Chapter 5
In the original scriptures, the enemy has been identified, but the friend has not yet been determined. To lead a friend to kill the enemy is not to contribute.Deduce with "loss".

The basic situation of the enemy army has been figured out, but the allies are still hesitant to wait and see.The most urgent task at the moment is to try to make the allies firm in their determination to attack the enemy, so that we can preserve our army's strength without our army sending troops.This is deduced from the "loss" hexagram in "Book of Changes", the allied forces may suffer losses in the offensive, which is an extremely favorable situation for our army.

In the interpretation of war, "killing with a knife" is a strategy of cleverly using contradictions in order to preserve one's own strength.When the enemy's movement is clear, it is necessary to do everything possible to induce the unclear friendly side to quickly send troops to attack the enemy in order to realize their own intentions.If you win, you don't have to pay any price; if you lose, you don't need to bear any responsibility.The "killing" in it can not only be understood as a matter of harming others and benefiting oneself, but can be extended to any purpose you want to achieve. "Borrowing a knife to kill" coincidentally lies in the word "borrow", which means to use and borrow.The so-called "borrowing" refers to borrowing external forces to help oneself.If you lack troops and major generals, you should borrow more from the allied forces; if you have difficulty in directly killing the enemy, you must try to use other people's swords and guns; if you lack funds, you must try to use other people's money; ; If your own strategy does not work, try to adopt the wisdom of others.In short, you can use the hands of others to do things that are difficult for you to do yourself. You don't need to do it yourself, and you can sit back and benefit. This is the magical effect of the strategy of "killing with a knife".

To deeply understand this strategy, the following important factors cannot be ignored: First, as mentioned above, use external force skillfully for your own use.Borrowing other people's hands and strength, you don't have to do it yourself, don't make any effort, and don't spend any money to achieve your goals smoothly.The second is to strive for profitable third parties to join.To use his sword to kill someone, even if the other party is not willing to join the group, they will inevitably be involved.Finally, it should be noted that the brilliance of this plan is that if you avoid showing yourself and leave no traces, you can not bear any responsibility.Not only ended up staying out of things, but also achieved their own goals.

Therefore, the main feature of this plan is: After grasping the main contradiction, use the internal strength of the enemy or the strength of allies to weaken or eliminate the hostile forces.The key is to be good at grasping and utilizing contradictions, including the contradictions within the enemy and between the enemy and its allies, and try to expand and intensify these contradictions until they cause internal struggles between the enemy or the struggle between the enemy and allies, so as to achieve The purpose of weakening or destroying the enemy's forces.In the military, the use of this plan is mostly related to the use of spy plans.In modern commercial warfare, there are many examples of some merchants intentionally causing others' mistakes to cover up their own mistakes for personal gain, and the strategies they use can be called "killing with a borrowed knife".

So, what countermeasures can we take to prevent the enemy from using the strategy of "borrowing a knife to kill someone"?First of all, we must always increase our "knife defense" vigilance, so as not to become the enemy's attack target.Take precautions and be alert to attacks from all sides.Once you find that you have become a target, you must promptly expose the sinister intentions of the "borrower" and try your best to persuade the party being used to wake up as soon as possible.If the enemy has formed an alliance, try to break them up and prevent their plans from being achieved.When necessary, you can resolutely and beneficially fight back against other people's containment to weaken their momentum.Second, beware of making "knives" for the enemy.Put an end to hotheadedness, follow the trend blindly, and be good at distinguishing right from wrong, so that it is not easy to be used by others.Once you have thoughts and plans to attack others, you must carefully figure out the reason and purpose of your actions, and don't give others a chance to attack.More importantly, you must be good at analyzing the respective benefits that actions bring to both the enemy and yourself. If you realize that "killing" means little to you, but it matters to the enemy, it means that you have been used by the enemy. Wake up and turn around early to avoid irreparable losses.

Examples of Wisdom
Allied Forces Eliminate German Female Spy

In 1944, the Allied Forces began quietly brewing a Normandy landing plan to counterattack the European continent, aiming to deal a final blow to Germany and win the Second World War in an all-round way.In order to cooperate with this large-scale operation, the various intelligence agencies of the Allied forces showed their talents and used various methods to hide the landing plan, so that Germany could relax its defense vigilance in this area.Steve, the leader of the special intelligence team of the 2677th Special Service Unit of the US Intelligence Agency stationed in the UK, received a task: he must try every means to make the Germans mistakenly believe that the Allied forces will land in the Netherlands, so that they can deploy troops from other lines of defense to strengthen the defense of the Netherlands. , to weaken the German forces at the Normandy landing site.

Steve formed the covert "Alice Films" to accomplish this task.When he was racking his brains to find a breakthrough for the mission, a German colleague provided an excellent tip: Hanni Harold, the most beautiful female spy in Germany, suddenly left Berlin and went to England.Steve immediately came to his mind: the German female spies came to the UK to steal beneficial information, and we can just use the plan to pass the false information about the Allied landing in Holland to Germany through the hands of the female spies.So Steve decided to lay a trap and let this beautiful and charming German female spy be an "intelligence agent" for the Allied forces.

In April, the U.S. military unexpectedly held a grand and unprecedented reception in the name of rewarding troops stationed overseas.At the reception, Steve intentionally introduced Hanni Harold to the handsome Second Lieutenant Dean Ross of the 4th Secret Service.Unsurprisingly, the next thing developed exactly according to Steve's design: Hanni and Dean Ross were very sweet.This beautiful spy, who convinced the German intelligence department, was successfully held by the nose by the Allied forces.The time has come, and Steve begins to implement his series of plans.He first sent Dion Ross to the Netherlands to carry out a mission in the name of the deputy director of the "company". Cut off all contact with the rest of the Special Intelligence Unit until the mission is complete.In the end, Steve pretended to be annoyed: "Now you need someone who can speak Dutch to cooperate with your work." Dean Ross immediately replied: "Hanny can do the translation!" Steve readily agreed.

"Alice Film Company" goes up and down, only Steve and his capable general, Howard, a British major officer of the Secret Service, know that the real target of the Allied attack is not the Netherlands.In order to successfully complete the deceptive operation, Steve concealed the truth from other "employees" of the company, and with the help of Dean Ross, a Dutch guerrilla leader named Hank was smuggled in a torpedo boat. to London.Steve explained to him the intention of the Allied forces to attack the Netherlands. Two days later, Hank flew back to the Netherlands and was arrested by the Gestapo on the third day.After eight hours of torture, the Dutchman was forced to concoct an Allied military plan to attack the Netherlands.On the fourth day after Hank's death, Steve received another Dutch underground worker in the same way. His arrest confirmed the military premeditation of the Allied Forces, and Steve's counterintelligence plan began to work.

In order to convince the Germans that the landing point of the Allied forces was in the Netherlands, one afternoon in mid-May, Steve and Howard attended a high-level joint meeting of the United Kingdom and the United States to plan to expand the effectiveness of disinformation.Not long after the meeting ended, a large number of submarines sprung up around Macy Island like mushrooms after a rain, and hundreds of tanks lined up side by side on land, and there was a hail of guns and bullets in an instant.In fact, these are just some reconnaissance props. The Allied forces made such a move to pass the aerial photos taken to the German army, so that they can firmly believe in the military plan of the Allied forces to land in the Netherlands.The deception of the Allied forces soon worked, and the German army and air force began to concentrate in the Netherlands. By the end of May, nearly 5 German troops had arrived in the Netherlands.

However, the slick Hitler always had doubts about the Allied landing in the Netherlands, because when he sent a plane to reconnaissance over the Kent Islands, he found that there seemed to be a heavy concentration of troops in the southeast of Britain.In the end, Steve decided to make the last heavy blow, and sent the Dutch strategic map carefully forged by the Allies to the hands of the Germans with the help of the German female spy Hanni.Howard put the landing map into the safe, and deliberately dropped the key on the desk three times, but the cunning Hanni never moved the key.In the end, Howard had to make an excuse to ask Dean Ross to take the key back to the apartment for safekeeping, and give Hanni a chance to print the wax model calmly.In order to confirm that Hanni had received the confidential letter, Steve deliberately asked Howard to put a paperclip on the stamp of the confidential letter envelope. As soon as the envelope was opened slightly, it would slide off, and Hanni did not do anything in the dark. Will notice a paper clip. On the afternoon of June 6, Huo Hua invited all the employees of "Alice Film Company" to have dinner, and made an appointment to return to the "company" at 2 o'clock to continue working.In order to leave enough time for Hanni to commit crimes, Howard deliberately arranged Dion Ross to be beside him so that he and Hanni could be separated.While everyone was enjoying the delicious food, in the office of "Alice Film Company", Hanni opened the safe with the key prepared by the wax model.Soon, she took a picture of the strategic map of landing in the Netherlands with the matchbox camera she carried with her.At 9 o'clock in the evening, everyone returned to the office, but Hanni was nowhere to be seen.After checking the safe, Howard called to report to Steve: "The paper clip on the envelope has fallen off, and the anti-espionage plan has been completed." "What shall we do now?" Howard asked for instructions. "Help her get away and go back to the country." Steve replied.Under the covert trail of American and British intelligence personnel, Hanni successfully boarded the German submarine, and rushed back to Germany on June 9 without stopping, and quickly passed the secretly photographed forged secret document to Hitler through the German intelligence agency.

As expected, German troops were ordered to go to Holland within a day. On June 6, the Allied forces landed in Normandy and successfully counterattacked.Faced with such a defeat, the famous female spy Hanni Harold was speechless, and the extremely angry German intelligence chief ordered her to be executed.However, the Allied forces cleverly used the strategy of "killing with a knife", repeatedly using German female intelligence agents and the Dutch underground party to deliver false information to confuse the German army and hide its real military plan. precious troops.

Niu Gensheng's "borrowing" wisdom
In 2002, the sales revenue of Mengniu, which was established only four years ago, exceeded 20 billion yuan.At that time, this "Mengniu phenomenon" was called "Western enterprises, Shenzhen speed".Mengniu's success is far more than a simple business strategy or a single marketing method. Its development is so fast that its growth is inseparable from "borrowing techniques".

Borrowing talents: In 1998, Niu Gensheng, who had worked for Yili for 16 years, set up his own business and founded Mengniu. Most of the talents at the beginning of his business were "borrowed" from Yili, which provided a key factor for the rapid development of Mengniu. technical elements.But "borrowing" has a premise. When Lao Niu was in Yili, he basically used his "generosity" to conquer the hearts of many employees.His business philosophy of "money scattered and people gathered together" let everyone know that following Lao Niu is not wrong.Therefore, when Lao Niu left Yili, his subordinates followed Lao Niu without hesitation.In addition, Zheng Junhuai, the boss of Yili, "killed" Lao Niu's former subordinates at that time, which further accelerated the loss of talents.And these people have worked in Yili for many years, with rich experience and proficiency in business, Mengniu will grow stronger, and it is bound to win.

(End of this chapter)

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