My opinion about the world

Chapter 186 Arrangements Before Leaving

Chapter 186 Arrangements Before Leaving

It was half a month later when Ye Yu left Emile. During this period, he and Emile discussed the plan for Gensokyo for a long time. Can guarantee nothing goes wrong.

During this period of time, he met Qi once. Judging from the haggard expression of the other party, as if he hadn't eaten meat for a month, it seemed that he was exhausted by the homework assigned by Emile... After seeing Ye Yu When I was young, I kept arguing about "running away from home" or something...

By the way, he really wanted to remind me at that time that Emile was standing outside the door, eavesdropping on something... I guess it would be difficult for her to escape even if she wanted to, but then again, from the soul link between the two It seems that Qi Qi has become much stronger these days. It seems that although Emile's training is a bit strict, it is still extremely effective.

And when Ye Yu returned to Lulu's world, he found that in the past ten days, Lulu had successfully controlled the power of Britannia by relying on the power of geass, and both sides in the war had mutual intentions. Under the premise of reconciliation, the fighting on the frontal battlefield gradually stopped and everything is changing for the better...

After Alaya returns, there is basically no need to worry about major wars. With her secretly mediating, the human population on this planet will get along more harmoniously with each other. This is also the most intuitive effect after the birth of population consciousness. ...By the way, Ye Yu didn't bring CC with her when she came back. That woman was left behind by Emile for induction training. It is said that it is very troublesome to be the guardian of Alaya.

"What Ye Jiang, you want to leave?" Everything has been settled, at least what Ye Yu wants to do is basically done, the only thing that needs to be explained is how to explain to the girls that she is leaving It's... Sure enough, as soon as Ye Yu mentioned this question, Naye and the others immediately became confused.

"Didn't you say you were going to stay here for a long time before? Why so suddenly!"

"Uh, because there is something..." Ye Yu also felt that this sounded like a lame excuse, but how else could he explain it? Could it be that there were other women waiting in other worlds? Look at me, now I'm going to prepare to meet them?If you think about it with your head, you can understand... This will definitely be bombarded!

"Well, I'm actually going to get something that connects different worlds..." Ye Yu thought for a while and finally told them the rhetoric after some beautification, "I have traveled in many worlds. There are also a lot of fetters formed in it... I hate parting like today, but many times I have no choice. So I plan to get something like a transfer station, so that everyone can feel free at any time. Where can we meet again, a bit like a large resort?"

"What does the teacher mean, can we go there to play after that thing is built?" Sure enough, the girls felt better when they heard that Ye Yu didn't just abandon them just to go to other women. Quite a few, that kind of feeling is a bit weird to say... It's not jealousy or jealousy or anything, it's just a kind of loss caused by simply feeling that things that belonged to me suddenly don't belong to me alone.

"Of course, you are my disciples. Whatever you want, just act like a baby to me~~" Ye Yu rubbed the girls' hair a little funny. For them, this kind of separation is probably the first time in their lives. It's normal to feel extra sad and sad.If you get used to it in the future... Forget about this kind of thing, it's better not to get used to it.

"Then... Ye Jiang can stay here and don't leave, okay?"

"Eh, this..."

"Huh, Ye Jiang is a big liar!" Gaifeng, who saw through Ye Yu's rhetoric, turned his head with a snort. If it is said that the person who relies on him the most here must be Gaifeng, but because of this, it is the most understandable His is also Gale, Ye Yu was the one who pulled her out of the abyss, and a good person like him must have helped more than himself.Then there must be many people who are attached to him like me, if they are too selfish...

"But forget it, Ye Jiang is not Ye Jiang if he is not a good person." Said like this, Gaifeng probably made a compromise... But what is this feeling of wanting to cry, knowing that it is impossible I bound him by my side for the rest of my life, but why did I let the parting come so quickly...

"What a bad guy..." Ye Yu was noncommittal about this evaluation, in the end he just wanted to save the girls he wanted to save, "Well, don't worry, it won't take long to go this time... at last I will come back before you are 19 years old, and then everyone should be able to meet anytime, anywhere."

"Before the age of 19? It will be many years..." Naye counted on his fingers, but thinking about Ye Yu's age, this time is really nothing to him... "But why is it such a Some weird time?"

"Ahahaha..." Ye Yu rubbed his head and laughed dryly, trying to get away with it, should he say that there will be a plot when you are 19... "In short, it is like this, oh yes, this thing is for you. "Ye Yu took out things that looked like sachets, and there were pictures of the corresponding girls painted on them, so they were easy to distinguish.

"This thing is used to send letters. Just put the written letter in it and I will receive it. The most important thing is that it can be used across the world~~" A simple version of the personal mailbox, and it can only realize one-way correspondence, but for the girls it is a treasure trove.

"I will cherish it, Father..." Feite put his own bright yellow sachet on his neck, and the other girls followed suit, looking as if they were hanging a string of tokens of love... …

"Well, after all, it's only a few years, and I'll be back in a blink of an eye..." Ye Yu touched the girls' heads one by one, and he was a little bit displeased with the sudden parting from the children he had grown up with. Give up, but there are a lot of people who have been promised by me, if you can't fulfill them one by one...

"Besides, I'm not leaving now, at least it will take a few days to prepare. In addition, Yuffie and the others have to go to say goodbye." It's not hard to imagine that the eastern world will definitely not be as developed and necessary as here. Everything must be bought...God knows how long he will live there, he doesn't want to live the life of a primitive man again.

"But speaking of Yuffie, I will leave coordinates for you in this world. In the future, you can ask Lulu if you are undecided. Cornelia is also a good person to consult. If you stay in the administration, learn more from them." The last time Ye Yu urged.

"Well, we got it..." And that was the only time the girls didn't talk back to him about it...


Dividing line


A week passed by, and even if Ye Yu was reluctant to part with him, the day came when he had to leave. After saying goodbye to everyone he knew in this world, he returned to his small house in Haiming City for the last time. Naye and the others said they were going to hold a farewell party for him.

"I'm really leaving this time..." Ye Yu changed into her magic robe and waved at them, "I leave my magic book here, if you have nothing to do, you can read it more, so far All the magic and alchemy I know are recorded on it. With the help of Lin Fusi, you can understand it more or less. There are no other things to explain. This time I really have to leave... ..."

Ye Yu who spoke like this left them with his usual smile in the end, and at the next moment his figure disappeared... as if he had never existed.

"Wuah..." After confirming that he really left, the girls finally couldn't help crying, and among them, Haifeng cried the most sadly... The feeling of parting is always difficult, but thinking about it, the only way to go is to leave After Ye Yu, these girls can really learn to be strong.

(End of this chapter)

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