Selling eloquence

Chapter 11 Talking to each person is wonderful for various types of customers

Chapter 11 Talking to each person is wonderful for various types of customers (2)
The taciturn customers are just the opposite of the chattering customers. They are mature, prudent, stable and calm. Although they listen carefully to the persuasion words of the sales staff, they respond coldly and do not easily talk about their own ideas. What is their inner feeling and evaluation? People are unpredictable.

Generally speaking, customers who are taciturn are more rational and less emotional. Salespeople should avoid talking too much and try to give the other party the opportunity to speak and experience time.When conducting interviews, the salesperson should be persuasive, focus on persuading customers in a logical and inspiring way, explain in detail the use value of the product and the benefits of sales promotion, and provide corresponding authoritative information and supporting documents for the other party to analyze, think, judge and compare, and strengthen the customer's confidence. Buy confidence, arouse the other party's desire to buy.

Sometimes, the customer is silent because he hates the salesperson or the product he is selling, and they will keep silent if they have a bad subjective impression of the salesperson or the product.When dealing with this kind of customers, the salesperson should show honesty and prudence, especially pay attention to the attitude, way and expression of the conversation, strive to leave a good first impression on the other party, improve their reputation in the eyes of customers, and be good at answering the questions in the minds of customers. Only by understanding and grasping the psychological state of the other party can we ensure that the interview process between the two parties will not be indifferent and interrupted.

There are two reasons why taciturn customers are "hard to speak":

First, fear of the "smell" of the salesperson.He knows that the salesperson has a very keen sense, and is good at observing the customer's thoughts, and then leads the customer to follow him on a "boat".So he worried that his thoughts would be perceived by the sales staff.How to do it?The most effective and direct way is to keep silent, so that the salesperson has no way of knowing what he is thinking, and thus cannot be led by the nose.

Second, I lack confidence in my own "resistance", thinking that I am not an opponent of the salesperson at all, and that I have been lured and used by the other party in the transaction. I have no ability to refute the other party, but only to be persuaded.

The salesperson should understand the customer who speaks little, and believe that he has the ability to fully communicate with him.Since the motivations of such customers are many and different, you must carefully observe the other party, analyze and judge through his expression, attitude and reasons for rejecting you, and choose an appropriate way to attack.If the other party ignores you at the beginning and doesn't talk to you, you should adopt the principle of "testing", change the topic or way of talking, and try to attract the other party as much as possible.

For customers who have the mentality of "open your mouth, disaster will come", you should not talk about business affairs or your sales experience, and don't give him a feeling that you are "eloquent", so that he will think that you are a good person. It is safer, he can control himself in the transaction with you and have confidence in himself.

For customers who are "in the state of mind at that time, it is better not to talk about it", you can find a topic to talk about or find a topic that can make him feel "sympathetic to each other".In short, you have to be targeted.

When you encounter a customer who is "eager to drive the salesman away" and rejects you, you can only blame yourself for the unlucky arrival.

8. Dealing with Argumentative Clients

If you can't control your temper, or argue with customers during presentations, your bank balance may be seriously affected.Win the argument and pay the price.

— Rich Porter

In sales, you will meet different types of customers, one of which loves to argue with others.This kind of customer always likes to criticize a few things no matter what, if things cater to his taste, he will be contented.This type of customer likes to argue, and if the salesperson is not to his liking, he will hate the salesperson.This kind of customer also has a characteristic, that is, he expresses disdain for what the authoritative person says, and he will use sophistry to keep the sales staff from approaching him.

When dealing with such arguing customers, salespeople must give him three points and avoid direct arguments and conflicts, because the ultimate goal of salespeople is to successfully sell their products to customers, not to compete in arguments.

"Just now this person is really, obviously he is 'old-fashioned', he doesn't know anything, and he insists on pretending to be an expert, always saying that this is not good, and that is not good. I was so angry that I argued with him. As a result, he I can't even say a word!"

The salesman must have been very happy at the time, because he subdued a demanding customer, but from the perspective of his sales tasks and responsibilities, there is no doubt that he may have lost a customer forever, and once this customer dislikes him, he will definitely lose it. Tell the people around him that he dislikes the salesperson, and spread it widely, and the people around him will have a bad impression of this salesperson. If this is the case, it will bring great losses to the sales work.From this point of view, it is obvious that this salesperson cannot be regarded as a competent salesperson.

If you change it into the following statement:

"Yes, what you said is indeed very reasonable, and it is not something I can catch up with (to put a high hat on the other party at the right time), but this product is a new invention of our company. Maybe you know, a certain university Department of Electronic Engineering Professor Wu, who is an authoritative person in this field, once conducted research and experiments on our product, and praised this invention as indeed very good.”

"Having a mother like you who cares about education, your child is really a blessing from a previous life. I admire what you said just now. Please take a look at this again. This product was once used by Professor Li of a certain university. I have recommended it, thinking that it has a good effect on developing children's intelligence, and it is the most suitable for children's education. Some people in the United States once commented that this is a step-by-step learning machine, and with it, there is no need to cram."

The sales staff can provide authoritative proof, and the other party is more acceptable.Even if you know that the client is sophistry, you can't accuse or point out the other party. On the one hand, you can say that you can't talk to him, but on the other hand, it is best to try to change the topic and talk to him from other aspects.

When dealing with customers who love to argue, the sales staff can not only provide authoritative proof, but also affirm the other party's opinion, which is generally acceptable to customers.In this atmosphere, it is easy to fulfill your responsibilities and missions.

9. Deal with hesitant and procrastinating customers

One hesitation, one avoidance, and then there will be a psychological requirement to continue doing it.After being held once, the baby will cry when the same wish cannot be fulfilled.

— Clement Stone

In the face of the salesperson's promotion, even those customers who really have needs will often say things like "I want to think about it" and "Let me think about it".Know that these words are just an excuse, not a real reason for rejection.As long as the salesperson finds out the real reason for rejection and solves it creatively, it is possible to sell successfully.

So how do you deal with a client saying, "Well, this plan looks pretty good, I'll take a look."

(1) Find out the crux of the problem.As the saying goes: "Strike while the iron is hot." The same goes for sales.Assuming that the customer says "I'll think about it again", the salesperson should immediately find a way to resolve the objection when it first arises.At this point you can say:
"I'm really sorry. Please forgive me for not speaking well. My introduction must have made you unclear, otherwise you wouldn't have said, 'Let me think about it'. Can you tell me what you are thinking about? Just let me know, okay?"

In this way, it is not only serious and sincere, but also can continue the conversation, so that the customer is willing to continue the conversation.

The salesperson can also say directly to the customer:

"Don't think so, just take a look at this sample first, and then talk about it. The special feature of this product is..."

This is also to further stimulate customers' desire to buy and guide customers to buy step by step.Maybe the customer quickly grasped some key doubts from the information you provided, and it was these doubts that made the customer unable to make up his mind.At this time, the salesperson should stand in the position of the customer, proceed from his interests, and consider the solution to the problem together with the customer.

For example, a salesperson can use hints to tell a customer:
"This is a very important question, shall we study it together?"

"Indeed, as you can see, this is the most important point, and this is precisely the uniqueness of this product that I want to recommend to you. Previously used diet foods required dieting, which was unbearable, but This nutrient gives you the freedom to do what you want with your bodybuilding program, without the side effects..."

"I'm sorry, I know you're busy, but I can't come every day. I think your concern may be delivery! If it doesn't get in your way, let's talk it over!"

(2) Hot pursuit.In some cases, what should you do when the customer asks you to come back next time?At this time, the salesperson should follow closely and say to the customer directly: "Sir, please think about it carefully. I will wait for your decision after consideration here." And remind him that he must answer all his questions until He makes a decision.

"Sir, do you like the life insurance plan I designed for you?" After waiting for the other party to say yes, the salesperson can continue to say: "If you say you don't like this plan, then I will go back right away and won't bother you anymore." .If you really like the plan, I'll have to stay here and wait for you to sign."

(3) Cleverly use questions to urge customers to buy.Sales staff should ask customers why they want to reconsider, and carry out targeted solutions to encourage customers to buy.

A salesperson is trying to recommend a new copier to a customer.The client also seemed interested, but said to think about it.

"Excellent! Just thinking about it shows your interest, doesn't it?"

After saying this sentence, you must remember to leave time for the customer to react, because their reaction usually plays a great auxiliary role in the next sentence of the salesperson.

Clients usually say, "You're right, we're interested, we'll think about it."

Next, the salesperson should confirm that the customer will really consider: "Sir, since you are really interested, I can assume that you will seriously consider our product, right?" (Note: the word "consider" must be Say it slowly and with emphasis).

Then, the salesperson can give a lot of examples, because this will allow customers to understand the benefits they get in detail.

Finally, the salesperson asked: "Sir, is there any possibility that it will be a matter of money?"

If the other party determines that it's really about the money, the salesperson has broken the "I'll think about it" law.At this time, if the salesperson can handle it well, the business can be done.

(4) "Please leave."Sometimes, this method can also be used to deal with customers who are infinitely procrastinating. The salesperson may wish to learn from the poker master and say: "Sir, please show your cards." Oviti's Xin Link often uses this sales technique.

"In tough deals," he says, "the salesperson has to establish his authority, not the customer's authority." In one case, Shinlink encountered a small five-person company that needed an accounting system.

"One day we brought all five of these people into the office to explain the solution we were offering. They were serious and evaluated all the accounting systems on the market. $5 deal, discussed for hours Still can’t decide the case. Finally I turned off the machine and put the key in my pocket. I said that if I don’t decide the case, please go back. These five people suddenly looked like tamed kittens! They obediently signed the contract.”

Salespersons should be cautious when using this method, the skills must be very skilled, and they must master the degree of word use according to the specific personality characteristics and acceptance ability of customers, otherwise it will only be counterproductive.

10. Dealing with skeptical customers

Customers have the right to get the best quality and best service at the best price.The only way to guarantee them this right is to challenge the salesmanship.

— Frank Bettger

When customers face products and salespersons, they often have doubts, and even such doubts can be very serious, appearing to be very doubtful and hard to let go.

How should salespeople respond to such customers?Let's take insurance sales as an example to illustrate.

Customer: "Last time the salesperson asked me to add some medical insurance, saying how much I could get a day, but in fact I got less than 1/3 of it, that's all a lie!"

Salesperson: "Do you have labor insurance?"

Customer: "Yes!"

Salesperson: "Did that salesperson tell you that the labor insurance expenses must be deducted first before actual payment?"

Customer: "This..."

(End of this chapter)

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