Selling eloquence

Chapter 18: Approaching with clever words, making customers welcome you

Chapter 18: Approaching with clever words, making customers welcome you (3)
In this way, in this strange way, the salesman subtly whetted the client's appetite and aroused his curiosity.In effect, the salesperson was explaining to the prospect the idea that people must buy insurance before the actual need arises.Therefore, people have to admire the ingenious intentions of the salesperson.

What needs to be noticed when approaching customers is that no matter what language, action or other means are used to arouse customers' curiosity, they should have some kind of intrinsic connection with your sales promotion activities.Because, if the customer finds out that the salesperson's approaching tricks are completely irrelevant to the sales activity, it is likely to quickly divert attention and lose interest in continuing the conversation.

In addition, when using a certain method to attract customers' curiosity, you should also pay attention to winning by surprise.Because, in this chaotic and complicated real world, everyone's cultural knowledge level and experience are different, and their interests and hobbies are also different.What is novel to one person is not necessarily novel to another.If the salesperson is self-important, but the customer is not, then it will often be self-defeating, and it will be more difficult to get closer to the customer.

Yuan Yiping's business card always has such a number printed: 0-766000.Therefore, when customers receive his business card, they always ask him curiously: "What does this number mean?"

So Yuan Yiping would ask back: "How many meals do you eat in your life?"

It is conceivable that almost no customer can answer it.

原一平便回答说:“766 000顿饭嘛!假定退休年龄是55岁,按日本人的平均寿命计算,您还剩下19年的饭,即20 805顿……”

In this way, Yuan Yiping cleverly used the customer's curiosity to chat with the other party, which is a clever way to approach the customer.

8. It is easy to make customers feel disgusted by informality
details make a difference.

When the salesperson is approaching the customer, you may speak witty words like pearls, but your eloquence may be in vain because of some tiny details.Therefore, salespeople must not ignore the details that affect their success or failure.Some details worth noting here are:

(1) Keep the agreed time.When a customer says "just buy from you", it is a great trust in you.

But great trust is the cumulative result of many small trusts.You must always pay attention to every detail, and keeping time is one of them.

"Okay, I'll ship it to you today." Once you agree, even if it's a verbal promise, you must keep it.And keep in mind: All actions must have room in time to ensure punctuality in emergencies.Facts have also proved that starting a few minutes earlier is a prerequisite for gaining the trust of the other party.

(2) Just a little better than client attire.Experts say: the best dress scheme is "customer + 1", which is only "a little better" than what the customer wears. This can not only show respect for the customer, but also not widen the distance between the two parties.Dressing that contrasts too much with the person being interviewed will make the other person feel uncomfortable, and virtually distance them from each other.

(3) Pay attention to some inappropriate details.

A. Pay attention when ringing the doorbell.When a salesperson visits a customer's office or home, he or she should ring the doorbell or knock softly when entering.Do not ring the bell or knock on the door for too long, and do not enter the room without the permission of the owner.When meeting a customer, if it is not agreed in advance, you should apologize to the customer, and then explain the purpose of your visit.

B. Be polite.When entering a client's office or home, you should take the initiative to greet or nod to everyone present.

C. Don't mess with things.In the customer's home, you can't visit the house without an invitation. Even if you are a familiar customer, don't randomly flip through the books, flowers, interior furnishings and other items in the room.

D. Pay attention to cleanliness.When you are with customers, don’t litter the peel and confetti, and keep the carpets and floors clean; Clean the soles of shoes to prevent rain, snow, and mud from being brought indoors.

E. Pay attention to avoid and overcome all kinds of indecent behavior.Do not blow your nose, pick your ears, pick your teeth, manicure, yawn, etc. in front of customers.If you can't help coughing or sneezing, cover your nose with a handkerchief, face aside, and try not to make a loud noise.

(4) Carry a notepad with you.During the visit, write down the time and place and the name and title of the customer; write down the customer's needs; promise the customer to do; the time of the next visit; A good work habit.Another advantage is that when you listen to customers while taking notes piously, in addition to encouraging customers to speak out more about their needs, a feeling of being respected also arises in the hearts of customers, and your next sales Work will be much smoother.

9.20. [-] reasons to see customers again

Our interactions with others do not simply share opinions, facts, beliefs or principles, which may be why a businessman or entrepreneur is willing to take a long flight rather than a phone call in order to close an important deal.

— Raymond A. Schlesinski

If you want to achieve the purpose of sales more efficiently, you must study the excuses for revisiting customers.Here are 20 different reasons for revisiting. If you can use them properly, you will definitely increase the chances of revisiting many times.

(1) Visit again by sending a business card.General salesmen always hand out business cards to customers immediately when they meet. This is a relatively traditional sales method, but it is inevitably a mere formality. Unexpected result.

(2) Deliberately forgetting to ask for business cards from customers.This is also a good method, because customers usually don't want to give business cards to unknown salespersons, especially new salesmen who don't know, so customers use the excuse that the business cards have been used up or have not yet been printed, instead of giving them.At this time, there is no need to force it. Instead, you can deliberately forget about it and take this rejection as an opportunity for you to visit again.

(3) Print business cards of different styles or titles.If you have a different business card, you can use the reason of changing the business card or promotion to visit again, but special attention should be paid to avoid giving the same business card to the customer, so as not to be misleading. It is best to indicate which one has been used in the customer management information. A business card or use the date of visit to identify.

(4) Don't leave information and give it away next time.When the customer is not quite able to accept but is too embarrassed to refuse, he usually asks the salesperson to leave the information and contact him after reading it.At this time, experienced salespeople will never be fooled, because this is just an excuse for the customer to order to evict the customer. After the information is given, it may not be long before it is thrown into the trash can, so even if the customer asks for it, he must politely decline. But before you leave, let us know that it will be sent to you next time you visit.If you forget to leave an excuse for revisiting, you can also use other titles, such as: "The material has been revised and printed, and it is sent here for your reference" or "Customers are too eager to ask, so the company keeps reprinting it. It was delivered."

(5) Serve another document in person.This material must be something that customers have never seen before. Professional sales staff should have several different promotional materials in order to provide different materials for different customer needs.

(6) Provide helpful information.If you find news or statistics related to commodities published in newspapers or magazines, which are enough to arouse customers' interest, you can immediately show them to customers or ask for advice.

(7) Leave the information to the customer and then retrieve it.Before leaving, the salesperson must explain the importance of the information and make an appointment to retrieve it at the next meeting. If the customer doesn’t want to keep it, it’s okay, just put it down and leave. The customer dare not throw away the information even if they don’t read it.Remember, the interval between the next appointment should not be too long, otherwise you may even forget such a thing.

(8) Visit the door on the pretext of passing by.Explain that you happened to be looking for friends nearby or visiting customers, or even just completed a transaction, but you must not say that you came to visit. Special attention should be paid to this point, so as not to make customers feel disrespected.At the same time, it should also be noted that there is no need to deliberately explain the excuse of the visit, so as not to draw more and more black and ask for trouble.

(9) Find a question to ask the customer.This is not to test the client, but to understand the client's professional knowledge, so don't ask too difficult questions, it is better to be a "discussion topic" that can give the client room to express.

(10) Accompany new colleagues or superiors to visit together.Visiting through a third party will bring pressure to the client, especially when accompanied by your supervisor, which can improve persuasiveness.Because the boss assists the salesperson to develop performance, the possibility of closing the transaction will be greatly improved.

(11) Small gifts for holidays.This is the best time to reach customers and the best way to operate.Of course, the size of the gift has to be determined by oneself. Only customers who are very likely to make a deal can give a heavier gift, otherwise they may lose their wife and lose their army. This needs to be judged clearly first.

(12) Free company publications.Using the opportunity to give away a client's company publication for free as an excuse to revisit is also quite appropriate.For example, some companies will publish some monthly, weekly, daily magazines, or market news, and send monthly calendars, calendars and other materials during the Chinese New Year.

(13) Provide new product portfolios for customers' needs.The products to be sold can be combined into many different combinations. Some people call them "suits".

(14) Use birthdays as a sweet excuse.If you can remember the birthday of the customer or his family in time, then go to the customer and send a birthday card or flowers at that time, which is also an effective way to impress the customer.

(15) Hold briefing sessions and lectures, and specially invite them in person.If you can provide information briefing sessions on the latest products to enhance customers' understanding of the products, or provide free prizes, I believe many people will come to participate.When the salesperson gives the invitation card to the customer, he can briefly explain the content of the lecture, and ask him to come and guide him before he leaves.

(16) Use customers to fill out questionnaires.Design several different questionnaires for customers to fill out. The content of the questionnaire is mainly to understand the customer's acceptance and concept of the products to be sold, or the degree of preference for the products.

(17) Give first-hand information when news is suddenly announced in the market.Take advantage of the opportunity of the market to release important news, provide market personnel or your own opinions for customers' reference, make customers feel more honored, and thus shorten the distance between each other.

(18) Provide relevant industry information to customers for reference. "Know yourself and know your enemy, and you will never be imperiled in a hundred battles." Collecting dynamic information from related industries as a reference can not only serve as a basis for improving one's own products, but also give examples of other people's successful experience.

(19) Adopt special preferential methods or special sales methods.Attract customers to accept commodity prices with benefits, thereby triggering their desire to buy commodities.For example, when some products are on special sale, they often use the strategies of "buy one get one free" and "buy 1 yuan and get a discount coupon"; Ways to buy desire.

(20) Visit directly without excuses.Instead of trying to find reasons for your actions and hesitate to move forward, it is more effective to directly visit the door.Although it is more abrupt and may hit a wall, it is also an opportunity to train your ability and courage.

chapter summary
1. The key to getting close to customers is to make them accept you. Only when customers accept you will they accept your appointment and have an interview with you.

2. The most important thing to make a smart appointment with a client is to get rid of the client's excuses and let him accept your appointment.

3. If you break through the defense line of the people around the customer, you can not only meet the customer, but also help you obtain more key information.The point is that you want them to be your friends, not "enemies".

4. Adequate preparation can make you approach clients more naturally and calmly.Therefore, we must make preparations in advance and learn about information related to customers in many ways.

5. There are many ways to approach customers face to face, but the most fundamental thing is that what you say has attracted the attention of customers.

(End of this chapter)

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