of realm, if the parties can always be kept in the dark, it will be a superior work.

Tao Zi's boyfriend Lin Xu used to have many problems: swearing, fighting, smoking, and not reading.Later, these problems were all corrected under Tao Zi's education.However, Lin Xuai's bad habit of gambling has never been changed.Mother Tao did not want to marry her daughter to a gambler, so she persuaded Tao Zi to break up with Lin Xu.And Tao Zi told his mother that she was confident that she could subdue Lin Xu, and if she couldn't change Lin Xu's bad gambling habits, she would never get a marriage certificate with him!

Soon, Lin Xu received a letter from Tao Zi.The words in the letter were fierce and full of blood: "Lin Xu, if you gamble again, I will commit suicide. I will do what I say. This is a piece of my earlobe! Tao Zi." Lin Xu held the piece of earlobe and cried. It was dark.

He staggered to find Tao Zi, and saw that her left ear was indeed covered with a bloody gauze bag, and his heart was filled with infinite regret.Kneeling in front of Tao Zi and his future old mother-in-law, he vowed to break off all gamblers from now on.If he gets closer to the mahjong table again, he will cut off his entire ear and show it to Tao Zi, and he will never break his promise!Seeing his heartbroken look, Mother Tao wiped away her tears and helped him up.

Lovers get married.On the wedding night, Lin Xu suddenly discovered that the shy bride's left ear was intact, how could it look like a piece of flesh had been cut off?The graceful and charming Tao Zi smiled: "Stupid, would I hurt myself because of you worthless guy? What you saw in the envelope was just a small piece of rubber stained with fake blood."

After Lin Xu heard this, he immediately teased: "The lady used the 'bitter meat' trick to get me to abandon all bad habits, and successfully passed the review of my mother-in-law. I really admire it. However, the bitter trick that brought about this marriage between us, It’s still Xiaosheng’s first creation.”

It turned out that Lin Xu had personally planned the "hero saving the beauty" incident in the small alley before, just to show his firm stand of "loyalty to protect the Lord" in order to win Tao Ling's heart.

King Henry's plan to remove the Pope
"Bitter Meat" advocates that you should turn the fake into the real, and the real into the fake, so that the opponent can't see you clearly, but you know it very clearly in your heart.In this way, your goal can be achieved.

In medieval Europe, the power of the church was higher than that of the king, and the pope was the emperor of the kings of all countries.Therefore, the enthronement and coronation of kings must be presided over by the pope.During the audience, the Pope also sat and the King bowed his knees and saluted.When walking, the pope rode a horse, and the king led the horse to lead the way.

In 1076, King Henry of the Holy Roman Empire of Germany and Pope Gregory fought for power.King Henry wanted more independence from the control of the Holy See.The pope wanted to tighten his control and strip King Henry of his power.King Henry even called a synod of the bishops of the German diocese to announce the abolition of Gregory's papacy.

This behavior angered the pope, so he convened the All-European Christian Conference in Rome and announced the excommunication of King Henry.For a time, European countries set off a wave of opposition to King Henry, and the German feudal lord rebelled, leaving King Henry in a difficult situation besieged on all sides.

Faced with a crisis, King Henry was forced to compromise. In January 1077, he took two entourages, rode a donkey, braved the severe cold, crossed mountains and ridges, and traveled thousands of miles to Rome to plead guilty to the Pope.The pope deliberately ignored him, and hid in the palace of Canossa, far away from Rome, before King Henry arrived.

King Henry had no choice but to continue to Canossa to meet the Pope.When they arrived at Canossa, the pope ordered the gates of the castle to be closed tightly.At that time, it was snowing heavily and it was freezing cold. King Henry, who is the emperor, knelt and took off his hat, and knelt on the snow for three days and three nights. Finally, the pope opened the door to greet him and forgive him.

King Henry's "Vision to Canossa" preserved his Christian membership for him, leaving his throne unaffected.After returning to Germany, he concentrated his efforts to rectify the interior and defeated the rebellious feudal lords.After the position was stabilized, King Henry immediately sent troops to attack Rome to repay the humiliation of begging.The pope finally abandoned the city and fled, dying in a foreign land.

It is not difficult to see that the purpose of using "bitter tricks" is to deceive the other party's trust, and then make plans when they relax their guard.Relying on this, King Henry knelt for three days and three nights at the expense of the emperor, preserved his throne, and finally beat the pope away.It can be seen that the key to playing the "bitter trick" is to be willing to spend a lot of money and be sincere enough to achieve results.

The "bitter trick" of agency work

Bitter tactics can not only be used in war, but also widely seen in various fields of social life.In the modern workplace, properly exposing one's own shortcomings that do not hinder the overall situation is not only conducive to establishing a good image for oneself, but also wins the trust of others, paving the way for the next step of career development.Therefore, this is an extremely desirable measure.

Anyone who works in a government agency knows that relationships within the agency are complex and delicate.If you are working in an enterprise, you should use your ability as much as possible to bring benefits, and you will be rewarded by the factory director and manager.But the organization is different. Some people who have shown their sharpness, been envied by others, and suffered a few times have learned a profound lesson.

Therefore, people who have worked in institutions for a period of time will end up being cautious all the time.Surviving and growing up in such cracks, people have gradually found a subtle way: while trying their best to show their outstanding talents, to get the recognition and appreciation of their superiors; Insufficient to reduce jealousy and plotting from colleagues around.Because, when I expose my shortcomings to everyone, it means that I hope everyone will help me correct my shortcomings, which is equivalent to smoothing out the sense of imbalance caused by outstanding achievements to the people around me.

Of course, there is a limit to using "bitter tactics" to expose one's own shortcomings. Such shortcomings should only be superficial and not affect the overall situation.Otherwise, you will gain a reputation for being self-deprecating, which can backfire.

(End of this chapter)

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