Chapter 9
After the investigation, Brother Bao said that Wei Xing said the shocking nonsense, Wei Xing said it was Ke Yiyi who said it, and both Ke Yiyi and Zhang Qian insisted that Brother Bao said it himself.I believe the girl's words more, because neither of them had drunk that day; and... Brother Bao's words are in line with his character. "Do you dare" has always been Bao Ge's mantra. On the mahjong table, he would often say "Do you dare to make a second cake" and "Do you dare not take my gun".He also has a catchphrase that is "Guess". When shopping in the mall, he would sneakily pull me aside, "Guess where the toilet is..."

After all, Wei Xing was still unwilling to be lonely. A few days later, he chatted with a female netizen on the Internet and made an appointment to meet at the back street of the school at 8 o'clock in the evening.Wei Xing made all the preparations for going to bed with him (borrowed enough money and condoms for opening the house) and rushed there excitedly, only to see a girl who had nothing to do with "beauty" was waiting for him with a shy face .Wei Xing scolded the girl unceremoniously, and before leaving, the housekeeper borrowed 300 yuan, and had no intention of paying it back at all.A man can think that a netizen is ugly and refuse to have sex with her, scolding others while still managing others to borrow money, how stupid and incredible such a man must be!Wei Xing is such a weirdo, all the things we little hairy kids can't think of can't do, it's hard not to think about becoming a legend in the school.

Wei Xing didn't keep much of the 300 yuan, he spent most of it to treat us to a big meal in Haodu.That meal in Haodu changed the way of life of all of us, because Wei Xing gave us an introductory lesson on the Internet at the wine table.

I suggest that all teachers should listen to how Wei Xing preached, taught and solved doubts. He only used a few words to cultivate our infinite interest in the Internet:

"QQ is for chatting, and there are all kinds of women."

"I only go to Changsha in the chat room, all the girls in chat rooms from other places are from other places, why bother?"

"BBS is where literary youths go, Fang Peng, the girls there love you like this!"

In 2001, Internet cafes were still a novelty. Not only was the environment dark but the equipment was outdated, and all the monitors were almost hemispheres. Wei Xing taught me to register a QQ account, and added an online girl from Changsha, "Coffee Girl".At that time, people's IQs shrank when they came across the Internet, and the Internet names they used were getting worse and worse. With my literary literacy, I even gave myself a bad name called "Sincere Husband", so I didn't feel that "Coffee Girl" "How vulgar these four words are.I pressed letters one by one with my right index finger, spelled out "Hello" and sent it. After a while, the coffee girl replied "Hello", and the three words made me so excited.

We also picked up girls on QQ. Xu Ning and I relied on our writing skills and took the route of talking nonsense; The girl scolded bloody; while the second child and Brother Bao took the lyrical route, they got something called "QQ Collection" from nowhere, and they could copy and send nasty sentences to female netizens at will.I am very disdainful of this kind of behavior. Using "QQ Collection" not only can't improve their composition level, but also can't improve their typing speed. We will soon be surfing the Internet for at least eight hours a day. If we can't learn something in the process , that would be a waste of time.

When there were only a few months left before the end of this semester, I moved out of the dormitory and rented a house.This matter is mainly because of Han Peng, the only sports student in our class.

"Sports students" are a very special group in the school. They can enter Nanhu University with a score of more than 200 in the college entrance examination, and they can get full credits as long as they get 30 in each course (when there are many multiple-choice questions, even guessing ABCD is more than enough. 30 points in the test).Therefore, most of their time except training is much more chic than ours.Coupled with the strong muscles and dazzling ball skills brought about by regular physical exercise, they can meet almost all the girls in the school if they want to.In fact, many gym students do the same, doing nothing but drinking, fighting, and picking up girls.

Han Peng is an exception among the sports students. He loves to study and is one of the best among the boys in the whole grade. I have seen him doing advanced math problems on the edge of the basketball court more than once.He entered Nanhu University because he wanted to study hard and take the postgraduate entrance examination.Of course, our school didn't think so. The main purpose of their recruitment of Han Peng was to play for the school in CUBA, the college basketball league.So Han Peng, who loves to learn, quickly couldn't keep up with the progress of training. Last semester, he was reduced from a main player to a substitute, and this semester from a substitute to an ordinary person, which means that the school team does not want him.The members of the basketball team live in the training building next to the gymnasium, which is convenient for them to go out for training and play various games every day.Han Peng also lived there before, but after being kicked out by the team, he had to move back to the dormitory. On the first day he bid farewell to the team, he encountered a huge problem: the bed in the dormitory couldn’t even be spread out with the mats issued by the school. , How can this 1.9-meter-six big man be accommodated? !
Han Peng approached the counselor Mr. Zhou to report the problem of the bed, but the counselor couldn't solve the problem, so he could only continue to report it to his superior.Han Peng slept in the position of a baby in his mother's womb for several days. He stretched his legs once and successfully kicked himself off the upper bunk. Fortunately, he grabbed the handle of the bed and survived.So he made up his mind: move out of the dormitory and rent a house!In order to find someone to share the rent, he found me who was second only to him in the class, "Fang Peng, can you sleep in that broken bed in the dormitory?" In fact, my height of 1.8 meters is a head and a half shorter than him. It’s okay to sleep in this bed, but I still decided to rent a house with him, because “renting a house” is a dream I have hidden in my heart for a long time. In all the youth novels I read in high school, the male protagonists lived in the dormitory without exception. There, they always have a place where they can let themselves be fooled and messed with, smoking and drinking, playing rock music and Sleeping Girls.

A novel is a novel after all, and reality is too far away from it.

The house we rent is a small single room specially used by nearby residents for rent. A big bed, a table and chairs are all the belongings. It costs 200 yuan a month.We didn't bring all the bedding here. In order to cope with the school's night inspection from time to time, we all left the bedding in our dormitory there, and made it look like someone had slept in it.There was only a big quilt that Han Peng brought from home and my two single sheets in the rental house. We padded a lot of clothes to make the wooden bed less uncomfortable.But the worst is yet to come: it turns out we both like to sleep naked.On the first night in the rented room, I was huddled under the quilt in my briefs. I turned my head and saw Han Peng standing beside the bed with only his briefs left. Go back to sleep."

The next morning, as soon as I left the dormitory door, I saw Han Peng rushing back to make the quilt.For more than a month after that, he came back every evening to mess up the quilt in his dormitory to deal with the teacher who checked at night; also know.Since the sophomore year, our auntie, the dormitory manager, started a business of selling marinated goods in the dormitory building, selling her homemade chicken legs, chicken wings and tea eggs from dormitory every day.Han Peng insisted on buying two chicken legs and two tea eggs from his aunt every day, so he didn't have to come back every day to make the quilt.

I negotiated with Han Peng and reached an agreement. During the normal sleep time every night, the room will be used by Han Peng, and other times will be used by me.Theoretically, I should occupy the room longer, but I haven't figured out what else to do with the room except to sleep.After all I don't smoke weed, I don't play rock 'n' roll, and I don't have girls to sleep with.

So, I called my brothers.The six of us stood in the empty room, staring at the four white walls, dreaming.It was Brother Bao who broke the silence first: "Damn it, let's study!"

Brother Bao's joke got everyone excited.We moved the complete set of "The Complete Works of Jin Yong" from the bookstore in front of the school into that room. Every morning after morning exercises, Han Peng would go to the classroom, and we all went to that room, sat down on a comfortable place on the bed and began to read. , Seeing Han Peng come back all the time, we went to have supper.Every day, Wei Xing would buy a lot of bananas and drinks to bring over. It was already the beginning of the month, and when he had more money, he spent as much money as he could, and he couldn't stop it.We huddled together in that room and read books. Except for drinking a lot of water, no one went to eat, and we broke a banana when we were hungry.In the afternoon, he usually starts to take turns going out to get a tuba, especially the second child, who can go out twice a day, and asks everywhere for cigarettes before going out every time, and his own pack has already been cleaned.When Han Peng opened the door for the first time and saw us who were "studying", he was almost choked to death by the smoke blowing towards us.We hurriedly opened all the doors and windows, fanned the smoke out with the books in our hands, and comforted the big man who had already coughed up his nose and tears with a smile on his face.

Han Peng has a good temper. Although he was [-]% unwilling, he never blushed with us because of this matter, and every time he showed up, he coughed violently, which even became the bell for us to "study" after class.He once hinted to me in private whether the room could be made cleaner, because in his view, all rooms should be bright and clean.Of course I pretended not to understand his hint, because in my opinion, the rental house should be full of graffiti, cigarette butts and condoms all over the floor, and the current situation is clean enough.

Zina was very disdainful of our behavior during this time. She once said to Xiaoma that six men reading martial arts novels in one room at the same time was like getting together to masturbate, although each of them played in his own way. But there is no difference in nature.When Xiao Ma relayed this to us, everyone shouted that Zina was a "female hooligan", and ordered Xiao Ma to put down the martial arts novel immediately, go back to his rented house and pay enough public food before returning.

Ke Yiyi and Zhang Qian were much more tolerant of our behavior, and they gave this broken room a very warm name "Fang Peng's House" (although this makes our place sound like a fast food restaurant selling beef brisket noodles) On weekends, they would even go to "Fang Peng's house" to experience life with colorful romance novels on the cover.I welcome them from the bottom of my heart, because when they come, men don't want to rub their feet in my room with impunity.Xiaoyi and the others usually open the only window facing the street, one sits on the left side of the window and the other sits on the right side of the window.I often look up at them after reading a two-page turn, which is good for my eyesight and cervical spine.

When he just changed to Gu Long after studying "The Complete Works of Jin Yong", the second child suddenly felt a huge sense of guilt, which was specifically manifested in the fact that he even started to be constipated.That day he took "Sentimental Swordsman Ruthless Sword" and read it for a while, then covered the book on the ground, took out Zhi Zhongnanhai and started smoking.When I was smoking, I didn't read a book, I just leaned against the corner and looked at the ceiling. After a while, I finished one cigarette, took out another one and went to the toilet.After about a quarter of an hour, the second child opened the door and entered, threw the paper on the bed, "Damn it, I can't pull it out." Then he lit a cigarette and continued to smoke. After a while, he suddenly called me : "Fang Peng, should we learn too?"

I raised my head in amazement, and opened my bloodshot eyes from fatigue. Xu Ning and the others also put down the novels in their hands and looked up at him, "What?"

"Tsk," the second child smacked his lips, made a painful expression, and extinguished the cigarette butt in his hand, "I just think, why are you so unreliable?"

"What's not practical?"

"I can't say it, but I'm not at ease anyway, and my heart is very empty." The second child said.

Everyone was silent, and there were only strands of smoke floating in the room that could not find their way out.After a while, Brother Bao said: "It's time to study, the exam is coming soon?" As soon as the words came out, everyone counted the days in a noisy manner. "It seems to be the middle of next month? What's the date today?"

The second child finally had enough of seeing the ceiling, stood up, and patted the ashes on his buttocks, "Forget it, that's what I said, is it really studying? Isn't that what we are doing! Reading, reading!...Fang Peng, Throw the paper to me, and I'll read it again."

"Fuck you uncle!"

The next day, the second child and Brother Bao didn't read books, they went to class.On the third day, Xu Ning also went.On the fourth day, Xiao Ma and I also went, because according to the news brought back by the second child, the first exam of this semester will be unveiled on the afternoon of next Tuesday, and the teacher will give you a lecture in the last two classes. Focus.The five of us are all from the School of Finance, while Wei Xing is from the School of Accounting. Our courses and exam times are different.In the room that belonged to me during the day, Wei Xing was alone eating bananas and watching Gu Long.

PS: During the four years of university, Wei Xing from the Accounting School missed the final exam once and retakes the exam three times because he mixed with five of us from the Finance School. However, he has become a familiar face in the School of Finance because he accompanied us to participate in various activities of the School of Finance.So much so that every time he played on behalf of the accounting school football team, the brothers of the financial school team would often pass the ball to him involuntarily.

After four or five days of blunt memorization, I managed to pass the first exam of this semester.I didn't rest for a few days, and the next exam came again. The soldiers came to block me, and the water came to cover me, so I'm afraid it would be useless.I moved back to the dormitory, found a blank piece of paper, wrote down the eight characters "One is not afraid of suffering, two is not afraid of death" and pasted it on the head of the bed, and started my life of staying up late for a week and a half.From the moment I opened my eyes, I started to sit on the bed and memorize. If I couldn’t bear it, I turned to the side and slept for a while. I would wake up naturally within two or three hours, and then I grabbed the textbook and continued to memorize.When people I don't know come into the dormitory, they think I'm a good student.

I only look at the key points drawn by the teacher, even if it is the preface, as long as there are red words under those words, I will try my best to recite them, especially those with the words "required" written next to the five-pointed star.Facts have proved that, despite the guise of deliberately wasting your time, the questions that tell you "required" are really required.In other words, not all of the "required exams" must be taken, but the "required exams" must be taken!So, if you don’t have enough time, make small strips of those "required" questions and bring them into the examination room. As long as you can copy them, you can get 60 points if you take a few more multiple-choice questions.Of course, there are also individual teachers who have failed our expectations and marked all the key points in the textbook as "compulsory exams". You should not review such subjects at all, because they deliberately let you fail.Another time, a teacher actually marked dozens of "required exams", but he didn't take any questions. As soon as the papers were issued, several people handed in the papers, but the invigilator stopped them with the excuse of "no handing in papers within 30 minutes".Not only was I one of them, but I also wrote a huge "SB" on that test paper.But after a while, I covered it with correction fluid, and honestly covered all the multiple-choice questions, and wrote a few words under all the big questions... The re-revision was also taught by the same teacher. It's not good to screw up the relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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