Tang Dynasty good doctor

Chapter 676 Li Zhi's Prestige in Gyeongju

Chapter 676 Li Zhi's Prestige in Gyeongju
When the officials saw this, they screamed in fright. The people were too enthusiastic, but they were so enthusiastic that they touched the prince, which was too enthusiastic. If the prince was touched, it would be bad!

Wang Pingan laughed loudly and shouted, "Wash your hands as much as you should, otherwise no one will want to touch anyone with your hands in the future!"

Li Zhi enjoys this kind of treatment very much. He has nothing in his life, but he lacks cheers. He likes whoever supports him the most. Wang Pingan treats him as a "god" the most, so he likes Wang Pingan the most. Even more so than liking Wu Meiniang!

The common people still rushed forward, squeezing desperately, to touch Li Zhi's boots.Among the crowd, there were not only men, but also women, and those who could squeeze to the front were naturally strong women.Some strong women were dishonest. After touching the boots, they touched Li Zhi's thigh. After touching the boots, they didn't say they were low-key, but shouted loudly: "I touched the prince's thigh, it's very firm!" What a bargain!

Wang Pingan thought to himself: "This mopping is too fierce, don't pinch the prince's thigh purple, then what about Wu Meiniang, what is she pinching at night!"

Wang Pingan shouted: "Back, back, don't do this again... Don't pull His Highness's pants! You don't allow it, let's talk about you, don't put your hands in His Highness's clothes..."

Li Zhi enjoyed it at first, but now he couldn't take it anymore, he shouted: "Hold on, hold on, your hands are too cold... Oh, you're not sick..."

"Your Majesty is here!" Wang Ping'an shouted, "Come here, separate, separate, don't tear His Royal Highness off the horse!"

The guards rushed forward together, desperately pushing the people out, not allowing them to get closer to Li Zhi.Some guards pushed and yelled: "Don't touch randomly, if there is any mistake, it's fine for women to touch, you old men also touch, what do you want, what do you want!"

It took a lot of effort to separate the common people from Li Zhi, so that Li Zhi would not suffer from being mopped up!
Wang Pingan shouted: "Stand back and make way, His Royal Highness is going to watch the waterwheel by the river!"

The common people gave way one after another, but the way was cleared, and the enthusiasm in people's eyes did not diminish in the slightest. They still looked at Li Zhi with the same eyes as they were looking at the meat buns. As long as the guards were not careful, they would come You have to rush up and give Li Zhi a good touch!
Li Zhi rubbed his thigh and said, "No disease, the people of Gyeongju are so enthusiastic, Gu can't take it anymore!"

Wang Pingan said: "This is because the people love the crown prince. I will report this matter to the imperial court. Please Shang Shusheng to make a law quickly and make a law to expressly stipulate that the common people are not allowed to pinch His Highness the crown prince's thigh!"

Li Zhi laughed loudly, and said, "I can't stand pinching my feet!"

Under the protection of the guards and under the eyes of the common people, Wang Ping'an and Li Zhi arrived at the bank of the Daliang River.After these days of continuous construction, two large water trucks have been erected by the Daliang River, and they are rushing to bring water to the shore, and transport the river water to the canal dug nearby.

Li Zhi had seen the model before, but he only saw the real thing today.Seeing such a tall waterwheel, he couldn't help shouting: "Wubing, this is the kind of waterwheel you mentioned, why is it so tall?"

Lanzhou waterwheels are already tall, especially when the two waterwheels rotate side by side, they are more imposing.In the eyes of modern people, it may not be a big deal, because everyone has seen it a lot.But in the eyes of ancient people, this is simply a masterpiece that is hard to find in the world. It has the meaning of ingenious workmanship, which makes people surprised!
Wang Pingan smiled and said: "These two waterwheels are not the biggest. This is the Daliang River, and the waterwheels have just been installed. If it is in the Xiaoliang River, there will be more waterwheels."

Li Zhi sighed, and said: "These two waterwheels have already amazed Gu, and there are bigger ones? Where is the Xiaoliang River? Take Gu to see it quickly!"

Wang Pingan pointed to the small bridge in front of him, and said, "Just across the bridge. The Xiaoliang River was the first place where waterwheels were installed. Over the past few days, more than a dozen waterwheels have been installed. The largest With an arm length of more than ten feet, it can be called the world's largest waterwheel!"

Li Zhi said in surprise: "Ten feet? No way, how big is that!"

Wang Pingan said with a smile: "At first, I thought that such a huge waterwheel could not be built, but after being improved by skilled craftsmen, it was really built, and there was more than one. Please think about it, Your Highness, there are more than a dozen waterwheels lined up , The wheel is turning to lift water, how spectacular is that scene? Your Highness is here, you must watch, let's go now!"

Li Zhi repeatedly agreed.And the officials who followed them, those officials from Chang'an, also had bright eyes. They thought this trip was a hard job, just a water truck, no matter how big it was, how effective it would be?In all likelihood, it was Wang Ping'an who blew it up!

But when they saw the real thing today, they were really surprised. There is really such a waterwheel in the world. Not only is it not an exaggeration, but it is even bigger than imagined. It can be called a spectacle!

Only the part of the officials from Chang’an who were loyal to Li Ke followed Li Ke to Maling County, but most of the officials didn’t follow at all. Anyway, the crown prince didn’t order them to follow Li Ke. They naturally pretended not to know, and they would not really leave.

After crossing the small bridge, a group of people drove towards the Xiaoliang River, while the common people ran behind, shouting for the prince, and followed for more than half a mile, then stopped and went back to work!

Wang Pingan looked back at the common people, feeling amused in his heart. The common people's enthusiasm for Li Zhi was stronger than that of later generations of star fans. Fortunately, there were many guards around him. Otherwise, it was very likely that some bold common people would drag Li Zhi home. Go, recruit Li Zhi as a son-in-law, cook raw rice and let Li Zhi give birth to their grandson!
After a while, when we arrived at the Xiaoliang River, the scene was exactly the same as that at the Daliang River just now. When the common people heard that the prince was coming, they jumped up screaming and insisted on squeezing Li Zhi as a steamed bun to enjoy themselves.Fortunately, this time the guards had experience and went up to stop him in advance, which saved Li Zhi from the pain!
When they came to the river, Li Zhi and Chang'an officials exclaimed in unison. They saw that there were more than a dozen huge waterwheels standing by the river, and some of them had wheel arms exceeding ten feet, and they were so tall. It's so big, you have to look up!
Li Zhi pointed to the biggest water truck and asked in surprise, "How much land can such a big water truck water? Is it a thousand mu?"

Wang Pingan hurriedly said: "No, no, one thousand mu cannot be irrigated, but five or six hundred mu is still possible. Our canal construction in Qingzhou is different from the previous dynasty. In the previous dynasty, there were canals but no water. Now, the canals are being repaired according to the efficiency of the waterwheel, and the blueprints are drawn around the waterwheel. In this way, the effectiveness of the waterwheel can be maximized, so one waterwheel can water five or six hundred acres of land. , no problem!"

Although the Tang Dynasty was thousands of years earlier than the late Ming and Qing dynasties, the production level was not necessarily much lower. At least in terms of carpenter skills, not only was it not bad, but it was even better.Just like many things, later generations cannot imitate, ancient people are no worse than modern people, or people in Tang Dynasty are no worse than people in late Ming and Qing dynasties, especially pure manual work, no less!

Under the premise of full support from the government, the carpenters in Gyeongju exploded with amazing creativity, let alone surprised Li Zhi and the others, even Wang Pingan was surprised when he first saw the largest waterwheel Xiao, the prosperous Tang Dynasty, really didn't blow it out with the mouth, it's very powerful!

Li Zhi came to the biggest water truck and watched the water truck for a long time, his expression of astonishment didn't diminish a little. He asked, "No disease, who built this water truck, I just want to see him!"

Wang Pingan said with a smile: "Only one person has the strength to build such a huge waterwheel. It is everyone's strength to gather firewood and make flames high. Your Highness wants to see the meritorious officials. I will introduce them to you."

It was the villagers headed by Boss Du who built the waterwheel. The prince came to inspect. They got the letter yesterday, but they waited for a whole day but did not see the prince coming. They waited again today, and finally they expected Li Zhi to come.

As soon as Wang Pingan beckoned, Boss Du and the others ran over immediately. They knelt down and kowtowed to Li Zhi in a very reserved manner, and paid their respects to the future master of the Tang Dynasty!
Li Zhi got off his horse and asked: "There are so many people, it seems that these waterwheels are really difficult to build. Please hurry up, don't be too polite. If you want to salute, I should salute you alone. You built this waterwheel." The arrival of such a good water tanker will benefit the local area, and will also benefit the world. It is too late to thank you all, so there is no reason for you to kowtow!"

He stepped forward, helped Boss Du and the others up, comforted them with kind words, and praised everyone!Boss Du and the others were so flattered that they were at a loss and didn't know where to put their hands!

Wang Ping'an also got off his horse and followed behind Li Zhi. He saw Boss Du and said, "Boss Du, I haven't seen you for a few days. Your sister-in-law Du is in good health. The medicine I prescribed will be given on a daily basis." Come to think of it, should you finish serving it?"

Boss Du was even more grateful, especially in front of the prince, he was so excited that he couldn't even speak clearly!He said: "Go back, if you go back to Mr. Wang, Jiannei's illness is much better, and the medicine has been taken. Now I can work, cook for the villain every day, and I can watch the children. I don't know how many times better than before. .”

Wang Pingan said: "Although her illness can be maintained, it will take a long time to be cured. When I am free, I will show her to see it again. Remember to remind me that I have no time to spare." , but there is still enough time for Mrs. Du to see a doctor, her illness cannot be delayed, the more it is delayed, the harder it is to cure!"

Boss Du was so grateful that he burst into tears, he could only keep thanking him, but he couldn't say anything else. It was the first time he had encountered such a big scene at such a young age. .

As soon as Mrs. Du's illness was mentioned, Li Zhi thought of Wu Meiniang. He glanced at the river. Didn't Wu Meiniang say that she had a dream about the river at night?He wanted to ask Wang Ping'an, but there were too many people around him, so he couldn't ask Wang Ping'an at this moment.But then again, in his heart, no matter how important the water tanker is, it is not as important as Wu Meiniang, who made him an infatuated man, and his wife who is a mess is the first priority.

Wang Pingan was still comforting Boss Du, saying: "When I have time, I will definitely go. I am really busy recently..."

But Li Ke said: "If you are not sick, you can't be like this. Human life is at stake, what can be more important than human life? You go to see a doctor for Mrs. Du, and I will accompany you in person!"

Wang Pingan said, and looked at Li Zhi.The officials came out in unison, and also looked at Li Zhi.Boss Du...he didn't come out, he was stunned!

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince wants to accompany Lord Governor to his home to see a doctor for his wife?What virtue and ability do I have? Is there anything worthy of the prince's attention?

Boss Du murmured: "This, this... I dare not be a villain!"

Wang Pingan didn't know that Li Zhi actually cared about Wu Meiniang, and thought that Li Zhi was acting impromptu, thinking: "I can't tell, Li Zhi has made great progress in this period of time, and his methods of winning people's hearts have become more and more sophisticated. This is also taught by Wu Meiniang? Impossible, even if Wu Meiniang is the future empress, she would not have expected to meet Boss Du here, if she really expected, she would not be an empress, but a goddess!"

Li Zhi waved his hand and said: "It's not too late, let's go now, don't waste time, delaying Mrs. Du's illness."

Boss Du hurriedly said: "This, this... The illness of the wife is much better, so there is no need to..." Of course he hoped that Wang Ping'an could go, and the sooner he cured his wife's illness, that would be the best.But the person in front of him is the crown prince, the crown prince cares about him so much, it really makes him feel flattered... horrified!
Wang Pingan smiled and said loudly: "Boss Du and his fellow villagers have made great contributions to building the water tanker. In order to benefit the people of Gyeongju, he ignores his sick wife. What is this called? It's called dedication. Boss Du sacrificed his wealth and life." Dedicated to Qingzhou! Folks, you say, the crown prince treats him well, should he be, is the crown prince a good crown prince, is Boss Du a good subject?"

After hearing such strong inflammatory words, the common people were so excited that their eyes filled with tears, as if the crown prince had given them great benefits, they all applauded!
Wang Pingan personally led Li Zhi's horse, and whispered: "Your Highness, the common people are easy to please. As long as you treat them well, they will repay you ten thousand times!"

Li Zhi didn't expect the common people to be so excited, and suddenly, he also became excited, feeling that this trip was worthwhile, and learned a trick to make the common people cheer for him.It's all thanks to my thinking about Wu Meiniang, Mei Niang is the most credited for this, and the credit for being healthy is not small!
Everyone got on their horses, and the common people surrounded Li Zhi like stars holding the moon, and rushed towards the small village by the river.

In the village, the Du family.The noise from outside startled Mrs. Du in the courtyard. What's the matter? It seems that there are a lot of people here, and they still came to my house!
Since she took the medicine prescribed by Wang Ping'an, her health has gradually improved, and she is now able to do some light work. The various symptoms caused by tuberculosis have basically been relieved, but of course it is not a complete recovery.

The sister-in-law of the Du family walked to the gate of the courtyard, looked out, and saw her husband galloping towards him, followed by a large group of children, all of them running, screaming as they ran, screaming with excitement, Looking further away, there seemed to be many, many officials riding horses behind, all of whom came to their homes!

Boss Du ran to the door and shouted: "My mother, the crown prince is here, the crown prince is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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