Tang Dynasty good doctor

Chapter 675 A Busy Construction Site

Chapter 675 A Busy Construction Site

Wu Meiniang sat on the toilet and raised her hand to touch her throat. She felt that her throat was indescribably uncomfortable, very dry, and she wanted to drink water.She said with great effort: "I have a dry throat and I always want to drink water. When you fell asleep last night, I woke up several times, and I got up to drink water. My stomach was bloated and uncomfortable, and I was still dreaming."

Li Zhi sat up slowly, and asked through the curtain, "Is it because you sweat too much, that's why you're thirsty?"

In Wu Meiniang's voice, there was an obvious rattling sound, and it was extremely hoarse. It sounded very uncomfortable and unpleasant.She said: "I guess so, I haven't been out of the house since you came here, and you keep torturing me, sweating all over my body, I'm so uncomfortable, every drop of sweat, I have to drink two drops of water Only then can it be made up for!"

Li Zhi snorted, thinking: "One drop of sweat requires two drops of water? Is there such a saying? You have to ask Wubing!" He asked again: "What dream did Mei Niang have last night? You dreamed of me, tell me!"

After asking this question, he hurriedly said: "It's better not to say it, your voice is not strong, it's better to say less, so as not to make it more uncomfortable!"

But Wu Meiniang still said: "I dreamed that I was walking by the river in summer, and the river was flowing. I wanted to squat down to drink, but when I squatted down, I woke up, and then poured water by myself!"

Li Zhi began to put on his clothes, and said: "It's thirsty. Sometimes I am thirsty in the middle of the night, and I tend to have such dreams. When the thirst is too strong, I wake up. Sometimes if I think about nighttime convenience, I will sleep four times." Run down, but can't find the dream of the toilet!"

Wu Meiniang hummed, and said again: "After drinking the water, I still couldn't sleep well, and when I closed my eyes, I started dreaming again. What I dreamed was that there was a drought in my hometown, and the well water dried up. I couldn't find water to drink anywhere. Later Woke up again, and after getting up and drinking water, I dreamed again, dreaming that my brother abused me, locked me in a small dark room, and didn't give me water!"

She spoke a lot in one breath, her throat became more uncomfortable, her voice gradually became hoarse, so she stopped talking and stopped talking.

Li Zhi put on his shoes and socks, got up from the bed, looked at Wu Meiniang who was behind the curtain, and saw the beautiful woman with disheveled hair, although she was unkempt, ignoring makeup, and looking lazy, but he liked it very much, the more he looked at it, the more he loved it !

Wu Meiniang spat at him, not allowing him to look at his own convenience, Li Zhi chuckled and said, "I'll bring you some water to wash your face, we're a messy couple, we have to do everything ourselves, don't need others to serve you."

As he spoke, he took the water basin out of the house, but found that there was no well in the yard, so he sighed and thought: "It's really hard to make a couple with bad luck. Well water, how can we get water without a well?"

He came to the gate of the courtyard with a basin, and wanted someone to bring him water in. The gate was only opened a small crack, and there was a full set of washing utensils and even a change of clothes outside. Breakfast was prepared and put away. It was at the door, and there was no one waiting outside the door, so it was quiet.

Li Zhi was overjoyed, thinking: "Hey, it seems that this messy couple is not difficult to be. You can get whatever you want, and I don't need to say anything, and they will all be sent."

He opened the courtyard door and moved all the same things in, then closed the door again and moved the things into the house again.At this time, Wu Meiniang had already packed up her clothes and put them on neatly.She knew in her heart that it was impossible for her to stay in the room with Li Zhi and kiss me today, so she had to show her strong support for Li Zhi and make Li Zhi feel that she was a good wife, at least better than other wives. All strong!

After Li Zhi entered the room, he said with a smile: "You see, my lady, you have worked so hard for your husband and finally got something to eat and wear. Are you satisfied?"

Wu Meiniang smiled hurriedly, and said: "Satisfied!" Her speech became more and more difficult, and she was almost speechless.

Li Zhiqi said: "Meiniang, what's the matter with your throat, I'll call Wubing to come and let him show you." He cared about Wu Meiniang. Of course, the husband must pay more attention to it.

But Wu Meiniang grabbed him, shook her head and said: "No, no...don't go." Pointing to her throat, she said with difficulty: "It's okay, don't go...go call uncle, I'm quite strong, really... ...I can't do it anymore, go...call him!" Shaking his hands vigorously, speaking was very difficult, and he could hardly even speak complete sentences.

Li Zhi looked at her throat, but there was no redness and swelling, and said, "Maybe, it may be that you need to moisten your throat? I saw Wubing today, so I asked him to prescribe some medicine to moisten her throat. How about some fresh ones for you?" The fruit is estimated to be ready soon."

From the outside, Li Zhi couldn't see what was wrong with Wu Meiniang, and he felt that it would be better if he raised it. He was also embarrassed to tell Wang Ping'an because of this, what if he made it up by himself and caused Wu Meiniang to make something wrong? I'm sorry!

But Wu Meiniang didn't dare to let Wang Pingan know that as long as she survived, she didn't want to listen to Wang Pingan's long-winded words.Wang Pingan may not say how he is, but he wants to persuade Li Zhi to cherish his body and stay away from female sex, so she is not bad, Li Zhi will not stay in Qingzhou for too long, and he can stay with him for a while, yes Moment!

The general thinking of the two people is that it is not good to talk to Wang Pingan about this matter.Li Zhi said: "Meiniang, can you eat?"

Wu Meiniang nodded, feeling that it didn't affect her diet.Li Zhi brought out the breakfast, Wu Meiniang tried hard to make Li Zhi live a different life, she pulled Li Zhi, opened the door, the two sat on the threshold to drink porridge, and drank loudly on purpose!
Wu Meiniang felt her throat still hurt, but she tried her best not to say anything, and it was the first time for Li Zhi to live this kind of farm life, and she was in an extremely happy mood.

Li Zhi said with a smile: "Sitting on the threshold and drinking porridge, it really tastes delicious. If only this kind of life can be lived every day."

Wu Meiniang smiled at him, but didn't speak.After the two of them finished their breakfast, Wu Meiniang took care of Li Zhi to wash up, put on clean clothes, and sent him to the door, just like an ordinary peasant woman sending her husband to work in the fields, and sent him out of the small courtyard.

After Li Zhi left, Wu Meiniang closed the door, touched her neck, and thought: "What's wrong with me, my head is dizzy, and my palms are hot. Is it possible that I got a cold from the wind? But it doesn't seem like it!"

Li Zhi went out, only a dozen steps away from the small courtyard, and a big man came out to meet him.The big man was Ouyang Li, who had been waiting outside. When he saw Li Zhi, he thought, "He's really woken up. I thought he was the same as yesterday, but he won't come out until noon!"

With a smile on his face, Ouyang Li stepped forward and said, "Your Highness, did you sleep well last night?"

Li Zhi hummed, and said, "Okay. Woke up without illness?"

Ouyang Li hurriedly said: "Get up, and the officials of Qingzhou are waiting in the front hall. We only need to wait for His Highness to arrive, and leave the city immediately to inspect the construction site."

Li Zhi said hello again, and said: "It's good to be diligent in the king's affairs without illness, and it is worthy of praise." With his hands behind his back, he put on the airs of a prince, and walked slowly to the front hall.

front hall.The officials had arrived early, and the room was packed.Wang Pingan told them that the prince will definitely go to inspect the project today, so everyone made preparations last night, wrote down the work they were responsible for, and hid it in their sleeves. As long as the prince inspected his place, he could report it. I don't know the third question, and then I am sent to Maling County to "study", that would be terrible!
When Li Zhi entered the lobby, all the officials saluted quickly.Wang Pingan followed the etiquette and asked, "His Royal Highness, did you rest well last night?"

Li Zhi thought to himself: "Why are you asking this question? It's as if I'm still in the East Palace." He hummed and said, "Okay. Are you all ready? If you're all ready, let's go!"

Naturally, no one would say that they were not ready, everyone hugged Li Zhi out of the house, everyone rode horses, and no one took a car.All the way out of the city gate, rushed to the construction site outside the city.

As soon as he was outside the city, within two miles, Li Zhi yelled, and said to Wang Ping'an, "No disease, it's such a lively scene here, there are more folks than digging Furong Pond back then!"

Wang Pingan said with a smile: "This is the common people working for themselves. Of course anyone who can come will come, not to mention we are still in charge of the food!"

They came near the Daliang River. At this time, the canals beside the Daliang River have almost been repaired and are extending to the villages of the people.As far as Li Zhi could see, there were working people. The people were digging with shovels and shovels.As Wang Pingan said, the common people are working for themselves.Working for yourself, of course you can't be lazy. The people are all sweating profusely and full of energy. The whole construction site is in full swing, and there are chanting and singing from time to time!
Li Zhidao: "The hearts of the people are good. The people work so hard, and the officials work so hard. It seems that after Qingzhou, the wealth will not be inferior to Guanzhong!"

The officials were all very happy to hear the crown prince's praise. It seemed that all the hard work of these many days had been compensated at this moment.At first they blamed Wang Pingan for treating them like donkeys, but now everyone feels that being a donkey is too much for the crown prince. They have to be donkeys, horses, and cows again, so as not to tire themselves out of breath. I am ashamed of the word hard work!

Wang Pingan galloped his horse towards the crowd and said loudly: "The crown prince is here for inspection, folks come here to pay respects!" As he spoke, he opened his hands, palms up, and lifted them up vigorously, making a gesture for everyone to cheer!
The people cheered immediately, put down the tools in their hands, and ran towards the prince together, shouting at the prince, as if a hungry person saw a steamed bun, everyone's eyes lit up, and they ran over!

Such a lively scene is comparable to Li Zhi receiving the cheers of the people at Chengtianmen!For a moment, Li Zhizhi was full of pride, as if he had done such a good thing for the people, that's why he got such cheers, as much as he was proud, he was as proud as he was!
Wang Ping'an turned his horse's head, returned to Li Zhi's side, stepped back, and let Li Zhi accept the cheers of the people.

Once the hands are arched, there is no way to put them down, and Li Zhi keeps returning salutes to the people.After the common people squeezed over, they reached out to touch Li Zhi's boots, and the person who touched them shouted loudly: "I touched the sole of His Highness the Crown Prince's boots, I touched it, and I will not wash my hands in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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