My opinion about the world

Chapter 185 Arrangements Before Leaving

Chapter 185 Arrangements Before Leaving

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ?" The figure of three people disappeared in the blink of an eye, Ye Yu would not dare to run around in this garden without Emile's guidance, otherwise God knows when it will be gone." What kind of weird laws will they run into... Even though they won't be injured, it's embarrassing to think about being rescued by Emile himself.

Of course he said so, but Ye Yu didn't think that Emile was really angry with him at all, maybe there was something he wanted to say to CC, those words that had to be bypassed...but probably Emile was also taking care of Ye Yu's mood, after all, she had just given him such a material that sounded quite tempting, and anyone else would not be able to help but want to see it.

And maybe the reason why Ye Yu was kept outside was to give him some free time, at least he thought so.

The flowers and plants in the yard entangled themselves without knowing when and finally formed a set of pure natural tables and chairs, and when Ye Yu sat down, the goblins who had been wandering here also brought him drinks. Ye Yu didn't believe it wasn't Emile's secret instruction...By the way, the drink that was brought to him was the one he thought was great the previous time.

"Well, I don't know how long they're going to chat. Before that, let's take a look at what Emile left for me." He sipped the drink in his cup, letting the kind of drink that would only be born in this place The unique sweet taste filled the whole taste buds, while Ye Yu carefully read the information that Emile stuffed into his head before.

"Well... First of all, we need to find a world with good aptitude, heritage, and development prospects, and then..." The problems Ye Yu is currently facing are not that big, but because he has been traveling in different places before. He has received inexplicable fate with many people. This kind of thing does not mean that he can easily let go of it after he leaves, such as Aizen, Youxiang and so on.

Originally, according to his idea, he planned to pick up all the girls who were willing to leave with him after leaving that world, so that he would not have to think about leaving for many years now.But this also raises another question, where are the girls who left their hometowns going to settle?Qi's world is not even a semi-finished product now, but there is no other choice.

But now Emile helped him think of a way, and from the effect point of view, it was even better than Ye Yu expected.

"I almost understand it. Specifically, it is to divide a part of a world with considerable potential, use it as a base and use it to connect other worlds..." Unknowingly, Ye Yu put a piece of water in her cup After drinking the drink completely, after tilting the cup completely to make the last attempt, he put the cup back on the table and continued to think, "This separated place is equivalent to a transit in the world. A station that can accept different information from the outside world while ensuring its own independent integrity..."

"Isn't this Gensokyo? Hey!" The place that gathers all ideals, fantasies, and dreams in the world, exists in any place in the cracks of various worlds and does not belong to any world. Gensokyo contains all abnormalities It is extremely realistic... It is exactly the same as the plan Emile gave Ye Yu. If it is really completed, the separated space will look like Gensokyo in the end.

"No, no, since there is a ready-made Gensokyo, why should I go and make another one myself?" At this time, Ye Yu instantly understood the context of certain things, "Anyway, I just bring a few people in, Fantasy The township is so big that it can definitely be accommodated, so... I think I have to go back to that world first."

Think about it carefully, how long has it been since that farewell without saying goodbye?Everyone should be okay... Has Youxiang become the tyrant of flowers, and has Yonglin gone to the moon?What happened to Shenqi's demon world? Do those straightforward ghosts and humans get along as well as they did in the wild age? What about humans?Ye Yu couldn't wait to know whether he still had faith in the ancient gods or not.

"But I guess this time it will be another long trip..." Ye Yu finally felt the pain of being incapacitated. It doesn't matter if he is greedy...but all the fetters he has formed are without exception. None of them want to give up so easily, but sometimes temporary separation is unavoidable.

"How should I tell Haifeng and the others? There is also Lulu's place..." He clearly promised them that he would not leave so soon, but now it seems that he will leave again soon, and the establishment of the Great Barrier must be done without delay. With that thing, everyone will have the possibility of reunion together, but for mortals... the time of the longevity species is unbearable for them.

When he thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a little tangled. It is easy to give them thousands of years of life out of thin air, but with CC as a lesson from the past, Ye Yu would not dare to do it anyway...

"What are you thinking about? Your brows are wrinkled... You will grow old soon." When her thoughts were brought back to reality again, Emile had already pulled CC out of the room. , obviously the two have reached some kind of compromise... Although a little reluctance can still be seen from CC's face, the gloomy look before is much less.

"There are indeed some things," Ye Yu said after thinking about her own problems. After all, Emile is an old antique who has lived for an unknown amount of time. Maybe there will be a solution... "But what do you two talk about?" What did you do? It took so long..." Actually, Ye Yu wanted to ask how Emile persuaded CC, but she didn't dare to ask because of the unhappy face of a certain witch.

"The first problem is easy to solve! How can I say my sister is in the world of the highest level, so I can get rid of the information radiation of other worlds and guarantee existence alone... The specific explanation is too troublesome and I don't want to talk about it, but in short it is completely possible. Take you as the time node, and judge the time flow rate of the whole world based on the time you have passed since you left this world. For example, no matter where you are after you leave here, you only need to spend 100 In a year, my world will spend one day accordingly, so I don’t have to worry too much about the speed of time.”

"Hey, can this kind of thing be done? That's really much more convenient..." This is the first time Ye Yu has felt the great will of the world from Emile. Sure enough, this name is not just a talk what……

"It's just some inconspicuous abilities~~" Mingming's happy eyes narrowed, but the cute Mi'er still refused to admit it, "As for Ye Jiang, your last question..." Emile said and looked at it The direction of CC, the latter immediately explained to Emile with a knowing sigh.

"She reset my life from beginning to end 27 times, and each time I relived those days as if I were reincarnated. But in the end, no matter whether I reincarnated with the memory or just blocked the memory and took over It’s not very good... Maybe this is the best time.” After reliving my life 27 times, I found that no matter what, there will be no better results, so even the witch CC has to accept the reality , it’s already like this, so there’s nothing to complain about, isn’t it...

"Well..." The corners of Ye Yu's mouth twitched. Emile is probably the only one who can persuade others in this way, but it's not bad anyway, "If you think it's all right, Actually, I think you won't be lonely anymore with Alaya here, right?"

"Lonely...?" CC shrugged. After this experience, she seemed to be more cheerful, "Maybe it is..."

(End of this chapter)

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