Be the god of death in the world of famous detectives

Chapter 129 Listen to me, it was the girl who made the first move

Chapter 129 Listen to me, it was the girl who made the first move

As soon as Bai Shu pushed open the door, a line of sight in the room turned around and fell on the bag of vegetables he was carrying.

As if he had received an amnesty, Kogoro Maoli pointed to the vegetable bag from the air, and said to Xiaolan in front of him, "Look, I bought all the vegetables, let's eat at home."

Xiaolan firmly refused, "This is your first class reunion after five years, shouldn't you celebrate it? That's it, go to the restaurant!"

The corners of Mouri Kogoro's eyes twitched, "Celebrate? Celebrate and go on a trip soon? What's there to celebrate? It's like taking a few more days off to celebrate the holiday. It's rogue logic!"

Mori Kogoro's Classmates?
As soon as this thought flashed, Bai Shu suddenly felt something strange about the window.

He looked out and saw that the emerald green leaves on the sidewalk were turning yellow and falling at a speed visible to the naked eye.In the blink of an eye, midsummer passed, and neither the protagonists in the room nor the passers-by outside were aware of it.

"...", once I accepted this setting, I still thought this transition was really pretty.Bai Shu stared outside for two seconds, turned around and put a pile of vegetables in the kitchen, and returned to the living room as if nothing had happened.


The class reunion started as scheduled three days later, at a hot spring hotel called Benkei in Tochigi Prefecture.

The people who came were all members of the judo club that Mori Kogoro was in when he was in college. They seemed to have a good relationship. After meeting, they sat in the lobby and chatted without taking a bath in the hot spring.

There were too many people, and there was no room for one table, so Bai Shu took the initiative to sit at another table.

He put a rented video recorder on the chair next to him, and while drinking tea and snacks, he observed these little tricks one by one.

Besides Mori Kogoro, there were three men and two women who came.

The most handsome man among them is obviously a pair with the glasses girl holding his arm.

In addition, the bald and strong man seems to have an affair with the short-haired beauty leaning on the back of the sofa.

In the end, there was a man with a flat head and a wax gourd face. He was unattractive, single, very real, and easy to distinguish.

"...But we haven't seen each other for a long time." Mori Kogoro was obviously very happy, and he was in a good mood. He leaned on the sofa and said comfortably, "I actually kind of miss the time when I was trained by the devil every day." time."

The handsome Ayajo Yukio spit out his tea, " have the nerve to say that you have the least number of training sessions!"

Ayajo Noriko leaned on him to help, "That's right, Mori always said that geniuses don't need to practice, they always ask for leave, and the leave slips handed in can be bound into a book."

The melon-faced Omura Jun also looked at Mori Kogoro, and made up the knife with a smile, "In the end, in the official competition, only you didn't win a game, and you lost miserably."

"...Don't mention the dark history so many years ago." Mouri Kogoro wiped off his sweat, thinking that it's a good thing that Xiaolan is not here, otherwise his invincible image of stalwart might collapse.

As a result, in the next second, a voice came from behind him, "So Dad, you often said, 'I was invincible in the world when I was in college!', you are lying to me."

"Xiao Lan?!" Mouri Kogoro jumped in shock, sat down again after a while, and changed the subject pretending nothing happened, "...where did you go just now?"

"It's in the open-air hot spring." Xiaolan felt thirsty, turned her head to look for water to drink, Bai Shu pushed the two cups of tea that were cold just now, and she happily took one, "Thank you!"

The other latecomer hung his head and did not take his tea.

Conan stood by the side of the coffee table, staring at the floor, wondering what was going on, his face was so red that he could spit out steam.

Xiaolan drank two sips of tea, Mouri Kogoro realized it, and jumped up, "The open-air hot spring?! There is a mixed bath for men and women!"

"Huh? It doesn't matter. Anyway, no one else is there. It's as if the place is reserved." After drinking the water, Xiaolan put the cup back on the table, bent down to look at Conan beside the table, and patted his head. "Right."

"...Huh? Huh!", Conan nodded with erratic eyes.

Mori Kogoro looked at them suspiciously, "Wait, did you two drink together?"

"That's right, Conan is very shy, and it took a lot of effort to bring him away." Xiaolan pinched Conan's face, "However, it's so fun to help Conan take a bath and rub his back, kid The skin is just fine."

"...", Bai Shu moved half a meter sideways with the video recorder in his hands, and in the next second, Conan's nosebleed sprayed to the ground beside his feet.

Bai Shu moved his feet a little further, and clicked his tongue inwardly, young man, he really has never seen the world.

Xiaolan was taken aback, and hurriedly found a handkerchief to help Conan wipe it off, "Did you soak in the bath for too long? Drink some water."

Kogoro Moori stared at them from a distance, hehe said, "I think this brat is too excited! The little brats are very precocious."

"Haha, Maori, stop teasing him, this kid is still so young."

Ayajo Noriko pulled some rolls of paper, approached and wiped the blood on the ground, "Let me clean it up, Xiaolan sit down and have a rest, and check our photo album by the way, I have found a lot of photos in the past few years, It's all in the album."

"Wow, okay." When Xiaolan heard the photo album, her eyes lit up, she hurriedly wiped the floor a few times, and ran over to look through it.

Conan didn't have the nerve to follow, he moved to the side of the sofa, squeezed the teacup dryly, and before drinking, he first caught a glimpse of the indescribable sight of Baishu next to him.

"...", Conan was inexplicably guilty. He held the cup and froze for two seconds, and said in a low voice, " was Sister Xiaolan who insisted on dragging me."

"Oh?" Bai Shu turned his eyes away as if nothing had happened, "Isn't it normal for a child to take a bath with his guardian? Although you have been transformed and have a high IQ, as long as you don't touch those colorful literature, you are still a naive Children."

"That's right, that's right!", Conan nodded vigorously, thanking Baishu for this character design for the first time.

Otherwise, he would definitely be regarded as a pervert who used his status to peep at a girl's naked body!
Unlike this corner, the other side is very lively.

Except for Lingcheng and his wife, no one else had seen those photos, and they all huddled together to look through them.

Atsushi Omura pinched the small wrinkles on his winter melon face, sighed, and said with simple emotion, "This is a group photo after we won the Tokyo Judo Championship. Everyone was still young at that time."

"Yeah, at that time, Yumiko was still the flower of the judo club, and Kazushi also had hair, eh...the two of you are so close in the photo."

Mori Kogoro had a different focus. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly remembered something, and clapped his hands, "That's right! Weren't you two dating at the time? Now you're married..."

"Don't guess, I broke up with this bastard a long time ago!" Horikoshi Yumi slapped Nakamichi and Kazushi, and interrupted Mori Kogoro with a dry smile, "And Kazushi's good things are not far away, it should be Recently."

"Haha, yes, I originally wanted to wait until the matter is confirmed before I tell everyone." Nakamichi and Shi touched the back of his bare head, as if he didn't really want to talk about this topic, and after saying a word, he stopped talking.

Horikoshi Yumi felt a little emotional, she caressed her face, complaining to herself, "It's so convenient to have a man, there are people who want it at this age, but unfortunately I can't, in a blink of an eye, I'm already old."

"..." Her words were really hard to answer, the air was silent for a few seconds, and finally Noriko Ayajo spoke, she patted Yumi Horikoshi with a smile, "Why, Yumi is still so beautiful!"

The others could only nod along.

The atmosphere was tense for a while, Xiaolan looked nervously at the adults, pointed at the photo album and tried to change the subject, "Oh, this photo seems to be taken at a party five years ago, look, I'm still in it!"

"!", Conan put the cup on the table, slipped over, and tiptoed to peek.

(End of this chapter)

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