Chapter 290

Lin Xi's face became paler and paler. Pang Minhan's words contained too much information.

It was told yesterday that she caused her mother to lose her hand, and today she was told that she was the baby born of her mother's betrayal of her feelings. To be more frank, she was the one who killed her mother.

She became the indirect murderer who killed her mother.

Without her presence, Pang Minhan would not have made such a crazy move.

If it wasn't for her, her mother might still be alive now.

Lin Xi didn't know what kind of expression she was showing now, but she only knew that her head was blank now.

What the hell did she do.

"Lin Xi, do you know? I originally wanted you to disappear in this world."

"But suddenly I want to change my mind."

"I want to watch you die!"

"If Ajie didn't have you, Ajie and I would not be separated."

"Lin Xi, it's because of you!"

"You are a sinner!"

Lin Xi looked at Pang Minhan with a pale face, took a deep breath, and suddenly smiled at him.

"Cowardly man, do you think that you can feel at ease if you shirk all responsibility?"

"In the end, you're just asking for peace of mind."

"Pang Minhan, I really pity you. Even if I indirectly killed my mother, so what."

When she said these words, Lin Xi only felt that her hands were trembling, but there was still a faint smile on her face.

"And you? You are the one who killed my mother, the woman you love so much."

"You can find an excuse, but the truth won't. Sooner or later, it will be exposed to the world and let everyone know."

"You, Pang Minhan, are the murderer!"

"..." Pang Minhan looked at the stubborn girl, moved his lips, but he didn't say any words after all.

That's right, the one who killed A Jie was himself, wasn't he?
Pang Minhan suddenly felt that everything was so ridiculous.

He is a murderer, yet he is qualified to blame others.

"That's right, I'm the murderer." Pang Minhan smiled brightly, "But can you bring me to justice?"

"And it has been confirmed that the accident was not a man-made fire. The dust has settled."

"What do you think you can do?"

Pang Minhan looked at Lin Xi and couldn't help sneering, "You can't do anything, you're just a baby snuggled up in your mother's swaddle."

"Pang Minhan!" Perhaps because of the pain from being poked, Lin Xi stood up abruptly.

"What? What about anger?" Pang Minhan didn't know why, seeing Lin Xi in so much pain, he felt only pleasure in his heart.

Yes, it is long overdue.

"Let me ask you one last question, why did you kill my mother?" Lin Xi clenched her fists tightly, but her heart was full of endless panic and even a little nervous.Because this is the answer she has always wanted.

"When you love someone to the bone, you will understand what I do."

When Pang Minhan uttered these words, all the madness just now dissipated, and all that was left was calmness.

"If you can't get it, you will destroy it."

"She has to pay for what she did."

After saying this, Pang Minhan didn't seem to want to hear Lin Xi's rebuttal, so he turned his head and left the office.

Lin Xi, on the other hand, became dazed.

If you can't get it, destroy it?
So, he ruined her mother, ruined her world, didn't he?
(End of this chapter)

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