Selling eloquence

Chapter 27 Quotation negotiation, making customers willing to pay

Chapter 27 Quotation negotiation, making customers willing to pay (3)
C. "What if we order all of your products?"

D. "What if we buy all your products?"

E. "What if I place an order with you for many years?"

F. "What if we pay in cash, late, or in installments?"

G. "What if we still place an order with you in the off-season?"

H. "What if I provide technical force to you?"

I. "If we go to pick up the goods by ourselves, how about exempting you from those service items?"

If the customer asks the above-mentioned sharp questions, and if the salesperson is a little careless, any question may reveal the seller's intentions.

Therefore, the salesperson should treat every question of the customer carefully, and cannot answer the other party casually, so as not to make the other party seize the flaw and put himself in a passive position, or lead the two parties into a bargaining situation.

The salesperson should generally abide by the following principles when answering the rhetorical question after the customer asks the price:

A. Don't make an immediate assessment of the other party's questions.

B. Analyze the real reason why the other party asks the question, and don't be tempted by the claim of large or small batches.

C. Quotation is based on the order quantity determined by the other party first.

D. Dodge questions, stall for time, and get ready for an offer.

E. Use his own way to deal with his own body, kick the "ball" back again, and put forward various additional conditions for the other party to consider.

Therefore, the reverse questioning method is a way and an important skill to deal with price issues.

8. Convince customers with low price strategy

The rationality of the price should not be considered solely from the perspective of the other party.

When the negotiation progresses to a certain extent, the prices of both parties should be settled. Since there is still a certain gap between the seller's price and the buyer's price, the salesperson can adopt a low-price strategy to prevent the buyer from aggressively bargaining.This low price strategy can be achieved by:

(1) Quote with the smallest or smaller pricing unit.When quoting, no matter how large the transaction quantity is, the salesperson should try to quote in a small unit of account, so that the other party can easily accept it.For example, the transaction of some products is based on the unit of container or ton, but it is still quoted in the form of yuan per kilogram or per hundred kilograms when quoting.Adopting this method can facilitate the transaction more, and the reason is that this kind of quotation can make the other party have an illusion.

(2) Price comparison.The price comparison is that the salesperson compares the products being promoted with similar products, and compares the higher price of similar products with the price of the product in question, then the price of the product in question appears to be lower.Using this strategy, salespeople must have at least one similar product with a higher price in their hands.

(3) Adopt model law.If the customer really finds the price of the product high and unacceptable, the salesperson should demonstrate the product to be sold with some inferior competitive products to emphasize the advantages of the product to be sold.The product differences shown in the demonstration will immediately eliminate customer objections.

(4) Offset method.When a customer raises the issue that the price of a product is too high, the salesperson can emphasize all other factors that can offset the high price.If the price is really high, and a dispute has arisen because of it, the only way is to list all the advantages of the product, which will help to remedy the lack of high price.

Although the low-price strategy is often used in price negotiations, it is not the best policy in price negotiations.

Under normal circumstances, in order to crack the low price strategy, the salesperson can use the following methods:

A. No matter how the other party divides the pricing unit or changes the quotation form, you should not forget that the basis of the unit price is the cost of the product, and both parties should sit down and settle accounts carefully.

B. In the case of price comparison, you should pay attention to the differences in different materials and functions that will cause inconvenience to future use.

C. The price comparison and offset method in the above strategy can become a method of mutual restraint with a slight adjustment.

D. Let go of your horizons and consider issues from multiple angles. You should not only consider the rationality of the price from the perspective of the other party.

9. Follow the customer's train of thought to persuade
To follow the customer's train of thought is to follow the client's intentions, and the final essence is to change his train of thought to achieve his own persuasive purpose.

Seeing that the transaction is about to be completed, but the customer still has some objections to the price, it is very important to talk with the customer at this time, if the words are inappropriate, it may ruin the successful transaction.If you can understand the customer's mind, you may be able to quickly facilitate the transaction.

"How much do you think is appropriate?" This is obviously the salesperson's own initiative to enter the bargaining stage, allowing the customer to take the initiative and put himself in a passive position.

"This is not expensive, there are more expensive ones!" Such words undoubtedly imply that the customer has little knowledge and thinks such a small amount of money is expensive, which means looking down on the customer and hurting the customer's self-esteem.

"The price of good things must be high." This is to refute the customer's statement. Such a statement is not advisable and will make the customer feel ashamed.

If after observation and judgment, it is felt that the customer is very likely to buy, but he still wants to get some discounts on the price.At this time, the salesperson must be patient, stabilize himself, and analyze the customer's psychology.

It has been seen that the customer has a desire to buy, but if it is still expensive, the most likely reason is that it is just an excuse, and the customer wants to ask the salesperson to reduce the price or obtain other benefits.At this time, the salesperson should follow the customer's thinking to persuade, and the methods of persuasion are as follows:
(1) Persuade by composition explanation method.

Customer: "Can you make it cheaper?"

Salesperson: "Sir, you are really discerning. This pair of sneakers is not only trendy and fashionable, but also the fabric and workmanship are top-notch! The current price has already been discounted by 8% off the original price. For such good sneakers It’s definitely worth the money! Just imagine, when you appear in front of your girlfriend wearing such smart sneakers, what a good impression you will leave in her mind! Don’t you think so?”

(2) Use the time subdivision method to persuade.

Customer: "I don't need to buy such an expensive one!"

Sales staff: "You can't say that, good things are what everyone needs! As the saying goes 'there is no best, only better', how can young talents like you not deserve such fashionable decorations? This suit Although the accessories are a bit expensive, they are of high quality, and you can tell that they are of extraordinary taste at first glance, and there will be no problem with using them for ten or eight years. In this way, it costs more than 100 yuan a year, which is about the same as eating a fast food outside! Do you still think it is expensive? ?"

(3) Use comparative method to persuade.

Customer: "I think it's still a bit expensive."

Salesperson: "Actually, it's really not expensive. Let's make a comparison. You know how much a certain brand costs in the market. This product is much cheaper than a certain brand! You can see that the quality is better than that brand. I This is not to belittle a certain brand, to promote our own products, I am just stating the facts."

(4) Use the dismantling method to persuade.

Customer: "I think it's a bit expensive."

Salesperson: "It's really not expensive. You see, this monitor will be calculated for you... (price), this motherboard will be calculated for you... (price), and this hard disk will be calculated for you... (price), you can see …(prices of other computer components), and the pair of speakers are given to you for free, each component is cheap, and the combination is even cheaper.”

(5) Use the praise method to persuade.

Customer: "I think it's still a bit expensive."

Salesperson: "Sir, just looking at you, I know that you usually pay attention to the quality of life, and you will not be reluctant to buy this product. If you buy our product this time and think it is good, you are welcome to visit again next time!"

In short, it is necessary to pass on such information to customers that such a good product is sold at a very affordable price, and then emphasize the advantages of the product and the benefits it can bring to customers, so that customers are strongly aware of their needs for the product.

10. First "grit the bullet" and then let go
The tighter you bite and the slower you spit, the more psychologically balanced your client will be.

Haggling is indeed a commonplace thing in sales work.Sometimes, the salesperson provides high-quality service and high-quality products, and does not want to win by lowering the price. Facing the request of the customer to lower the price, he must calmly explain the reasons for not lowering the price to the customer in a firm tone.

Customer: "How much discount can you give me?"

Salesperson: "Sorry, our company has always stipulated that there is no discount, because the quality of our products is never discounted, so it is difficult to discount the price. If we discount casually, our company's reputation will be ruined."

Customer: "A company promised to give us a [-]% discount if we buy their products. Why don't you give us a discount?"

Sales staff: "As far as we know, a certain company that gave the discount has already incorporated the 5% profit into the selling price. Our company absolutely does not use this method of 'the wool is on the sheep' to please customers. Our current sales The price is the most reasonable and the lowest price, don't you think we are an honest company with credit?"

In the above cases, the salespeople took advantage of the company's reputation to make the other party feel that the company can indeed be trusted, because they would rather risk reducing sales than engage in deception.

When people decide to buy bulk items, although they all want to save some expenses in various aspects, whether they can save various small expenses will generally not affect the final transaction.This is like a piano that costs 5 yuan, but you don’t care about a piano bench that costs 000 yuan.A smart salesperson should be good at grasping the shopping psychology of customers, and hold on to the price without letting go, so that you will increase a lot of extra income.

In short, bargaining is an essential link in the sales process. As long as you grasp the customer's shopping psychology and make full use of language skills, please believe that there are no stubborn customers, only salesmen who hold tight to the price.

chapter summary
1. Quotation Negotiation is an inevitable process of sales.The quotation should not be too high or too low, and the customer's bottom line should be found out.

2. Counter-offering is also the nirvana of customers, so it is very necessary to understand customers' counter-offering skills in order to "crack" them in a targeted manner.

3. The low-price strategy only subdivides the price, but the total amount remains unchanged, that is, it does not really reduce the price.

4. Just like storing water, if you keep clenching your teeth and insist on your quotation, customers will feel more and more that you really can’t compromise the price anymore. When you let go a little bit, customers will also feel that they have gained a lot. Big deal.This is actually a kind of psychological warfare.

5. Convince the customer along his train of thought, just like letting him convince himself.The key is how to find the "turning point" of "turning to yourself" while "following" the customer.

(End of this chapter)

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