happy apocalypse

Chapter 31 Hot Summer

Chapter 31 Hot Summer

Before July, we finished renting and moving.When my son is on vacation, we have officially moved into the Sunshine Community.

We didn't pay much attention to the current situation of the vegetable shop, but we learned a little bit from Second Sister Qu's mouth one after another.

After the mother and daughter got the vegetable shop, they really moved out, and the guilty look on Second Sister Qu's face was replaced by a happy smile.But I doubt how long she can laugh. I'm not cursing her for having a bad life, I'm just talking about the facts.As long as she pampers Second Aunt Wang like this, let's see, if the vegetable shop is good and can make money, it's okay, but if the vegetable shop doesn't make money, they have to go back and trouble Second Sister Qu.But these are beyond what I can say, and there is an invisible gap between me and Second Sister Qu.

Besides, the second aunt Wang and her daughter found it hard work after working for half a month, so they hired someone to buy goods for them every morning, and the store also hired an old man to tally the goods.They themselves are responsible for collecting money after sitting at the cashier.

How stupid this person is, handing over all the purchase channels to others, I really doubt how long their vegetable shop can last, and there are two people hired for such a small shop, is the money earned enough to pay for the hire? !

No matter what they are, it has nothing to do with us, and we have returned to our original life.During the day, send the child to Qu's father and mother's house to play with his older brothers and sisters.Jiang's father and Jiang's mother have just moved to a new community, and they are very curious about everything and go out all day to be friendly to neighbors.When we are at home, we go to the space to practice the "Team of One Heart", and then we cultivate the land.

After entering July, the weather is getting hotter every day, and there is no sign of rain in the sky.Except for Jiang Zhi and I who are always paying attention to the changes in the weather, the rest of the family has no sense of crisis about such weather, as if it is the same as every year in the past, the weather is hot and it is enough to turn on the air conditioner.

Once, Hanhan and I went to the market to buy tofu, and I wanted to go home as soon as I left the unit.

It was too hot this day, I looked up at the cloudless sky, only the sun was hanging high above my head, without any shelter, like a fire.Han Han and I miscalculated the heat of the weather, did not do a good job of sunstroke prevention and sun protection, and could only march forward against the sun.

Not far away, Han Han grabbed the hem of my clothes and said, "Mom, I'm so hot, I want to drink water."

I looked down at Hanhan's little face flushed by the sun, and my heart ached.In fact, I can't stand the heat anymore, have I walked 200 meters?The two of us were sweating profusely, and our clothes were wet with sweat.

I looked around, and there was no taxi on the road, there was a small supermarket just ahead, "Hanhan, hold on, there is a small supermarket ahead, let mom buy you ice cream."

So I took Hanhan and walked quickly into the small supermarket on the side of the road.As soon as I entered the supermarket, the air around me suddenly became cooler.I let out the last gasp of heat in my chest and abdomen, and went to buy ice cream for my son. I saw that the prices of everything in this supermarket have increased. The cheapest ice cream and mineral water are 3 yuan, which is too expensive. They have turned over 3 yuan. times.The proprietress saw that I thought it was too expensive, so she said, "The weather is so hot, ice cream and mineral water drinks are not easy to buy, and the purchase price has doubled. Now all supermarkets have this price."

No way, no matter how expensive it is to eat.I bought an ice cream for Hanhan, bought a bottle of iced mineral water for myself, and stood in front of the air conditioner in the supermarket to blow the cool breeze. When Hanhan finished eating the ice cream, our heat disappeared.During the more than 10 minutes we entered the supermarket, there was not a single taxi passing by on the road outside.

I had to pull up Han Han again and rush out into the heat outside.

On the way to the market, we looked for a small supermarket. There is usually a small supermarket every 1 or 2 meters. We tried to walk under a tree that could provide shade. After walking for a while, we entered a small supermarket with air conditioning to avoid it. Buy an ice cream or ice cold mineral water.

I finally dealt with the market, and I regretted it as soon as I opened the door of the market. Why did I have to eat tofu today? Why did I come to such a broken market in such a hot day?

The market is like a steamer, hotter than outside, there are many people selling goods inside, and the air is not circulating, so the stuffy air is mixed with all kinds of smells in the market, the smell is really amazing.

When I pushed open the gate of the market, Hanhan kept making noises, it was too stinky, and said nothing to go in, which made me very worried.

What should I do? If I go in by myself, I have to drop Hanhan myself. I dare not let a 5-year-old child stand at the gate of the market by himself.If I don’t go to the market, I still feel that it’s a pity. I have gone through thousands of mountains and rivers to come to the gate.

After thinking about it, I can only work on my son.I struggled and promised a lot of delicious food before my son agreed to go to the vegetable market with me.My son also emphasized to me that it was just this time.I thought to myself, just this time, don't say you won't come next time, I won't come either.

It usually takes only 15 minutes to travel, but it took us more than two hours to get home today.

When I went upstairs, I calculated the cost of going out this time, and the tofu only cost 5 yuan. I thought it was such a hard time to go there. I bought too little and panicked, so I bought 5 yuan.It cost 34 yuan to buy water and ice cream on the road. How expensive do you think these pieces of tofu are?

Seeing us open the door and enter the house, Jiang Zhi said, "Why have you been here for so long? I thought you two were lost. I just wanted to call the police."

I said weakly: "It's too late, I won't be able to come back."

Seeing Jiang Zhi, Han Han shouted, "Dad, my face and arms hurt so much."

Jiang Zhi took a closer look, and found that my son and I had been exposed to the sun, our faces and arms were flushed, and our heart ached.

"Why are you so stubborn? You have to go to buy tofu on such a hot day. If you have to go, can't you come back and get an umbrella and wear a hat? Look at you, you are standing in the sun without wearing anything. Go downstairs, if you don’t get sunburned, can’t you be more careful?”

I was scolded by Jiang Zhi for a moment, that's right, why didn't you think of it at the time?
Since then, as long as there are no special circumstances, my son and I will not go out, and we will turn on the air conditioner at home to escape the heat.

It wasn't until one day that the power went out at home that there were some changes.

One day at around 10 o'clock in the evening, Han Han suddenly knocked on our door. I sensed the knocking outside in the space, and Jiang Zhi and I came out of the space immediately.As soon as I returned to the bedroom, I felt a muggy air rushing towards my face, and my body immediately felt like I was in a sauna, and my body was hot and sweaty.

Jiang Zhi went to open the door, and I quickly picked up the remote control to turn on the air conditioner, but no matter how I pressed it, the air conditioner wouldn't turn on.Jiang Zhi led his son to me, took the remote control in my hand, and said softly: "Mom's power is cut off, the air conditioner can't be turned on, I'm going to be hot to death." Realized it was a power outage.

I looked at my limp son, hugged him and kissed his red face.Said impatiently: "Mom, stop kissing, it's so hot."

I looked at Jiang Zhi and asked him what to do.

Jiang Zhi said: "I'll go and see how my parents' house is, and you can bring out two batteries."

Seeing Jiang Zhi walk out of the room, I looked at Hanhan again, thinking that my son should also enter the space to strengthen his physique, and let him know that the space should be fine, so I took out Jiang Zhi from the ring in front of him. Place the required battery on the ground.Hanhan saw that I could conjure things out of thin air like a magic trick, so I exclaimed "Mom", and I quickly covered his mouth.He put his index finger to his lips, hissed, and pretended to be mysterious and said to his son, "This is a secret."My son blinked his big innocent eyes, as if he knew a big secret, he nodded hastily.

Jiang Zhi also entered the bedroom at this time. Seeing our mother and son like this, he shook his head helplessly, "Mom and Dad's room is too hot. I'll use a battery to turn on the air conditioner in their room. Take another battery Plug in the refrigerator, or the contents of the refrigerator will go bad tomorrow. We'll take Hanhan in later."

After Jiang Zhi entered the bedroom again, our family of three entered the space together for the first time.

Still, the space is comfortable, the air is fresh, and the temperature is just right.

Han Han looked very excited after entering the space, and asked me where this was.I didn’t know how to answer, so I said, “Ask your father.”

Han Han went to ask Jiang Zhi, "Where is Dad?"

Jiang Zhi thought for a while and said, "Son, this is our family's secret base, and no one should know about it."

Han Han still looked at his father puzzled.

Jiang Zhi put it another way, "Hanhan, this is my mother's secret. If others find out about this place, they will take her away and lock her up. You will never see her again."

Hanhan raised a question, "Is it like those animals in the zoo when locked up?" Now I am confused, am I treated the same as animals?
Jiang Zhi answered the question for me, "Yes, son, if others know this secret, mother will be worse than the animals in the zoo, without food, and locked in a small dark room every day. Mother is so pitiful Hanhan will never see her mother from now on, it's too pitiful. So can you keep this secret of your son for your mother and don't tell anyone. "

"Can't brothers and sisters say it too?" Hanhan asked us with his head tilted.

"No." We said in unison.

"Where are grandparents and grandparents?" Then asked.

"No." Then he replied.

"That's all right, mom, I will protect you and won't let anyone take you away. Otherwise, I don't know which zoo you are locked in. I can't see you anymore, I should miss my mother." Han Han made his final concluding remarks, and I fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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