Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 982: So close

Chapter 982: So close (2)
Thousands of freedom fighters want to conquer tens of billions of human beings. The pressure is great and the difficulty is not small. The anger of the marshal made Morrison and the others panic, for fear that the marshal would implicate others in his rage.

Fortunately, the marshal has not been dazzled by this cruel reality, and the remaining freedom fighters cannot suffer any losses. This is the last cornerstone of the freedom empire.

Liberty Eagle's plan is indeed feasible. When the huge Marshal's warship rushed out of the wormhole, all weapons launched a stormy attack in all directions. The space torpedoes and pulse induction bombs that Magellan planted at the exit of the wormhole were all destroyed.

In fact, even if the Liberty Eagle did not make this suggestion, the freedom fighters would have thought of this method, and the Liberty Eagle first proposed it, which naturally made the Marshal feel very relieved. The fate of soldiers perishing.

When the smoke cleared and the huge marshal warship appeared in people's eyes, people realized how shocking the conceptually huge warship was when they saw it with their own eyes.

In particular, the dense defensive weapons like bee swarms in space were instantly destroyed by the marshal warship, and the energy shield of the marshal warship was only reduced by half in strength in the strong explosion, without any substantial damage at all. Confidence hit rock bottom.

The marshal chose the wisest strategy of hitting the snake first, and he aimed at the most powerful Holy Martial Empire on the Deep Blue Star. As long as the Holy Martial Empire is defeated, the humans on the Deep Blue Star will lose the courage to resist.

This strategy is not unreasonable, but the free empire ignores the courage of human beings to break out for freedom. The elites of Leo Empire and Shengwu Empire are concentrated near Thursburg. These elite troops shoulder the lofty mission of defending human beings. With the belief that they must die, they fought desperately with the freedom fighters.

Don't fantasize about surviving, don't expect to be able to kill a freedom fighter, just create a good opportunity for your teammates and be content.

Under such circumstances, the freedom fighters who don't know the pain and fatigue also have a headache when facing these brave lunatic fighters, and they can't get rid of the human fighters if they are not careful.

If fighter planes with inflexible steering encounter an opportunity to charge, they will fire and ram into them. This is the most brutal suicide attack. Fighter planes have become deadly weapons that can automatically track the enemy and destroy them together. These fighters who are not afraid of sacrifice, the freedom fighters have no way to massacre the Holy Martial Knights and Leo God of War.

Yuan Ying was no longer able to command the battle. In fact, the current battlefield was completely out of control. The soldiers who fell into madness almost relied on instinct to fight. No one flinched, there were no wounded, and there were only wreckage everywhere.

Yuan Ying had no choice but to send reinforcements constantly. Group after group of soldiers were sent to the battlefield to join this bloody war. Countless soldiers relied on their lives to defend the survival of mankind.

There are more than 1000 freedom fighters in the marshal battleship and the other three warships. Looking at the stalemate battle below, the human army has suffered heavy casualties and has reached the brink of collapse. As long as we work harder to destroy these resistance forces, the deep blue star belongs to freedom. empire.

(End of this chapter)

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