Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 130 Temporarily going through the motions, continuing to observe secretly

Chapter 130 Temporarily going through the motions, continuing to observe secretly

The photo is a group photo with a table tennis room in the background. Six people from the judo club stand in a row in front of the table tennis table. The young Xiaolan is holding a racket and smiling as she floats past the camera.

"Time flies so fast. In a blink of an eye, five years will be gone." Nakamichi and touched his bald head with emotion.

Suddenly, he clapped his hands as if thinking of something, "By the way, there's nothing to do now anyway, why don't we go play a game before the fireworks display starts?"

Hearing this, Bai Shu looked at his watch in disbelief. It is now three o'clock in the afternoon, and the fireworks show will start at 06:30, so there is still some time left.

When he looked away, he found that Horikoshi Yumi gave Nakamichi Kazushi a hard look with an ugly expression.

The others didn't pay much attention to her reaction, they all agreed with the proposal, "Okay!"

Ayajo Noriko adjusted her glasses, stood up with a smile, "Then I'll go to the store to borrow a ball and a racket!"

Yukio Ayajo not only didn't help his wife with work, but also started planning excitedly, "There is only one table in the ball room here, why don't we have a ring match! Counting Xiaolan and Mao Li's little assistant, it's just right Eight people can be divided into..."

"I won't call." Horikoshi Yumi suddenly said, with a cold tone, "I'm not feeling well, so I'll go back to my room to rest."

Before the others could react, she snorted, turned and walked up the steps.

"...Yumi." Noriko Ayajo seemed to want to stop her, but then she thought of something and silently withdrew her hand.

Although Horikoshi Yumi said she was uncomfortable, no one cared about her health.

After all, they have known each other for so many years, and they knew from the voice just now that Yumi Horikoshi was simply in a bad mood and didn't want to play.

Mori Kogoro stroked his mustache, and sighed as Horikoshi Yumi disappeared around the corner, "This guy really hasn't changed at all, he still does his own way."

Omura Jun strangled his conscience, and defended her in a low voice, "...or maybe it's really uncomfortable, after all, it's easy to catch a cold this season."

"..." Mori Kogoro stared at him dumbfounded, and after two seconds, he patted his shoulder, " haven't changed at all."

A group of people in their 40s went straight to the table tennis room talking and laughing. Bai Shu put the video recorder on his shoulder and followed them.

Conan looked up at the seemingly high-end machine, then at Bai Shu, and asked in surprise, "What are you doing?"

"Isn't it obvious." Bai Shu glanced at him, and then turned his gaze back to the small window of the video recorder, "I'm helping them record good memories, so that they can watch the video next time, so you don't have to work hard Go find old photos."

"...Uncle Maori is so thoughtful?",
"Of course, never underestimate the wisdom of adults!" Bai Shu looked serious, pretending that he didn't instigate the matter of renting a video recorder.


This mini table tennis game was very lively.

Bai Shu was carrying the video recorder, wandering around pretending to look for an angle, after a while, taking advantage of no one's attention, he stuffed the camera, which had been turned off long ago, into a sliding cabinet in the corner, and then covered the cabinet door until there was only a gap left , the camera is facing the gap, shooting outside.

To be honest, this operation is not small.

But when Bai Shu turned around, looked around, and was about to help the people who saw this scene lose their memory precisely, he found that no one really paid attention to him.

... This really looks like a scientific world, but it is actually a fantasy world.

Bai Shu silently retreated to the rest area, secretly turned on the video recorder remotely with the delay device in his pocket, and then, as if nothing had happened, took a sip of the oolong tea next to him.

Time passed by, Ayajo Noriko swung the air, and when she ran to chase the ball that fell on the ground, she inadvertently raised her eyes, only to realize that it was already past six o'clock.

"We have to go." Noriko Ayajo rubbed her forehead, and looked at Yukio Ayajo who was still obsessed with table tennis, "It's not easy to get a good seat if it's too late."

"Haha, fireworks, they look better if they are far away. If they are too close, not only will they be noisy, but they will also be easily hit by debris."

While Nakamichi Kazushi comforted her, he quickly packed up the racket and ball with his hands and feet, and put them all into a box:

"I'll return the ball and racket first. If you care about position, go quickly."

Mori Kogoro was not polite at all, put the racket in the box in Nakamichi and Shi's arms, gave him a thumbs up, and waved at Xiaolan Baishu, "That's it, let's go!"

"Dad..." Xiaolan looked helplessly at the pile of things in Zhongdao and Zhi's arms, and moved her legs embarrassedly.

Nakamichi Kazaki was stunned for a moment, then smiled, and nodded kindly to her, "Go, don't be polite to uncle!"

Kogoro Mori was almost at the gate by this time.

Bai Shu pointed at his back, and advised Xiaolan, "Let's go, or you will not be able to catch up with Teacher Mao Li, and you can return the racket very quickly. Besides, for such a simple job, if you have someone to help, it will be easier to help and make more chaos. "

"Hmm... that's hard work Uncle Zhongdao." Xiaolan thought about it for a while, and felt that what she said seemed to make sense. She bowed to Zhongdao Zhihe, pulled Conan, and ran out of the hotel.

In front of them were two figures running with their backs to the streetlights, one fat and one thin, they were Atsushi Omura and Kogoro Mori.

Xiaolan ran a few steps quickly, and chased after him suspiciously, "Why are there only us and Uncle Omura, and the others?"

While talking, she glanced back and said, "Wait, brother Zhishu didn't follow either!"

"Who knows, maybe you should pack your things." Mori Kogoro was not worried about his companions' ability to take care of themselves, "Take care of yourself first, and keep an eye on this brat! Don't let him get lost."

"...Is that so?" Xiaolan was still worried and turned her head frequently.

I originally thought that the fireworks display would be for everyone to find a place to watch the fireworks together, but before I knew it, everything became chaotic, people ran around, and there was no atmosphere at once.

Eh wait, speaking of separated people...

"Dad! We forgot to wake up Auntie Yumi!"

Mori Kogoro got dizzy when he heard Horikoshi Yumi, he really had nothing to do with this kind of temper tantrum, he waved his hand, "Don't worry about it, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with the fireworks display, besides, maybe other people have already called past her..."

"But if everyone thinks so and no one calls her, Auntie Yumi will miss the fireworks show." Xiaolan gritted her teeth, turned around and ran back, "I'll call her!"

"...", Kogoro Mouri looked back at her back while running, and sighed helplessly, thinking to himself, he didn't know who followed her.

The fireworks show is obviously not as attractive as Xiaolan. As soon as Xiaolan turned her head, Conan followed her back immediately.

As soon as the two saw the hotel from a distance, they vaguely heard a muffled bang. They were startled, and when they turned around, they saw a firework exploding on the dim sky.

——The fireworks display has officially begun.


Bai Shu stood in the pitch-black ping-pong room, bypassed all the obstacles without any hindrance, and opened the cabinet door quietly.

On the shelf in the cabinet was the VCR that he had put up before. The light spot of the VCR was flickering, and it was still in the shooting state.

This video recorder, produced in the weird Conan world of the technology tree, has a super battery life and remote control, but it does not have a night vision function.

Bai Shu took it out with confidence, gently moved it up about [-] centimeters, and placed it on the top of the cabinet.

After finishing all this, he retreated to the door again, turned his hand behind his back and opened the door with a slam, and turned on the light with the other hand.

After the light came on, Bai Shu entered the room and wandered around, pretending to be looking for something, finally, his sight fell on the top of the cabinet, and he stopped immediately.

Bai Shu breathed a sigh of relief, strode to the cabinet, took down the video recorder, looked left and right, and said to himself, "It's a good thing I didn't lose it."

The dark lens of the video camera stared at him silently, recording the actions of this dramatist.

(End of this chapter)

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