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Chapter 289 The Murderer Behind the Scenes!

Chapter 289 The Murderer Behind the Scenes!

"What is the relationship between you and my mother? Don't tell me you know each other. I think the relationship should be deeper, right?"


Lin Xi frowned, and directly expressed her conjecture.

"You are quite courageous, but what you said is indeed correct. Your mother and I are indeed lovers." Pang Minhan smiled lightly and readily admitted.Perhaps in his subconscious mind, they were still lovers.

"If I heard correctly just now, what you said was to take revenge on my mother?" Lin Xi's eyes were deep, and she couldn't see the emotion in her eyes at all.

"If it's a lover, you even talk about revenge."

"Pang Minhan, I don't ask what happened, I just talk about the result. Even if something happened between the two of you, it makes you angry and makes you unable to forgive, but please remember, you are lovers, lovers. "

"You are people who walked together, people who used to be in love, but now you say the word revenge. I can only say that you, you are a failure in this relationship." Lin Xi hit Pang Minhan without any mercy.

These words also successfully made Pang Minhan's smile stiffen on his face.

"Your mother didn't teach you. Do children not care about adults' affairs?" Pang Minhan chuckled lightly, and looked at Lin Xi with a strange expression.

"Don't you know? My mother was buried in the fire." Lin Xi said indifferently, even when she mentioned the matter of her mother's death in the fire, her face was calm.

Lin Xi met Pang Minhan's eyes, and the corner of his mouth curled into a sneer.

"It's really frightening. He actually killed his lover and the woman he loved so much with his own hands."

As soon as these words came out, Pang Minhan's expression changed, and his gaze became sharp.

"I'm really curious, what kind of mood did you have when you killed your lover?" Lin Xi felt a pain in her heart when she saw Pang Minhan's reaction.It turned out that he was the murderer who killed her mother.

She finally found the murderer of her mother.

But why, my heart is so sad.

She thought that after she found the murderer, she would be extremely angry, she would be extremely excited, and even let the murderer take his life.

But now, she only has endless sadness.

"That's your lover, that's my mother."

"You... ruined my home."

"Destroyed your home?"

Pang Minhan, who was originally silent, seemed to explode when he heard the last sentence.

"Why didn't you say that your mother betrayed our relationship?" Pang Minhan covered his eyes with one hand as if he had heard a big joke, and laughed loudly.

"A few days after Ah Jie separated from me, it was revealed that she was pregnant with a child."

"I have been with Ajie for so long, and we have never had that kind of relationship. Where did you say this child came from?"

Lin Xi's hands trembled uncontrollably.

"Yes, I shouldn't, I shouldn't have had a relationship with Zhang Fengping, I know I'm at fault too."

"But, your mother is pregnant!"

"At that time, my whole body was broken. I hate, I hate your mother, why, why is this happening!"

"Do you know? In this way, the one who betrayed his feelings first was not me, but your mother! It was the treasure that I wanted to keep in my hands for the rest of my life!"

Pang Minhan stood up abruptly, getting angrier as he spoke, stomping his feet back and forth.In the end, he even kicked over the trash can that was placed aside.

"Why, why is this!"

"Tell me, Lin Xi, why did your mother do this!"

"She was pregnant with someone else's child!"

(End of this chapter)

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