Strong wife likes farming

Chapter 106 Prepare to cook

Chapter 106 Ready to Cook (Part [-])
"Spitting sand? What's that?" Mo Hanqing had never heard of this new term.

Yun Shu nodded: "Well, to spit out sand, just put the clams in clean water, add some salt, and add a few drops of oil and let it sit. They will spit out the sand by themselves."

"It turns out that this little clam has so many skills! I thought it was like washing pork!" Mo Hanrui is a few years older, and he often works and cooks at home, so he naturally knows how to cook better. thing.

After talking about clams, Yun Shu introduced some other seafood: "We can't go into the sea, so we can only pick up some seafood on the beach, so there is still a limit to what we can eat. Apart from clams and razor clams, we can also dig Conch and scallops. The conch meat is rich and chewy, and it can be eaten with pork dumplings. After the scallops are cleaned, they can be roasted on the fire. You can also add some vermicelli and minced garlic to make vermicelli scallops, which is also special tasty."

"Wait, wait! Fans? What are fans?" Mo Hanqing sat up from the rock and wiped the drool from her mouth.

Yun Shu tried to tease her, and said solemnly: "Fans, let's say my cooking is delicious, and you like my cooking very much, and then you become my fan!"

Mo Hanqing rolled her big eyes: "Look at you, it's not like I haven't eaten your cooking, how can your cooking be so delicious? Eh? No, according to what you said The fan is me? Then you still steam me with scallops? No way!"

Yun Shu and Mo Hanrui burst out laughing, and Mo Hanrui held his sister's hand and laughed, "You, you are so serious, Yun Shu must be teasing you!"

Seeing the two sisters laughing badly, Mo Hanqing was ashamed and angry, her cheeks bulged and she groaned dissatisfiedly for a long time.

It was almost time, Yun Shu and the others stopped joking, got up from the reef, put on their shoes, and walked back.

While walking, Yun Shu told the two about the fans: "The vermicelli are actually thin and long like noodles, but the taste is smoother and chewier. It seems that no one in Dongling has made it yet." When I came out, I had collected a lot of potatoes, and when the workshop was built, I was ready to start making starch and vermicelli."

As she said that, she suddenly stopped and looked at the two seriously: "The fans and starch are the secret weapons of my fish ball workshop, you must not tell others!"

This is a major event related to Yun Shuniang's future livelihood. The Mo family sisters nodded solemnly and promised that they would never go out and talk nonsense.Mo Hanqing even promised not to tell her parents, which made Yun Shu laugh again.

When the three sisters returned home, Wang Han and Huaihua had already delivered the crayfish.

Huaihua and the Mo family sisters are also familiar, and the three of them talked and laughed happily.

Wang Han gave the bucket containing the crayfish to Yun Shu, and said, "It's all been washed, so just fry it. Hey, there are less and less shrimps in our pond. I'll just watch them when I catch them today." Seeing that many people are also catching crayfish over there! It seems that the previous ones knew that the crayfish you cook is delicious, and they also wanted to make their own!"

This is unstoppable, the pond is originally owned by the Yunshui Village public, anyone who wants to go there can catch it.

Yun Shu poured the lively crayfish one by one into the big basin, and found that they were all very clean, so she was relieved: "Brother, that pond is just like the sea, it doesn't belong to our family in the first place, they want to catch it. Just catch it, you don't want to be separated from everyone because of this."

"How can it be? We all live in the same village, how can I fight with them because of this little thing?"

Wang Han waved his hands again and again. In fact, it was fine if others caught them. What he couldn't accept was that the three boys from Lian Yun's family also went to catch crayfish.

And it was obvious that the three of them didn't catch it for food, he saw with his own eyes the three bastards Yunli threw the crayfish they caught into the sea.Leaving aside whether the crayfish can survive in sea water, it is impossible to fish them out just by throwing them in.

The intentions of these three people were so obvious that he, an outsider, panicked when he saw it.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't tell Yun Shu, Huai Hua was right, Yun Li and the other three might be deliberately picking things up, Yun Shu is busy with the fish ball workshop and barbecue, they can't give She made trouble.

After pouring the clams into the basin and spitting sand, Yun Shu was about to clean up the small fish, but Wang Han snatched them away and started doing it.

Yun Shu was a little embarrassed, and Sophora came over with a smile: "Yun Shu, let's go shell the shrimp, didn't you say to make shrimp balls? Let your brother do this kind of work, let's go, let's go there side."

The Mo sisters looked at Huaihua and Wang Han suspiciously, and the more they looked at each other, the more they felt that they were a good match.

Mo Hanqing was the most quick-spoken, and even chirped and said: "Sister Huaihua, why do I feel that you and Brother Wang Han are like a couple? My mother often makes my father work like this when she is at home! "


Several voices sounded at the same time, Wang Han lowered his head, wishing he could bury his head in the water basin and not come out.

Huaihua took a look at the girl, her face flushed red: "You little brat, what do you know! Go, go and do your work!"

The Mo sisters laughed and gathered around the bucket to help peel the shrimp.Their family ate less seafood, so shelling shrimp was naturally not as good as Yun Shu and Sophora japonica, and there were often screams of being poked by a shrimp gun from time to time.

Xu was to ease the awkward atmosphere, Huaihua chatted while peeling the shrimp shells: "Are there no crabs? Wasn't the crab you ate last time also delicious?"

Yun Shu raised her eyebrows: "Huh? How do you know that crabs are delicious? Did my brother tell you? Tsk tsk, it really is a couple. See, my brother told you everything!"

"Yun Shu!" Sophora japonica was so ashamed that her neck turned red, and Wang Han hurriedly picked up the water basin and hid outside to work.


Yun Shu and the others all laughed.

Perhaps because her sweetheart was not around, Huaihua didn't care anymore, so she simply admitted: "Why are you making fun of me? When you have a sweetheart in the future, I don't see if I don't laugh at you! And you, Yun Shu, you follow the wind ..."

"Sophora pagoda tree! Don't talk nonsense!"

Yun Shu shuddered and quickly covered Sophora's mouth.

It's just that she forgot that she had just peeled off the shrimp shells, and at this moment, her hands were full of fishy smell, and covering Sophora Hua's face immediately caused her to howl.

Although everyone forgot about Yun Shu following the wind, the sisters of the Mo family still kept a thought in their hearts, and they looked at Yun Shu with a little playfulness in their eyes.

A few little girls really dare to say anything when they get together!
 At [-]:[-] am, continue to ask for collections and tickets, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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