Chapter 12
The original text is a lie, it is not a lie, it is actually a lie.Shaoyin, Taiyin, and Sun.

The translation uses a false situation to confuse the enemy, but it is not entirely a false situation, because there are real actions in the false situation.In slightly covert military operations, large military operations are hidden; large covert military operations are often carried out in very public and large military operations.In short, it is to cover up the truth with false appearances, and finally develop the false situation to the extreme, and skillfully transform it into the real, rather than false to the end.

The trick of interpreting "creating something out of nothing" is not to deceive in the real sense, but to show some illusions to the opponent, make the opponent believe its authenticity, and then suddenly turn these illusions into reality, so that the opponent is unprepared and caught off guard , thereby defeating the opponent.

This strategy can be understood as the following meanings: one is to fabricate facts out of thin air, spread rumors everywhere, and say that things that do not exist originally exist, so as to confuse the other party's mind.Its purpose is to take the opportunity to destroy the enemy and gain benefits.The second is to confuse the real with the fake, dress up the fake as real, and then subtly transform it into real.Use this to confuse the enemy, make the enemy take it lightly, and take advantage of the situation to defeat it.

When using the timing of "creating something out of nothing", we should pay attention to grasp the following issues.

First, it is just a strategy used in competition.Used in the military, it is a tactic to lure the enemy.In terms of business management, you can only use its extended meaning to confuse competitors with untrue or nihilistic things, making it difficult for the opponent to respond without knowing your true intentions.It is definitely not true to deceive people, let alone show people with falsehood for a long time.

Second, use the strategy of "creating something out of nothing" to grasp the perfect opportunity that may disappear in an instant.Before the opponent notices and changes his action strategy, attack quickly to subdue the opponent.

Third, "creating something out of nothing" does not really create something out of nothing, but shows that "nothing" hides "being". The key lies in "being" rather than "nothing".Emptiness cannot defeat the opponent, but the reality that is ignored and misunderstood by the opponent is the real strength that can defeat the opponent.Therefore, using this strategy, the core lies in "being".At the same time, the "nothing" used by "creating something out of nothing" is by no means long-term nothingness and deception.We must see the right time, turn the false into the real in time, turn the false into the real, reveal the truth, and achieve the goal.

Of course, if others use this trick, we can take the following precautions to deal with it: First, don't trust the enemy.Be diligent in observation and thinking, and make in-depth analysis and judgment when necessary, so as to expose the enemy's conspiracy in time.Second, we must be vigilant.We should especially be wary of what the enemy does repeatedly, and especially guard against the false appearance that the enemy has been debunked by us again. Conspiracies are often hidden behind these false appearances.Finally, actively resist gossip.A common way for the enemy to use "creating something out of nothing" is to spread rumors. In the face of rumors, we should be calm, analyze the source, and find out the truth.In this way, the enemy's conspiracy will be self-defeating, and our interests can be guaranteed.

Examples of Wisdom
German thief shouting "Stop thief"
"A lie repeated a thousand times is the truth", this common saying can be said to be a popular explanation for the strategy of "creating something out of nothing".

In 1939, in order to create an excuse to invade Poland, Hitler instructed the Nazis to fabricate a "Himmler Plan" out of nothing.

At the beginning of August, under Hitler's instructions, General Canaris, the intelligence chief of the German Supreme Command, distributed 8 sets of Polish military uniforms and Polish small arms to Himmler and Chief of Security Heydrich. On August 150, Heydrich sent SS agent Naujocks and a group of people, wearing Polish military uniforms, to the German radio station Gleiwitz near the Polish border under the cover of Polish weapons.They were instructed to stay on the radio long enough for a Polish-speaking German to complete a speech about the start of war between Poland and Germany.

At 8:31 p.m. on August 8, SS soldiers in Polish uniforms pretended to shoot at the Gleiwitz radio station, and put the concentration camp prisoners who had been anesthetized beforehand on the ground, serving as the dying "wounded" inside the radio station. The German army who "occupied" the radio station then began to insult Germany in the most obscene language in Polish. Soon, all the people in Germany learned the bad news that "German radio station was suddenly attacked by Poland".Hitler's "out of nothing" plan was successfully implemented.

Prior to this, in order to create public opinion for the war of aggression against Poland, Germany had been under the control of Propaganda Minister Goebbels, using all propaganda tools and playing various deception tricks to deceive the German people wantonly to gain public opinion and support for Hitler's attack on Poland. popular support.

German newspapers, radio stations, and news agencies advertised: "Beware of Poland!" "Warsaw threatened to bomb Danzig", "The extremely crazy Poles launched an incredible provocation!" The propaganda offensive in the newspapers reached its peak.On this day, the headline of the "Berlin Times" reported: "Poland is completely in turmoil, countless German families are fleeing, the Polish army has advanced to the edge of the German border!" The headline of "Twelve O'clock" was: "Poland Three German passenger planes were shot by the Poles, and many German farmhouses in the corridor became a sea of ​​fire!" At 8 o'clock in the evening on August 26, all German radio stations were broadcasting Hitler's attack on Poland. "Peace proposal", Hitler boasted how sincere, fair and practical his proposal was, but was "brutally rejected" by the Poles. On September 8, Hitler delivered a speech to the national public in person, falsely claiming that "Last night, the regular Polish army launched its first attack on my territory. We started to fight back at 31:9 in the morning. From now on, we will Respond to the bomb with the bomb."In this way, Hitler provoked the flames of World War II in Poland.The German army launched a surprise attack on Poland. 9 million troops crossed the border and entered Warsaw in three directions. 1 planes launched the largest air attack in human history. 5 airports in Poland were bombed, and more than 49 towns were engulfed in flames. middle.

In order to find a legitimate and reasonable reason for the war against Poland in front of the German people, Hitler cunningly used the trick of "creating something out of nothing" to carefully forge all kinds of illusions about Poland's "disrespect" to Germany, and used lies to win widespread public opinion support for himself.When the momentum was huge and the time was right, troops were sent decisively, achieving the goal of using Poland to ignite the flames of World War II.

Peter the Great's False Letter Repelled the Enemy

"Creating something out of nothing" means that "being" is conceived in "nothing", and sometimes "being" and "nothing" do not exist in reality, but are different because of different psychological results on the enemy.

At the beginning of the 18th century, Russia and Sweden fought a large-scale war for territorial waters in the Baltic Sea.After the defeat of the attack, Sweden was unwilling to give up and took a full rest. Then it once again assembled a powerful navy and army and launched a second attack on Russia.

The Swedish army came fiercely and soon landed on the coast of Russia.The small number of troops deployed by the Russian army in the coastal area at that time was forced by the Swedes to defeat Peter the Great.
Back again, the Russian army and people panicked, and the country was in chaos.When the situation was urgent, the differences of opinion within the Russian ruling group were also very serious. Many people suggested that the Russian army abandon the important coastal areas and the defense projects under construction and retreat to the hinterland of Russia.

When the country was in danger and everyone was anxious, Peter the Great was extremely calm.He knew the working style of King Charles XII of Sweden and the generals of the army very well, so he decided to use their weaknesses of being cautious, indecisive, not brave enough and firm enough to help Russia turn the corner.

Soon, Peter the Great sent a large number of messengers to all parts of the country carrying his own decree, conveying his order that commanders everywhere send reinforcements to support the coastal areas immediately.Of course, the reinforcements mentioned in Peter the Great's letter did not exist at all. Even if the situation of some troops was true, they would not be able to quench their thirst.The messengers in charge of delivering the order deliberately wandered around in a daze, carelessly revealing their identities, and finally they were captured by the Swedes as they wished, and the secret letters on their bodies were also searched.The Swedish generals attached great importance to Peter the Great's secret order, thinking that the Russians had deliberately concealed their military strength. The reason why they did not resist and withdrew from the coastal area probably had a more far-reaching conspiracy.Under the domination of this kind of thinking, the Swedish army hastily abandoned the occupied Russian coastal areas and quickly withdrew back to the country.

Under the fierce and powerful enemy's attack, the Russian army retreated repeatedly. Coupled with the fluctuating hearts of the people in the country, it seemed that the only way to retreat was to retreat.However, Peter the Great knew that although Sweden had a strong military force, its leadership was suspicious and indecisive. Frightened off the ferocious enemy, successfully swayed the actions of the Swedish army, successfully lifted its siege of the Russian coastal areas without wasting a single shot, saved the new capital Petersburg and strategic facilities, and helped Russia survive the war. difficulties.

compiled business
Using the strategy of "creating something out of nothing" can not only deceive the enemy and resolve difficulties in the war, but also achieve miraculous effects and stand out in the commercial war.The reason why the Lanli series products produced by Lanli Company in California, USA, can defeat many similar products and show a strong offensive advantage in the market is that they have compiled beautiful legends one by one and matched them with very humane stories. Excellent product advertisements have left a unique commercial image in the minds of the public and invisibly reaped huge profits.

In October 1976, the Taiwan agent of Lanli Company in California, USA published an advertisement in the newspaper.On the screen is a hand and several sheep drawn in thin lines, with a striking caption next to it: "A long time ago, a beautiful legend was triggered by a pair of hands!"

The story goes like this.Many years ago, in a faraway place, there lived a king who was very particular about food.In the royal kitchen, there is also a chef with superb cooking skills, and any food he cooks is highly praised by the king.One day, the king suddenly felt that the taste of the meal had changed, so he called the chef to ask, and found out that the chef's hands had become red and swollen for some reason.The king immediately ordered the imperial doctor to treat the chef, but it didn't work, so the chef had to leave silently.

A chef wanders into a small village in the forest to help an old man herd sheep.He often strokes the wool of the sheep with his hands, and gradually he finds that his hands don't hurt anymore.Later, when he helped the old man shear sheep, he found that the redness and swelling on his hands gradually disappeared.When he was happy, he left the old shepherd and returned to the capital, just in time for the royal family to openly recruit chefs.So, he disguised himself and went to apply for the draft.The big meals and snacks he made were highly appreciated by the king, and he was finally hired by the royal family as he wished.When everyone knew that he was the famous chef in the past, the king immediately summoned him and asked how his hands were healed. He thought for a while and said that he was healed by accident when he was constantly sorting the wool with his hands. Alright.

Based on this clue, the scientists did a detailed research and found that the wool really contains a natural oil, which can be extracted to treat skin diseases. The king happily named it "Lanli".

This story was compiled by Lanli Company itself.In the next few months, the Taiwan agent of Lanli Company successively relied on several very humane advertisements to further deepen the impression of Lanli products in the minds of the public.These beautiful stories and warm advertisements not only successfully convey the wonderful efficacy and considerateness of Lanli products to consumers, but also make Lanli sheep oil gradually penetrate into Taiwanese families, and help it establish a good and stable brand in the market. popularity.

In the strategy of "creating something out of nothing", "nothing" is an illusion to confuse the opponent, while "something" is the real attempt under the cover of the illusion.This strategy is often adopted in the fierce market competition, and the legendary story compiled by Lanli Company is an extremely ingenious and typical example.It aims to make consumers believe the story is true, and realize their real purpose of making profits by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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