Carry a fountain with you

Chapter 272 Water Monkey

Chapter 272 Water Monkey

Liu Junhao strode across the river embankment, only to see several children coming towards him, including a fur kid.

This... He was dumbfounded.Isn't the hairy kid good, the little boy is lying to himself?This brat, I have to take care of him when I go back.

As soon as the group of children saw the adults, they immediately shouted: "Uncle Xiaohao, come quickly, the hairy kid was scratched by the water monkey."

"You guys, haven't you ever studied "The Sheep-herding Child"? You dare to lie to adults." To be honest, Liu Junhao is quite annoyed now. Nothing at all.Now they don't know how to repent, they are really ignorant.

"It's true, look at his trouser legs." A child reached out and lifted the hairy boy's trouser legs.

"Hiss..." Liu Junhao also took a deep breath when he saw the black and blue paw prints on the hairy boy's ankles.

One look at the paw print and you can tell it's not a fake, it's still oozing with blood.Are there really water monkeys?

There are countless legends about water monkeys along the banks of the river, and this thing becomes more and more evil as it spreads. In Qingshan Town, its degree of mystery is second only to the unicorn water monster.

If only a few people have seen the water monster, then there are many people who have witnessed the existence of the water monkey.

According to legend, this thing has black or blue hair and can walk upright.Although it is not tall, it has great strength in the water and can easily drag an adult into the water.

When I was in junior high school, my biology teacher once explained this "phenomenon" of water monkeys.According to him, everything is nothing more than people's imagination.

Why are few people pulled by water monkeys in spring, autumn and winter, but mostly in summer?There are some reasons for this.

The weather is hot and dry in summer, and most people will be drenched with sweat as long as they work in the fields for half an hour.

Some people can't stand the heat, so they rush into the water to take a bath after busy work, and don't even care about waiting for the sweat to dry.

Due to the sun exposure, the temperature of the water meter can reach [-] to [-] degrees, while the temperature in the deep water is only a few degrees.Because the temperature difference between the water surface and the bottom is too large, people have no time to adapt after entering the water, which can easily cause sweat pores to be blocked, which in turn leads to leg cramps.

This gives people the feeling that their feet have been caught by something, coupled with hallucinations in panic, they will think it is a water monkey.

Liu Junhao believed in this statement before, but when he saw the real thing that was beaten to death, he felt that there might be such unknown creatures as water monkeys.And the teacher's speculation is purely on paper, seriously unreliable.

The water monkey incident happened in the summer of the first year of high school. There is a village called Liwan in the lower reaches of Dahe. When someone in their village was washing vegetables in the pond, they accidentally found a water monkey lying not far away to bask in the sun. Man, that thing slipped into the water again.

The villagers were afraid that the children would be disobedient and would have accidents if they sneaked into the water to take a bath, so after discussing it, they got a few water pumps to pump all the water in the pond.

As a result, when the water was drained, people found a gray-black thing at the bottom of the pond. At that time, everyone took a shovel and hacked it until they killed it.

At that time, the story was widely circulated, and many people ran over to watch it.Liu Junhao felt strange, so he went with the villagers, and saw a half-meter-long thing, covered in fluffy, with webbed paws, it really looked like a monkey.However, the water monkey couldn't see it clearly because it was cut to bloody flesh.

"What's going on?" Liu Junhao waited for his breath to settle before asking.

"We met when we were fishing..."

It turned out that the root cause of the incident was feeding the birds. A few days ago, some tourists paid for the children in the village to help them catch fish.Maozi and the others thought it was too slow to catch fish in the weir pond, so they secretly took the sticky net and went down the river to catch the floating tip.

Catch and catch, the fur boy suddenly felt his feet tighten, and then staggered and squatted in the water.

At that time, he thought he had stepped on some aquatic plants, so he kicked hard a few times, only to feel that what was grabbing his ankle was a furry thing.The kid immediately knew that the bad dish must have been caught by the water monkey in the river.

To say that he was smart, he didn't yell for help immediately, because he was afraid that if he yelled out, the other children would definitely flee to the shore because of fear.

At that time, the child shouted in desperation: "Let's play the game of pulling the bolt. You go up together and see if you can pull me up. Each person who pulls me up will be rewarded with one yuan." The bolt-pull competition is also a game that children often play. It is a person lying on the river bank to grab aquatic plants or hold a big stone to fix his body, and then let others drag him.

At that time, a group of children thought he was joking and jumped into the water one after another.Seven or eight children worked hard together, stringing them together like pulling radishes, and finally everyone pulled the furry child to the shore with all the strength of feeding.

After getting ashore, the brat said, "I might have been dragged by a water monkey just now."

Upon hearing this, the children's faces turned pale with fright, and they almost threw this guy on the river beach.

In the end, they sent the little boy back to the village to report the news, and a few people drove the little boy back.

Seeing that he was fine, Liu Junhao let go of his distraction.Not only is this guy smart enough, but his psychological quality is also quite good.If he had been dragged into the water and yelled, he would have scared the children away.

"Water monkeys?" While talking, Professor Zhao rushed over.

"There... look at the hairy kid's legs..." The children narrated what happened in a hurry.

Just like that, Liu Junhao leaned over and put the hairy boy on his back, and sent him directly to the village.

By noon, the whole village knew about the water monkeys in the river, and told their children not to play in the river if they had nothing to do.In fact, there is no need for adults to say, these guys will be honest for a while.

"When I came back from the street, I heard that the hairy boy was dragged by the water monkey. What happened?" Zhang Qian came back from the market, and the first thing she asked was this.

"It's all right now," Liu Junhao comforted with a smile.

When the water monkey incident happened, he remembered that Zhao Guangming had led someone to catch a turtle some time ago. At that time, the cage was in good condition, but in the end, something made a few big cuts silently.

Could it be that the water monkey is at fault?The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, and finally his heart was gradually filled with curiosity.What exactly is this water monkey? Is it an animal that humans have not yet discovered?

"Look, the water monkey is said to be an otter on the Internet." At this time, Zhang Qian suddenly pointed at the computer screen and shouted.

"Otter!" Liu Junhao hurried over.

Some experts above explained that otters usually like to wrap aquatic plants around their bodies, and then lie on the water to sleep or bask in the sun.People stopped to watch from a distance, as if the monkey's head was floating on the water.

Otters are very fond of their fur, which is why they like to go ashore to groom.

With the explanation given by his previous biology teacher, Liu Junhao was also skeptical about this statement, and felt that it was a bit far-fetched.

Otter, do otters have such strength in the water? According to the villagers, this thing can pull an adult into deep water.

Or seeing is believing, just listening to other people's analysis is useless.For a while, Liu Junhao had the idea of ​​going down the river and returning to the water monkey.If it was an otter, he could catch it and sell it for money. I heard that the fur of that thing is worth a lot of money.

"No, you are not allowed to go, what if it is not an otter," Zhang Qian immediately shook her head and objected when he said this idea.It seems that in my wife's heart, I also have doubts about this statement.

"I just said it, I didn't intend to really go into the river." Liu Junhao denied it in his mouth, but his mind was completely moved, and he carefully searched for information about otters on the Internet.

Not to mention that many people think that otters are the legendary water monkeys. Of course, there are also many opposing opinions on the Internet.

When Zhang Qian went to school the next day, Liu Junhao quietly led Xiaopi and Chitu out, and of course he took a plate of well rope in his hand.

Go to the shore and look around for no one.He wrapped the well rope around his waist and tied the other end to the red rabbit's rein. After everything was ready, he rolled up his trouser legs and went into the river.

I believe that with my own strength and the struggling strength of the red rabbit on the shore, even if I really touch the water monkey later, it will not be able to pull it.

It was quiet all around, only a few water ducks floating gently in the middle of the river.

Liu Junhao stood in the water and waited for half an hour, but there was no movement, which made him a little irritable.

Now my actions always feel silly, this big river is tens of miles long and tens of feet wide, who knows where the water monkey will appear.

His hand accidentally touched the stone lock on his chest, and Liu Junhao's heart moved again. Maybe he can use spring water to lure it. The effect of attracting giant salamanders was surprisingly good.Since it can deal with giant salamanders, so can this water monkey.

The rushing water poured out from the stone lock, and the fish in the big river immediately reacted and began to slowly gather around Liu Junhao.The water is much deeper than the mountain stream, so even if the fish gather, it is not too obvious from the surface of the water.

After waiting for another ten minutes, the school of fish around him gradually increased, but there were no other abnormal changes at all.Liu Junhao stood in the water for nearly an hour. Although the river was not cold in April, his legs still felt numb after a long time.

From the look of it, the water monkey should not appear. Just as he closed the stone lock passage and walked to the shore, he suddenly felt his feet being dragged suddenly.Caught off guard, he staggered and quickly stood up again.

"Water monkey!" Although Liu Junhao couldn't see what was inside clearly through the water, Liu Junhao could still feel the thing firmly grasping his ankle.

After the initial panic passed, he gradually calmed down, his feet firmly fixed in the sand, and then his hands groped along the water.

Before he touched the water monkey, he felt that the other foot was also caught.Then his feet loosened, and he sat down in the water, the cold river water soaked his clothes thoroughly.

(End of this chapter)

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