Tomb Raiders: Treasure Raiders

Chapter 981: So close

Chapter 981: So close (1)
Xuan Mingjue's face was as pale as paper, the outer avatar was destroyed, Xuan Mingjue felt the same, the original outer avatar was a part of Xuan Mingjue, the moment the outer avatar was crumpled into a ball of steel by the powerful marshal and thrown into the power furnace, a mouthful of blood flowed from Xuan Mingjue It spewed out from the mouth.

Xuan Mingjue laughed wildly, mouthfuls of blood continued to spurt out along with the laughter, Xuan Yingxue was flustered, afraid that something would happen to Xuan Mingjue.

Xuan Mingjue felt very happy, his external avatar was destroyed, but the Liberty Empire was also severely damaged.The Marshal trusted the Liberty Eagle very much. When Ivan and Morrison provoked a rift, the Marshal became suspicious, but he did not expect that the Liberty Eagle had a strong resentment against the Liberty Empire because of his unreasonable imprisonment.

When Morrison used Jialuo to blackmail the Liberty Eagle, the Liberty Eagle took the opportunity to report the plan he had thought up long ago. The plan seemed to be flawless, and it was definitely for the sake of the Liberty Empire.

When the other dozens of warships were looking for passages in the universe, the Marshal's warship also started to activate. The plan of the Liberty Eagle is to let the Marshal's warship pass through the wormhole, and launch the weapon the moment it leaves the wormhole, regardless of the wormhole. Any ambush on the other side can be swept away.

The marshal remembered the merits of the Liberty Eagle and believed that the Liberty Eagle was indeed loyal to the Free Empire. The Marshal pardoned the Liberty Eagle and allowed him to stay in the battleship.

Liberty Eagle volunteered to connect his system with the Marshal's battleship in order to update his storage space to accept new technological knowledge.

No one doubted the purpose of the Liberty Eagle. When the Liberty Eagle connected itself to the battleship, the Liberty Eagle successfully entered the command to activate the half-orc freedom fighter self-destruct device.

The number of half-orc freedom fighters is as many as hundreds of thousands, which is the basic force for the free empire to occupy human territory. With these hundreds of thousands of half-orc freedom fighters, the free empire can easily disintegrate human resistance and control mankind well.

Half-orc freedom fighters are divided into dozens of categories, each with different control codes.But the main hub of the self-destruct devices of all the orc freedom fighters, including those who imitate the human form, is in the marshal's battleship system, and no one except the marshal has this power.

And the Liberty Eagle did it. He connected the marshal's battleship in the marshal's body and directly activated the self-destruct device. The Liberty Eagle looked at the terrified Morrison and the others inside the battleship, and the Liberty Eagle felt extremely comfortable.

In the wild laughter of the free eagle, under the oppression of the marshal's huge mental power, the free eagle didn't even have the ability to resist, so it was riddled with holes by simultaneous fire from the weapon system in the battleship, and then rubbed by a pair of mechanical hands. It became a ball of steel and was thrown into the power furnace.

The catastrophe is nothing more than that, the half-orc freedom fighters belong to the breed that is about to be eliminated. This kind of half-orc freedom fighters with low IQ are muddy and cannot support the wall. After a sufficient number of human beings are transformed into freedom fighters, these half-orcs Freedom fighters were either destroyed or reduced to the role of slaves.

But now that human beings have not been conquered, these half-orc freedom fighters are still of great use value. Now there are only thousands of freedom fighters left. Although they are all elites, the number is seriously insufficient.

(End of this chapter)

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