Chapter 271
"Scratch...scratch..." With a few crisp cries from Qingzhuang outside, the ditch in front of Liu Junhao's gate became lively.

The old people who were sipping tea and chatting in the yard couldn't sit still, and got up one by one to watch outside the door.

Seeing Professor Zhao, Qing Zhuang cheered and rushed up immediately, pecking at his trouser legs with his slender mouth.

"These herons are raised by Xiao Hao, and they are not afraid of people at all..." Seeing the surprised eyes of those old guys, Professor Zhao explained with a smile.Not long after the Qingzhuang people flew back, the water ducks also fluttered and landed a large piece on the water.

After the water duck passed, it was still Qingzhuang, circling in the sky screaming "Gua Sha", but it didn't fall down for a long time.

"Old Zhao, I remember that there were not so many Qingzhuang before I left, right?" Lao Wang gradually realized that something was wrong, and asked in a low voice.

"Yes, why are there so many. Xiaohao..." Professor Zhao hurriedly shouted into the yard.

"What's the matter?" Hearing someone shout, Liu Junhao hurriedly stopped what he was doing.

"Look at this Qingzhuang, why are there flying more and more, and there are... egrets" Mr. Wang was observing, and suddenly cried out in surprise.

I saw a snow-white figure flashing out of the group of Qingzhuang hovering in the sky, which was particularly eye-catching.Egrets are close relatives, but in terms of color, egrets are more beautiful, and the whole body is snow-white. A great poet in the Tang Dynasty once described it in a poetic and picturesque sentence: "Snow clothes, snow hair, sapphire mouth, groups of fish in the stream. Amazing. Flying far away to shadow Bishan, a pear tree blossoms in the evening wind."

The boundaries between the two kinds of birds are not so strict, and mixed groups can often be seen.

" should be that the bird that flew south for the winter has come back." Thinking of the little swallow nesting under the eaves of his house, his heart moved and he found the reason.

Qingzhuang is a migratory bird, and when the cold season comes, they will move to the south for the winter as a whole. This time is about October or November.In March and April of the next spring, they will fly back again.Of course, his own Qingzhuang was an exception. At first, he and Zhang Qian were worried that they would fly away and never come back.Who knew that Qingzhuang had no sign of leaving at all, returned to the nest on time every day, and did not fly away in such cold weather last winter.

As for the surprise of Professor Zhao and others, Liu Junhao also knew that Qingzhuang must have felt that this ditch was unusual, so he flew over.But when they saw someone below, they didn't dare to fall down.

"Take the small fish and lure them down with fish, just like the teals, and lead them to the house." The teals are also a flocking animal, and a single teal can easily move closer to a large group.Since last year, the population of teal ducks in Liu Junhao's family has continued to increase, and a considerable part of them are from foreign households.

These guys were a little afraid of people at first, and stayed outside at night, and followed closely when the teal ducks came out of the cage the next day, but within half a month, they would be assimilated.They also followed them into the yard, and then went around the owner to grab food.

"Why do I raise so many Qingzhuang?" Liu Junhao replied dumbfounded.Raising water ducks can produce duck eggs and eat duck meat.As for this Qingzhuang...they do lay eggs, but there is usually one brood every year, and each brood only has five or six eggs.Counting the food they eat, this egg is too expensive.Moreover, Liu Junhao had eaten eggs from Qingzhuang when he was a child, and they were very fishy and didn't suit his taste at all.

Qingzhuang meat is delicious, after all, it belongs to game... The key is that my wife treats them as rare as treasures, does he dare to eat them?

In any case, input and output are not directly proportional.These Qingzhuang are purely money-losing products. If his wife didn't pay close attention to them, Liu Junhao would have almost swept them out.

Unless there is something wrong with my brain, I will never raise more Qingzhuang, not even one of them.

However, for Professor Zhao's suggestion, Liu Junhao still accepted it humbly. After all, it is not easy for these old people to come here. Let's go back to the yard and get some small fish and shrimps so that they can enjoy the addiction of feeding birds.

Anyway, these things are worthless at all, and I have been using them to feed water ducks.

Carrying the net bag and the bucket to the backyard, Liu Junhao saw that there was no one around, so he quietly opened the stone lock, and then released half a bucket of loach and small fish.

Seeing the owner walking over with a bucket, Teal Duck and Qing Zhuang knew it was time to feed them.Immediately there was a fuss, Huhulala surrounded Liu Junhao, leaving him no place to set foot.

"Xiaopi, help!" With a loud shout, Huangbanpi flew out of the yard, yelled at the teal ducks, and then drove them away.

"This dog is smart." After witnessing Xiaopi's heroic act of protecting his master, several old people couldn't help but praise him.

Several old men each caught a few small fish and held them in their hands to tease them, and those Qingzhuang were not polite, and immediately opened their mouths to peck them away.However, the water ducks are too small to grab food at all, so they can only scream around their master.

After feeding a few fish, Qingzhuang was completely bought off, allowing the old people to approach him.Even when they took out their cameras and hugged their necks for a group photo, they didn't resist. This kind of thing has been experienced many times before, and they are all very familiar with it.

"Scratch...scratch..." Qing Zhuang hovering in the air finally couldn't wait any longer and flew lower and lower.Finally, the leading wing retracted and landed on the poplar branch on the opposite bank.

Soon two, three... and finally even the egret fell down.

"It's down, it's really down..." A group of old people clapped their hands and cheered.

"Xiaohao, get some more fish," Professor Zhao also shouted back excitedly.

Liu Junhao responded and continued to catch fish.No wonder people say that old people are old children, and now they really are.As for those few green farms, there is nothing to be happy about.

But when I think about it, it is really rare for these old people to still maintain a childlike innocence, and thinking like myself is actually inferior.

The fish was caught again, and the old people grabbed them one by one and threw them towards the opposite bank.At the beginning, Qingzhuang on the branch saw something flying, and hurriedly flapped its wings and flew up.

But when they saw the fish jumping on the ground, they fell down again.The water ducks who had been begging for food around Liu Junhao also reacted and flew over to grab the food.

Soon those green farms were completely mixed up, and even Liu Junhao couldn't tell which ones were domesticated and which were wild.

Originally, they thought that the old people would let it go once they were addicted, but the next morning, they all stood in Liu Junhao's courtyard and proposed to continue feeding the birds.

These old men really regard bird feeding as a scripture, and Liu Junhao has no choice but to continue to help them catch fish.

Anyway, there are a lot of fish and shrimp in my stone lock, and I should be able to supply it a few more times, but it really can't keep them eating if it continues like this.

There seemed to be a lot more green farms than yesterday, and it seemed that the free food was more tempting to them.Think about it too, who doesn't want to get something for nothing.As with humans, so with animals.

This turmoil of feeding Qingzhuang deviated from Liu Junhao's idea from the very beginning, and the feeding team tended to gradually increase.In the morning, several tourists who originally thought of flying kites on the river beach also joined in after seeing this scene.

In his plan, this matter will be noisy for a few days, and once the novelty wears off, no one should pay attention to it anymore.

But after school in the afternoon, Zhang Qian was delighted to see the birds flying around in front of the door, so she casually posted on the [-]th floor, "Fly a kite, feed the waterfowl, and look for the footprints of spring in the countryside".

These very ordinary actions immediately became vivid under her description, coupled with the matching pictures, it attracted the attention of netizens.No, just on Sunday, many cars have already driven into Liujiagou, even Mr. Zhao's grandson and granddaughter have also come.

Before the two little guys got out of the car, they opened the car window and yelled.

Facing so many enthusiastic tourists, Liu Junhao felt a little dizzy.Of course, he didn't dare to supply fish anymore, after all, no matter how many fish and shrimps there are in the stone lock, it can't afford such a supply.

Anyway, there are a lot of fish and shrimp in the Yantang, and they can't catch them all.In fact, people in the village have never worried that the fish in the weir pond will be caught clean one day.To be honest, as long as the two mountain streams at the back of the village keep pouring water into them, the fish and shrimp in this weir pond will not be extinct.

"Teaching people how to fish is worse than giving them fish." Liu Junhao told them how to make water cages, and let tourists catch them by themselves in the weir pond.

It is the first time for most tourists to come into contact with water cages, although due to material limitations, there is no way to catch big fish.But the technical content of this is very low. Just throw the can bottle into the water, lift it up after three to five minutes, and a few small fish will get into it.

Fish can be caught easily, and many tourists have developed a strong interest in this way of catching fish.

Of course, there are also some tourists who want to be lazy and save trouble, and pay for children to help them catch them.After catching the fish and returning the money, the brats in the village were all happy, and immediately nodded in agreement without saying a word.

With the increase in bird-watching tourists, those water birds also increased.The ditch in front of the gate is no more than two feet wide, and it is now completely occupied by waterfowl, especially the area in front of Liu Junhao's gate, which is densely packed.First Qingzhuang and teals, then egrets, kingfishers, water crakes, purple mandarin ducks, cormorants, etc. appeared one after another, and this ditch was completely lively.

Those old people who came to play with Mr. Wang completely forgot to go home, and one or two made plans to live in Liujiagou permanently.A few anxious ones even paid attention to the newly built houses in the village.

The old people are not in a hurry, on the contrary, they are worried about their children. There is no one to take care of their parents. What should they do if something goes wrong.

They kept calling and urging every day, and then simply drove over to ask.But when they saw the paradise of Liujiagou, most people felt relieved.

At the beginning, the birds came to eat in the morning and evening, but later, those Qingzhuang egrets made nests in the woods one after another, planning to live there for a long time.

It is understandable that Qingzhuang and Egret chose to build their nests in the woods, after all, it is not far from the river beach, and it is very convenient to peck back and forth.

Another one is that through recent contact, waterfowl are no longer so afraid of people.

They also like to build nests together. There are actually eight nests built on a big poplar tree. From a distance, they look like pagodas stacked on top of each other.

It generally takes about ten days to build a nest in Qingzhuang. When the nest is built, it will start laying eggs immediately.Liu Junhao didn't pay much attention to these things at first, but when he saw Wukong holding two sky-blue bird eggs in his hand one day, he became interested.He stretched out his hand and beat the guy hard on the forehead a few times, and then taught him a lesson: "Where did you steal it, send it back"

Wukong was naturally reluctant, but in the end he went out holding the egg under the pressure of his master.

Liu Junhao was afraid that it would eat the Qingzhuang eggs after it went out, so he also followed behind to check.As soon as the monkey walked into the woods, the group of green villas immediately screamed and screamed, obviously accusing this shameful egg thief.

Let Wukong go up the tree to deliver the eggs back to the nest, but this guy just pointed at the poplar tree and barked, saying nothing to climb up.Helpless, Liu Junhao had no choice but to put the bird's eggs in his pocket, and then climbed up the tree by himself.As soon as he climbed halfway up the tree, those Qingzhuang immediately swooped down, biting and pecking at him with their pointed mouths.

the sun!Why are these guys indistinguishable from each other?It's really a dog who bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't know a good heart.Liu Junhao hurriedly grabbed the tree trunk with one hand, and waved the other hand in the air, driving away the Qingzhuang who was protecting the nest.

After all, those guys were afraid of people, and as soon as he drove them away, they spread their wings and flew high.But when he buried his head and continued to climb up, "Huh" suddenly had a cool wind blowing over his head, and his left hand was pecked hard.

Liu Junhao had no choice but to stop and drive away Qingzhuang again, but when he stopped, the birds spread their wings and took off.When he made a move, he chased after him lingeringly.

After doing this several times, Liu Junhao completely lost his patience and gave up the idea of ​​sending eggs back to the nest.

These two Qingzhuang eggs... Let your own teal ducks hatch.

It was only after returning home that he felt his left hand aching. Turning his head, he saw a big bruise on the back of his hand.

It seems that these Qingzhuang people really can't afford to offend them. Depressedly, he took out a band-aid from the room and stuck it on the wound.

"Uncle Xiaohao, Uncle Xiaohao, something...something has happened, something has happened!" Just as he was blowing fiercely on the back of his hand, Xiaowazi rushed into the yard in a hurry, with sweat running down his forehead.

"Tell me slowly, don't worry." This brat usually likes to be surprised.Today is Sunday, Zhang Qian and Teacher Wang went to the street to buy vegetables.Without the suppression of teachers in the village, they are much more active than usual.

"The hairy boy... the hairy boy was dragged into the water by the water monkey when he went down to the river to catch fish with a sticky net..." Xiaowazi took a breath, and then he finished his sentence.

"What... what did you say?" Liu Junhao's heart beat wildly.

"The hairy boy was dragged into the water by the water monkey"

"Where is it, lead me there quickly." This time he heard it clearly, and his face turned pale.

Liu Junhao hurriedly dragged Xiaowazi out, then felt that something was wrong, turned over and took a shovel as a weapon.

"Uncle Zhao, Uncle Zhao, come out quickly, something serious has happened!" He also yelled at the top of his voice as soon as he went out.

"What's going on, what's going on?" Hearing the urgent voice, Professor Zhao hurried out.

"Hurry up and take the guy and follow me into the river. The hairy boy was dragged into the river by the water monkey." Liu Junhao yelled, and hurriedly ran with the shovel in his hand.

"Water monkey, what kind of water monkey?" Before Professor Zhao could ask clearly, he had already run about ten meters away.Seeing his master's anxious look, Xiaopi rushed forward happily.

"Uncle Xiaohao, don't worry, the boy is fine..." After Liu Junhao ran away, Xiaowazi realized that he was in a hurry, and only half-spoken.

(End of this chapter)

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